Thursday, January 21, 2010

Obama nailed to a cross?

at wal-mart in springhill louisiana, as soon as you walk in the door there are paintings of Obama nailed to a cross as if he were Jesus. what do you think about it? does it bother you? do you like the idea?Obama nailed to a cross?
Do you have a news source for this outrageous claim? I don't believe it for one minute unless you can come up with proof. I googled it and can find nothing. : )

OK, I found a source for the candles. Sorry it's just hard for me to believe something that sounds so stupid. Yes, it bothers me and from the sound of this article it bothers others too. It's going on in other states too, so don't nail Louisiana to the cross as well.

btw, when I reply to an email from Y!A senders it fails. Has been doing this for days. Hopefully, when they perform email maintenance this weekend I'll be able to reply to the emails I'm getting.

Sorry I didn't believe you. : )Obama nailed to a cross?
He hasn't had a chance to do any good yet, but from what I have read on his stimulus bill, he is only screwing the USA even more than all the other presidents before him. He's feeding the rich and trampling the poor! So the cross at Wal-Mart doesn't surprise me, even if it is in bad taste.
Another example of ';Walmart really does have everything. Obama on a cross, I want one of those pictures and at rollback prices.
What happened to Jesus had happened to many good people down the ages.

I hope Obama would not suffer as a reward for his attempts to do good !
I would expect nothing less in a Wal-Mart in Louisiana.
Oh my gosh. I'm glad I live in Minnesota.
It's stupid. I'm surprised Christians aren't up in arms about this.

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