Monday, May 10, 2010

So instead of the cross...Why do you think that 'nails' were not chosen as the religious symbol?

the carpentry industry had more money to set up their campain.So instead of the cross...Why do you think that 'nails' were not chosen as the religious symbol?
The cruciform shape was already well established as a magic / religious symbol, so the nascent christian cult found it easy to adopt.So instead of the cross...Why do you think that 'nails' were not chosen as the religious symbol?
I read once, that a gypsy stole one of the nails, the one that was meant to go through his heart. When he came back, he found the gypsy, and blessed him saying, ';You, and your generations can steal all you want, for doing me this mercy';. This gospel was never cannonized, for obvious reasons....
Nails weren't exactly the most noticable part of it. But i guess on a crucifix, the nails are still on.
We should all rejoice at the recent survey carried out by the University of Manchester which clearly shows that christianity is fast becoming an obsolete religion.

Christianity has had only one purpose in the UK and that is to provide a platform for paedophiles to practice their vile acts on little children:……………………
or spears... or a crown of thorns...

or a saw and hammer
Yusuf Estes, Former Christian and Federal Prison Chaplain

Shocking Knowledge - Muslims Believe in the Bible?

One day in the Spring of 1991, I came to know that the Muslims believed in the Bible. I was shocked. How could this be? But that’s not all, they believe in Jesus as:

* A true messenger of God;

* Prophet of God;

* Miracle birth without human intervention;

* He was the ‘Christ’ or Messiah as predicted in the Bible;

* He is with God now and most important;

* He will be coming back in the Last Days to lead the believers against the ‘Antichrist.’

After “winning souls to the Lord for Jesus” day after day, this would be a big achievement for me, to catch one of these ‘Moslems’ and ‘convert’ him to Christianity.

Cup of Tea - Discuss Beliefs

I asked him if he liked tea and he said he did. So off we went to a little shop in the mall to sit and talk about my favorite subject: Beliefs. While we sat in that little coffee shop for hours talking (I did most of the talking) I came to know that he was very nice, quiet and even a bit shy. He listened attentively to every word that I had to say and did not interrupt even one time. I liked this man’s way and thought that he had definite potential to become a good Christian. - Little did I know the course of events about to unravel in front of my eyes.

Agreed to Do Business

First of all, I agreed with my father that we should do business with this man and even encouraged the idea of him traveling along with me on my business trips across the northern part of Texas. Day after day, we would ride together and discuss various issues pertaining to different beliefs that people have. And along the way, I could of course interject some of my favorite radio programs of worship and praise to help bring the message to this poor individual. We talked about the concept of God; the meaning of life; the purpose of creation; the prophets and their mission and how God reveals His Will to mankind. We also shared a lot of personal experiences and ideas as well.

Moved to Our Home

One day I came to know that my friend Mohamed was going to move out of the home he had been sharing with a friend of his and was going to be living in the mosque for a time. I went to my dad and asked him if we could invite Mohamed to come out to our big home in the country and stay there with us. After all, he could share some of the work and some expenses, and he would be right there when we were ready to go to out traveling around. My father agreed and Mohamed moved in.

Continued Ministry %26amp; Preaching

Of course I still would find time to visit my fellow preachers and evangelists around the state of Texas. One of them lived on the Texas-Mexico border, and another lived near lived the Oklahoma border. One preacher liked to carry a huge wooden cross that was bigger than a car. He would carry it over his shoulder and drag the bottom on the ground and go down the road or freeway hauling these two beams formed in the shape of a cross. People would stop their cars and come over to him and ask him what was going on and he would give them pamphlets and booklets on Christianity.

Preacher Has Heart Attack

One day my friend with the cross had a heart attack and had to go to the Veteran’s Hospital where he stayed for quite a long while. I used to visit him in the hospital several times a week and I would take Mohamed with me with the hopes that we could all share together in the subject of beliefs and religions. My friend was not very impressed and it was obvious that he did not want to know anything about Islam. Then one day a man who was sharing the room with my friend came rolling into the room in his wheelchair. I went to him and asked him his name and he said that it didn’t matter and when I asked him where he was from he said he was from the planet Jupiter. I thought about what he said and then began to wonder if I was in the cardiac ward or the mental ward.

Man in Wheelchair - Needed the Lord

I knew the man was lonely and depressed and needed someone in his life. So, I began to ‘witness’ to him about the Lord. I read to him out of the book of Jonah in the Old Testament. I shared the story of the prophet Jonah who had been sent by the Lord to call his people to the correct way. Jonah had left his people and escaped by boat to leave his city and head out to sea. A storm came up and the ship almost capsized and the people on board threw Jonah over the side of the ship. A whale came up to the surface and grabbed Jonah, swallowed him and then went down to the bottom of the sea, where he stayed for 3 days and 3 nights. Yet because of God’s Mercy, He caused the whale to rise to the surface and then spit Jonah out to return back home safely to his city of Nineveh. And the idea was that we can’t really run away from our problems because we always know what we have done. And what is more, God also always knows what we have done.

Catholic Priest

After sharing this story with the man in the wheel chair, he looked up and me and apologized. He told me he was sorry for his rude behavior and that he had experienced some real serious problems recently. Then he said that he wanted to confess something to me. And I said that I was not a Catholic priest and I don’t handle confessions. He replied back to me that he knew that. In fact, he said: “I am a Catholic priest.”

I was shocked. Here I had been trying to preach Christianity to a priest. What in the world was happening here?
Jesus wasnt placed in the shape of a nail was he?
actually, some religious bookstores do carry nails similar to the ones jesus was crucified with on necklaces, bracelets, or just small enough to fit in your pocket. i've also seen them mounted on boards with biblical verses behind them. give it time. eventually it'll catch on just like WWJD
Nails don't signify anything in particular. They could apply to too many things in general. There can be no mistaking the message that the cross conveys. It conjures up vivid images. It is very specific.
I've never really thought about that. But I can't see myself at the alter kneeling before a 20 ft nail.

It would look like something out of Monty Python.
The symbol is not all-important. What counts is the reality behind the symbol.

Both the cross and the fish are well-established symbols, why change?
The cross was chosen because that is what Jesus was nailed to. the cross is made up of two parts---the vertical bean and the horizontal beam. The vertical beam represents man's relationship with God, and the horizontal bean represents man's relationship to the world. The cross therefore represents to totality of man's existence.
Jesus didn't make that choice of symbol to represent Him. The crucifix is a symbol of suffering, a reminder of what Jesus went through for us. That should pretty much explain why nails are not symbolic in this case.

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