Monday, May 10, 2010

There were 6 miracles that occurred from the cross Jesus was nailed to. Anyone know what they are?

I heard there were 6 miraculous miracles, but, I don't know what they are, nor did I know there were any that I remember reading about.There were 6 miracles that occurred from the cross Jesus was nailed to. Anyone know what they are?
I'm aware of only four;

JESUS has not been on the stake long when, at midday, a mysterious, three-hour-long darkness occurs. A solar eclipse is not responsible, since these take place only at the time of the new moon and the moon is full at Passover time.

The moment Jesus breathes his last, a violent earthquake occurs, splitting open the rock-masses. The quake is so powerful that the memorial tombs outside Jerusalem are broken open and corpses are thrown out of them. Passersby who see the dead bodies that have been exposed enter the city and report it.

Furthermore, at the moment Jesus dies, the huge curtain that divides the Holy from the Most Holy in God’s temple is rent in two, from top to bottom. Apparently this beautifully ornamented curtain is some 60 feet [18 m] high and very heavy! The astonishing miracle not only manifests God’s wrath against the killers of His Son but signifies that the way into the Most Holy, heaven itself, is now made possible by Jesus’ death.

Well, when people feel the earthquake and see the things happening, they grow very much afraid. The army officer in charge at the execution gives glory to God. “Certainly this was God’s Son,” he proclaims.

Matthew 27:45-56; Mark 15:33-41; Luke 23:44-49; 2:34, 35; John 19:25-30.There were 6 miracles that occurred from the cross Jesus was nailed to. Anyone know what they are?
It was a miracle he stayed on that cross nailed by his hands and feet. At the time most people were nailed by their feet and bound by ropes to their wrists, because the weight of the body would rip the flesh of the hand through those nails and they'd fall off. You don't really need to be a doctor to see how fragile the hand structure is.

God must have really wanted his son to die to make a miracle like that.
the biggest miracle is that he died in six hours death from crucifixion takes 2-3 days.
i think it was earthquake when he died, dark clouds, speared and water came out and other things

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