Also keep in mind that the child does not have any ';supernatural powers'; and has to go through extreme pain for a lot longer than the God man.Is it more painful for a child to live with AIDS or 3rd degree burns or for a God-man to be nailed to a cross?
The child for sure. I never understood the concept of jesus dying for our sins. The world is still full of hate and suffering and apparently people still can go to hell. What did he accomplish?
Also he isn't the first martyr in the world. Also i don't think it was much of a sacrifice for him because he knew who would go right back up to paradise and have the ability to come back whenever he wanted.Is it more painful for a child to live with AIDS or 3rd degree burns or for a God-man to be nailed to a cross?
Severe suffering cannot be compared.
Also it makes no sense to compare some person's actual pain to that of someone you feel doesn't exist.
It is all suffering, all we can so as people is do our best to alleviate or eradicate pain and it's cause.
When it comes to illness and injury the best we can do is find cures, and use medical methods to help heal, and if your a believer like me pray.
There is no need to see who's pain is worse.
All we need to do is do our best to get rid of it and help the person as much as we can.
Peace and Blessings = )
Because if Jesus hadn't been nailed to that cross, the sick child would have no hope of getting a new, permanent, uncorrupted body (a reward for being saved). We would have no hope of eternal salvation, and we would all have to die permanently for our own sins.
God I think was better able to handle the pain as he didn't run away from it. He did have the choice to use his powers to save himself and run or save himself by showing his power to his enemies. I'd say the child with AIDS would suffer more than God or a 3rd degree burn.
God-man? Isn't that just some idea that humans created?
Any logical scientist would agree that it's ';more painful for a child to live with AIDS';, because if there was a god, he would be scientifically proven.
I suppose the fact that Jesus Christ bore the weight of the entire world's sin on his shoulders should also be considered. In the garden before the crucifixion:
Luke 22:44
And being in an agony he prayed more earnestly: and his sweat was as it were great drops of blood falling down to the ground.
Why don't you take the pain threshold of bearing the sins of the world and multiply it by the duration of the pain and see what number you get.
What is wonderful about Jesus was that it did not end there. There is and never was any contest to see who could bear the greatest pain in death. No, Jesus and the Father and the Holy Ghost had something else in mind, called salvation. So you see, Jesus ended up rising from the dead, to be the first born so among many. That means that God has plans for that child that lived with AIDS or 3rd degree burns, to be raised not in sickness, but in a new body and in a new life. Now knowing the full story, is not Jesus wonderful?
Supernatural powers had nothing to do with Christ's perception of pain. He could feel just as we do. He wasn't only nailed to the cross, He was whipped severely by the cat of nine-tails. He would have had barely any skin left on His back revealing bones and causing severe bleeding. All of this pain pales in comparison to the burden Christ had to bear when God poured out His wrath on Him on the cross. Why would Christ sweat blood over a death that many of His disciples joyously accepted? Christ's burden was one we could never bear save through eternal torment. That child with AIDS may have a longer duration of pain, but it does not compare to the wrath of God.
EDIT- AIDS can be avoided by obeying the Word of God. He doesn't want that child to have AIDS, it is easily avoided by abstaining from sexual pleasures (as in having multiple partners).
I do not have to ';keep in mind that the child had no supernatural powers'; for he didn't then and 15 years later, he still doesn't.
Sooner or later someone like you is going to stumble across a situation that did happen to someone among the people you ridicule and condemn - and here it is.
But instead of acting humbly and with concern for the injured person, you won't miss a beat just pick up where you started from.
What I will say to you at this point is this - it is truly astounding that this family member did not die - I witnessed him in the burn unit and was privy to things I will NEVER forget and in the midst of it, I did see the Saviour Jesus Christ.
And that was one of the most beautiful things I have ever witnessed and it is forever stored up in my heart.
I will not give you more details than this for the very simple reason that you have shown in the past that you are unable to conduct yourself like a reasonable and compassionate adult.
To share anymore of this with you would be exposing this same child to your ridicule.
You say your ';heart bleeds';.
Well lady, all I can see from observing you is that is but one more lie that flows from your tongue.
I think you answered your own question.
The pain of AIDS or 3rd degree burns lasts a lot longer than being nailed to a cross. Most people crucified die in 6 hours or so (though it could last for days) and the pain can be excruciating, but death solves that little problem.
Emotionallly or physically?
If ur going to live with aids it must not be that bad because ur not dead yet,
as jesus died on the cross so i would have to say jesus wins that one,
same thing with the burns, or maybe i'm just completely bias,
although i have been burnt to the point where my skin was black, on my rear end actually, and i have been stabbed in the chest before, my head has been cut open, i've had headaches that bring me to my knees in pain that eventualy make me regurgitate over and over even when my stomach is empty, i had brain cancer when i was 9, at one point i was so weak that i couldn't open my eyes because the light would scold them,
although everyone has had their fair share of suffering, in time u may realize some of ur ignorance on this earth, but idk u at all so u i may be more ignorant than u, but jesus, as a pure and holy being, has suffered and will suffer far more than any imperfect human ever will on earth, i don't believe u r looking at the subject efficiently
Jesus bore those sicknesses and diseases so they do not have to bear them. All it will take is for the governing authorities of them ( parents) to go to the covenants in the bible and stand on the promises of God. Psalms 103:3.Jesus was healed of his wounds, and that healing is available for all who will believe. That is the difference.
Christ bore the full wrath of God for sin, nothing is worse than that
and just so you know third degree burns leave you without feeling, the nerves are gone
you dont understand how bad sin is, and that no one could pay for their own sins
Aids itself is not actually a pain causing disease. It is a deterioration of the immune system, to where many other diseases are likely, and often.
and honestly if you have never had 3rd degree burns or been nailed to a cross, then you don't know which one is more painful.
Jesus never said that he has suffered more pain that what we will suffer on earth. He simply sacrificed his own life, for you and me.
and, no I don't expect you to agree with this.
What Jesus did on the cross cannot be compared to anything that happens to man.
My first wife who died of cancer was a believer. And God showed me an astonishing truth in life that is comparable to footprints in the sand poem when God was with us carrying us in our time of suffering. And this also shows why it is important that we care for one another whether they are believers or not. So I will answer your question using your examples.
When a child suffers because of aids or has 3rd degree burns. It is as if Jesus Christ were inside the suffering victim of such circumstances.
And when a person treats the same child with aids and 3rd degree burns with love and medical attention and care. It is as if Jesus Christ himself were taking care of that little child.
So that at the time of judgment comes for all works man does in their body. Everyone one, an atheist and Christian and all others will say Jesus Christ is Lord. Why is that when we failed to see God? It is because Jesus Christ was doing the good and healing even when we were not aware that he was doing it through us. We mock him when all the time we are doing his work.
Christians are those people who acknowledge God working through them.
Think about this. Do not think God is blind or uncaring. Far from it.
You think Jesus does not understand? Look at what Isaiah 53:3 says of Jesus Christ the Messiah.
He is despised and rejected of men; a man of sorrows, and acquainted with grief: and we hid as it were our faces from him; he was despised, and we esteemed him not.
this was a question that I had to face as a christian, i noticed it myself. It taught me that i actually would have more compassion for the one who is not god in the flesh and suffers from these things. this helped in my deconversion a lot. Empathy seems to have that effect. I started to see myself as more like every other human being than a child of a great god. i saw that normal human beings require much more faith than Jesus. Which seemed a little peculiar at first.
(I am tired thats why my literacy skills have taken a nose dive lol)
...and you're point is...? Try to remember, ';this'; place that ';we'; live is NOT Gods Kingdom... Jesus Himself reminded Pilate of that fact just before He was ';nailed to that Cross';... Jesus said that ';my Kingdom is not of this world';...
In The beginning, God (YHVH) created all of this in absolute prefect ion, then He turned it all over to mankind to manage... the rest is history... maybe ';we'; need to check out our management skills...
In the minuscule measurements of ';our'; time vs. Eternity the child's suffering, horrible as it might seem to us, will be eclipsed in a place that Jesus called Paradise... In the meantime, lets pray that God will provide the child with the appropriate medical help for ';our'; mismanagement of what He Created in perfection.
Doesn't that prove just how much Jesus cared about us? We are destined to live with suffering and misery. Whether you believe in God or not, that is unavoidable.
Yet Jesus, willing chose to come here as a man, live the life of a common man, and allowed His body to be a sacrifice for our sins.
Jesus was aware of that despite the suffering and misery we experience here and now, the after life, without God is suffering and misery 1,000,000 times over!
quote ';Is it more painful for a child to live with AIDS or 3rd degree burns or for a God-man to be nailed to a cross?';
Wow, this is what religion does to people's minds, makes them think of ways to make life miserable!
Jesus was both man and god, and he actually had a toggle switch.
When things got really disgusting he just toggled to ';God'; and suddenly everything was divine.
Well it happened again someone answered your question as a put down to Christians because your question stinks. Sorry it does. You are not even a Christian and you got put down for being one.
I would not want to see or be any of those things you mentioned. However our church has collected money for the Shriners Circus for burned children and has sent money to Africa to help children with aids, lots of money collected because we are Christians following Jesus the Godman who was crucified. Christian organizations help billions of people all over the world. Without us they would have to depend on ';who?'; to help.
So hit with it, ready and able. :-D
Thumbs down
congratulations, a new low for you, stench of your bigotry is offensive. Why don't you ask a child with AIDS before you nail it to a cross, oh, remember to give it 3rd degree burns first.
The death of Jesus was more unbarable than any death
could be, God forsake him because of our sin,s,,they spat
on him beat him and mocked Jesus the Son of God
and he did it all for you and ,me,
My heart goes out to any child that goes through that.
Jesus had the power to save Himself. We humans would never go through that pain if we had the power to save ourselves. Jesus loved us.
God would never let innocent children suffer.
That man nailed to the cross endured more pain than any of us could possibly realize.
%26amp; The God man gets to rule in eternal paradise afterwards
If there really was a loving God there is no way in his heart he would allow these children to suffer. Therefore proving there is no loving God or God at all for that matter.
WHAT JESUS WENT THRU was more suffering than any other human....dont compare stuff like that. Just BElieve God. This wont help you at all!
tough question, i have not endured any of these and can't imagine anyone else suffering all three, at least I would not wish them on anyone--May the Good Lord take a liking to you*******************
So you're trying to say that Christ didn't accomplish anything? HA!
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