Saturday, January 23, 2010

Did God demonstrate good parenting skills when he decided to have a son and get him nailed to a cross?

Watch! This question will get over 20 answers because its rude and insulting God. I ask a mushy, sweet question and only get 8 answers.

Someone ain't right around here lol.Did God demonstrate good parenting skills when he decided to have a son and get him nailed to a cross?
Just keep telling yourself, it was a ritual sacrifice, it was a ritual sacrifice, for the benefit of all humanity.Did God demonstrate good parenting skills when he decided to have a son and get him nailed to a cross?
At least he didn't have a daughter who got nailed.
Creating God in your own image?

God the Father and God the Son and God the Spirit are One. Sin separates people from God. The sacrifice of Jesus atones makes at one, and heals that separation. As such, God, as a loving parent, reunites the errant children with Godself.
Compared to leaving his children for 2000 years, nailing one to the cross is nothing!
Well, Would you nail your son to the cross?? Not me!!!!
This was the ultimate sacrifice to save even Your sorry butt!
Jesus is a part of God, so in essence God died for us.
What exactly are ';good parenting skills';? If you mean he should have kept his Son to himself, than the rest of us would have died in our sins. There was a reason for what he did.

More: Personally, I think that his love for us was demonstrated in the sacrifice of his own Son, and his love for his own Son demonstrated in the resurrection of his own Son.
this had nothing 2 do w/ parenting skills and if jesus was not crucified none of us would be here maybe u should read the bible some time because this will answer ur inapropriate questions
God is not the parent in the same way that we humans are. Jesus is God. Jesus was here in a human form. His job was to teach us how to worship God, He was the perfect example. Jesus did what He came to do, exactly what was in the Old Testament prophecy.
Now children, that is exactly what happens when you don't practise safe sex with someone that you aren't married to. The child always gets a Messiah complex and ends up being nailed. A sad fact of life. The lesson is always use a condom.
If you believe he died and stayed dead then no, if you believe the son came back to life and then ascended into heaven for eternity(a better place than Earth, in this sinner's opinion, as a reward for all the good things he did and for being nailed to a cross), then yes.

One sinner's interpretation of heaven: a place in the universe, not on earth, where life is always good - no war, or threat of war, or death, or hunger, etc.)

See reference in the bible if wanted (the following is a paraphrase of a teaching meant for regular people like me, in His sermon on the mount): ....swear not by heaven for it is God's throne, neither by the earth, for it is his footstool...
Yes, it showed that He would do anything for us. Even die for us.

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