I am trying to write a thing for my speech class bout why or how it is okay to work on Sunday/Sabbath/Saturday, but I have to find the verses for it, So any verses helping me with that would be greatly appreciated!!!What bible verse says the ten commandments were nailed to the cross?
Col. 2:14
Blotting out the handwriting of ordinances that was against us, which was contrary to us, and took it out of the way, nailing it to his cross;
Hope this helps.
Elder Greg
(((SFCU)))What bible verse says the ten commandments were nailed to the cross?
There is no verse (unless it's in the apocrypha somewhere) that says the Commandments were nailed to the cross.
The other thing you're asking about: Matthew, Mark, and Luke each tell about when a young man asked Jesus how to gain eternal life. Jesus told him to follow the commandments, and listed them. But he only listed 6 (or 5, according to Luke). The commandments he listed were the good, common-sense ones like you describe: don't kill, don't steal, don't commit adultery, that sort of thing. He left out the ones forbidding religious tolerance (Commandments 1-4).
Jesus fulfilled ALL of the old law and then set ALL of it aside, with NO exceptions.
The Church later readopted and readapted the spirit of the original commandments to the grace filled realities of the new covenant, as a GUIDE to Christian morality.
Try this link and read it carefully, all the way to the end:
Try II Epistilepalians 32:14-16.
Sin was nailed to the cross, not the Commandments. Jesus said if you love Him follow the Commandments
Nowhere does the NT use those exact words.
romans 6:14 ';for sin shall not be your master, because you are not under the law, but under grace';
there a lot of things in the bible that only christians see there, everyone else see's it for what it is, crap
The two who answered right before me are obviously SDA and they are taking things out of context; way out of context.
The old covenant ended upon the death of Jesus who was the God of the old testament incarnate. Death of either party ends said covenants like this one as Paul explains in Romans 7. The sabbath is a part of the old covenant, regardless of how SDA's chop up the old covenant.
Paul states we are freed from that law; all of it. There is also II Cor. chapter 3 that weighs in on this matter. The last vestige of the old covenant ended with the destruction of the temple in 70 a.d.
There is no commandment in the new covenant that requires the observance of days. One can either esteem every day alike, or one can esteem a day. No one is to judge another in this regard.
Think about this. Who created the world? John 1 says the ';Word'; did. Who is the Word? Jesus. So, Jesus created the world in six days and then rested on the seventh. Does Jesus agree with this? Sure. He says Himself in Luke 6:5...';the Son of Man is Lord of the Sabbath. Why did He create it? He explains in Mark 2:27 ';The Sabbath was made for man, not man for the Sabbath. Ohhhh. So Jesus created the Sabbath, He is Lord of it, and it was made for man to enjoy. It doesn't say Sabbath was made for the Jews. He says MAN. That includes every man. Jesus made the Sabbath during creation week for Adam and Eve. It was not first given to the Jews as just a law or ordinance. They were told to observe it, but it started way before then, meaning it should be around after the ordinances have been fulfilled by Jesus.
You are also right, Hebrews 4 talks about how we should be at rest everyday from our sinful works. In other words, don't just avoid evil on Sabbath. What it doesn't mean is that we can then ignore the day God made inherently holy. Ex. 20:11
The reason you won't be able to find any verses that say that Sabbath is no more is #1, the issue was never in question in the apostle's day. It was understood that the day of worship was the Sabbath. And #2, Jesus never changed it.
One last proof for you that the Sabbath is for all man for all time is that the Bible says we will keep the Sabbath even in Heaven.
Isaiah 66:23 says, ';From one New Moon to another and from one Sabbath to another, all mankind will come and bow down before me,'; says the LORD.
It isn't legalism to obey the commandments of God. It is our pleasure to take a day off, and spend 24 hours in communion with Jesus and to remember His sovereignty as Creator.
You might want to change the topic of your speech. I think having the Bible to back you up would be much more convincing.
Hogie, with all due respect if there is no more law, then we are free to sin and there is nothing to even define sin. God's law is a part of His unchanging character, it is the foundation of His government.
Also Exodus 20:11 says God made the day holy when He created it. No other Jewish festival or holiday(which Paul was describing) has that distinction. And yes, I am unashamedly Seventh-Day Adventist. I'm glad you can tell.
1) Elder Greg gave the relevant verse reference - and, note, that it does *not* specify the 10 commandments (Decalogue).
2) it also says something about not having to follow the ten commandments anymore
You will *not* find this in the bible. The closest to this that you will find is Acts 15
which does *not* say that we do not have to follow the Decalogue, but *does* say that only 4 of the requirements for becoming Jewish are also requirements for becoming a Christian - which is significant.
3) I think all the other commandments in the Old Testament except resting o the Sabbath
Observance of the Sabbath is specifically mentioned here (v 16)
and here, less specifically (vv 4-6)
which is probably the verse you are remembering about ';every day';
A final note: when discussing the Sabbath, understand that it is very precisely defined in the Old Testament. Here are some of the things I know about it off the top of my head - things that most Sabbath observers fail to ';observe';
1) Sabbath is defined in scripture as beginning Fri sundown and ending Sat sundown. There is no option for calling ';Sunday'; the Sabbath.
2) during Sabbath, observers are not permitted to prepare food - in fact, they are not permitted to do so much as start a fire. Observant Jews will not drive (combustion engine) nor even flip an electrical switch (which causes a momentary burning) during Sabbath. Food is prepared the day before and the only work that is permitted with regard to food is the serving of it.
More verses: 12
and 27
Jim, http://www.bible-reviews.com/
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