Saturday, January 23, 2010

Did a bunny visit Jesus before he was nailed to the cross?

LOL. Just like Santa showed up at the manger.Did a bunny visit Jesus before he was nailed to the cross?
POOR Easter Bunny what did you do? Somehow this year you have all the Christians out to destroy you.Please bring eggs to my house,No Peeps,even if you weren't at the Crucifixion.

Oh! Almost forgot,bring the chocolate ones there the best.Thank-you.Did a bunny visit Jesus before he was nailed to the cross?
I don't think so cause well it wouldn't make sense even though the Easter mascot is a bunny.
No, but Judas plopped some bunny ears on Jesus when he was on the cross.
Ahh, Easter, the time of year when we celebrate the resurrection of a messiah by... hunting for... colorful eggs... left behind by a magical rabbit...

Man, and people say the Mormons are weird!
no but i think we associate bunnies with easter cos that is when some people think jesus was ';born again'; so like new life. at easter you see lambs n bunnies n chicks etc etc. New life. hope that makes sense
it was never mentioned
The bunny (rabbit, actually) had been a symbol for fertility (for obvious reasons-- ever heard that old saying *%26amp;%$ like rabbits?). The so-called pagans celebrated Srping-- a season of new beginning, new growth, of fertility-- and viewed the rabbit as the perfect symbol.

However, Christians who were having a hard time getting those ';pagans'; to adopt Christianity realized that to get the ';Pagans''; attention, Christians were going to have to use some of the pagan symbolism that had been accepted and understood for thousands of years. Thus the rabbit began to be associated with Easter. Both were indicative of new beginnings.

The same thing happened with Christmas symbols. Most of the things we traditionally associate with Christmas were ';borrowings'; from the previous culture(s) in an attempt to get more people to consider adopting the idea that a Savior/Messiah/King had been born. December 21st, the winter solstice, had long been celebrated as a ';pagan'; festival, and so Christians merely adopted that date (or very near to that date) as well as many of those symbols (no matter how churches today try to ';spin'; thos symbols) for it's own holiday (';holy-day,'; originally), often bringing along people who came for the festivities but who nonetheless heard the Christians' message.

The ';Easter Bunny'; was merely a recruiting tool. Think about this: why is the date of Easter not one particular date? It's set by a cycle of the moon-- just the way the ';pagans'; would have calculated their celebraton time for their fertility/Spring festivals.
It is possible, but incredibly unlikely. The Bible has no mention of it, and the Easter bunny did not originate on the first Easter, so I would say no. Anyway, Easter is not when Jesus was nailed to hte cross, its when he rose.
No, but Jesus' soul was transmogrified into the body of a bunny when his human body remained there until his human body was safely contained within the cave....once nobody was around, Jesus' soul was again transmogrified back into his original body where upon I breathed life into the corpse so that he could walk once again.
Much Christian iconography is derived from early pagan iconography, and therefore was more acceptable to people choosing between paganism and Christianity. This can be seen in a number of christian festivals, Christmas itself is an adapted winter solstice celebration. The Easter Bunny was a recognition of the importance of Hares in European fertility festivals which also occur in early spring.

No chocolate eggs for any of the apostles I'm afraid.

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