Saturday, January 23, 2010

Do you think the soldiers that nailed Jesus to the cross were atheists?

He prayed that God would forgive them because He said they did not know what they were doing. He did not call them idiots or morons. He died for them too.Do you think the soldiers that nailed Jesus to the cross were atheists?
I agree, He died for them too. After Jesus had died, they commented ';surely this must have been the son of God';.Do you think the soldiers that nailed Jesus to the cross were atheists?
no , and some of them were orderd to and had no choice but to do it
They were not atheists. I should clarify - as far as anyone knows, there was no such thing as an ';atheist'; in the Roman era. Christians were actually accused of atheism by the Roman government.
No, they were Romans...the Bible doesn't say if they believed in their own gods, or not.
I've never understood that bit....christians claim that I'm gonna be tortured by their god forever because I'm an atheist, yet the guys who nailed your god up on some wood and stabbed him with a spear get a pass?

How does that make any sense?
no , definitely Christians or Jews or pantheists of ancient Rome
they were pantheists those Romans
No. They probably worshiped Roman gods and at least one became a Christian after the crucifixion. It's recorded in one of the gospels, Matthew I think.
No, they were not atheists. They were following orders, and they though they were doing the right thing. However, they were just part of the prophecy. Jesus gave His life to us so that we can live, no one took His life.
They were Roman Citizens so they probably worshiped Gods and Goddesses and saw their leaders as Gods. They really didn't have a concept of one God and salvation in the least. Remember that the salvation bit was not revealed to the masses until after the Resurrection and Ascension of Jesus
They were probably pagan polytheists, actually.
Well, since there were no Christians, they were either Pagan or in between need a better sense of history before you ask questions like this. Christ was NOT declared a god until the AD 400's by the Catholic church. What was nailed to a cross was a convicted man to those whose job it was to execute...much the same as today's executioners.
Given that they were Roman, they were probably polytheistic pagans.
Uh no they were Romans so they were probably Pagans. Of course in my opinion that didn't even happen.
well not AFTER Jesus died, because they said '; surely, this man was the son of God'; or somethin like this.
no i think they had no religon they were prabably just block heads.

God bless homie
I don't know if you are trying to be funny or just a serious thought... Either way, historically no, they were probably pagans, but religion was not a personal issue for the Romans. Their gods were rather impersonal and distant.
Well to start they were roman soldiers therefore they have roman costumes, religion and gods, anyway, romans were not actually very religious. Maybe after they were converted but the thing is that they were just doing their job in that precise moment. Turns out that Jesus was not the first claiming to be son of a god an that was pollitically dangerous so, they followed orders to keep the region at peace and simply killed him. The interesting part comes when in the record one of them admits Jesus is The Son of God by watching the mess around him.

I don't think Jesus was necesarily talking about the roman guards at that moment but the jews who send him o death, by the way you dont blame the hand for what the brain does. They were insidentally there and would have done it anyway. The other interesting part was that Pilato wouldn't have let Jesus die unless it was pollitically essential to keep his rule over the region because he was sure he was an innocent and most likely harmless. Romans and Jews believed he could rise and lead an army to victory against the romans but as farsees so their political power so diminished and no army rising sent him to death.

It's a really good question if their is an actual record of that day there should be checked all sources to get the actual truth, anyway I love the story.
no, in the bible the people who nailed jesus to the cross were people called jews, jesus of nazareth and them had all of the same religion but, jesus was what we call the ';maziah'; which is the almighty god, which he is. but having a random peasant preacher say he is almighty shocked the whole kingdom having him nailed to the cross. its all int the bible, my dads a pastor =P
I thought he was immortal? Isn't he living forever? How did his 'death' mean anything when he is still alive?

The answer to your question is NO.........the Roman Empire had their own religion. You might look it is older than your religion.
Actually, if they were typical Romans, they'd've been pagans--worshipping the pantheon of the Roman gods.
I would imagine that they worshipped the Roman gods.
Atheists didn't exist back then. Most people had a belief in God albeit not the same. Atheism is an offspring of Darwinism.
they werent atheists.
Nope. They said they were waiting for the REAL king Jesus cus they thought he would be fancyy and rich so they just thought he was fake. But they were wrongg!

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