(there was a bumper sticker to this effect)If My God Carries A Giant Hammer, And Yours Was Nailed To A Cross...?
Jesus....PWNED.If My God Carries A Giant Hammer, And Yours Was Nailed To A Cross...?
Maybe that needs to be the new logo for the Atheist Mafia -- a picture of Jesus on the cross; but instead of the sign over his head reading ';INRI';, it says ';PWND';....
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That My God Loves me more than your god loves you.
';That your ';god'; requires tools...';
speaking of ';tools';........
For those of you offended by this bumper sticker or took this thread WAAAAY too seriously, take a bow.......you have all become eligible for dipsh*t of the week.....
your god is afraid of dark alleys
That Thor was common Laborer and Isis wins?
as much as I hate bumper stickers, that one I would be willing to put on my car :)
That they didn't read the book.
My God raised Jesus from the dead which takes a lot more power than carrying a giant hammer.
Answer: What hand did God carry this giant hammer? Clearly you are not talking about the hand of God, the God who is spirit.
That your god scares people and mine would gladly give up His life to save His creations.
that mine is willing to give all, and yours is willing to give none
That your God is evil just like man and my God is a loving, God who can raise His son from the dead.
You didn't word it correctly for the best effect.
';My god has a hammer and yours was nailed to a cross. Any questions...?';
You embarrass me! Try again.
bring on the apocalypse; man must die!!!
Apparently Thor won.
Please hammer, don't hurt 'em!
Sin was nail to the cross.
It tells me that the person who printed the bumpersticker made some quick, easy cash.
I love that. Makes me laugh every time. LOL
Hail Thor!!
that yours won?
Ceiling Cat Wins!
then your God isnt real and life sucks for you.
That your ';god'; requires tools and material items to complete his tasks ... my God needed only Love :)
it tells me that people need to come up with wittier and more tasteful bumper stickers
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