(My religion teaches that Jesus died on a stake. This was a question my husband was wondering the other day.)If being nailed to a cross is called crucified...?
Being nailed to a steak is called Holy Cow'd.If being nailed to a cross is called crucified...?
Educate yourselves, people!
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They nailed St Peter to a cross as well, you know. He was petrified.
In Australia, it's called being Brucified.
And you know those cute little bears they have in Australia, the Koalas? Well, when they nail those to a tree, they are well and truly -
wait for it
the word ';crucified'; is the manner in which a person was killed, not the device that was used. Stake or Cross, the most important thing is that Jesus loved each of us so very much that he died willingly to make a way for us to be with the Father for eternity.
Here is a link that talks about the act of Crucifixion and how it all fits together with old and new testaments. The teacher's name is Chuck Smith.
A stake is just an up-right pole. A crucibal ar cross has a horizontal cross piece. Crucifixion ( What they did to Jesus ) your hands are nailed to the crossbar and your feet are overlaped together and nailed to the base of the upright .. while the cross is laying on the ground. Then the cross is raised up and dropped into a two or three foot post hole dug in the ground ... and you hang there until you bleed to death. Rob BB
They dont -nail- you to a stake
they put you above the 9 foot stake, put the tip in your ***, and drop you - letting you sink down until it comes out of your throat.
Yes, thats vulgar I realise that, but its true
lol no..its not a word like phobic where you would add it to any word that a person fear like homophobic......animal phobic....crucified is a word strictly for something thats being physically punish with pain and suffering!
sure why not.. .lol. no actually cru is latin for cross, and Stakes don't mean the food, it is a nail...
The word Cross is defined by the bible, The romans used crosses almost exclusively
Jesus died on the cross
cruc is Latin for cross
mmmmmm stake-n-fries
Died on a stake ? what religion is that, Muslim ?
yes I suppose your sort of riteee
I like to think that its called JUSTI-fied
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