Thursday, January 21, 2010

Is jesus still nailed to a cross in heaven?

yes they take him down every friday for dustingIs jesus still nailed to a cross in heaven?
No.Is jesus still nailed to a cross in heaven?
no.. not at all..
Yeah, they don't have claw hammers up there!
no he sitting at the right hand of GOD on a throne . luv dad
NO, He has risen from the dead, and sits at the right hand of God the Father and intercedes for all those who are saved- my Jesus LIVES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

But Jesus remains the one time, once for all, eternal sacrifice for the sins of the world ... and wherever Jesus is, so is the eternal sacrifice for sin.

And since the work of our redemption was carried out on the cross, it never hurts to keep Christ's atoning sacrifice in mind.

Why else would Jesus tell us to ';Do this in remembrance of me.'; until he comes again?
I don't think so, Miss Troll.
yes, if there's music playing.

';always look on the bright side of life...';
You know very well that Christians don't believe that.

But I'll tell you a secret...He is not twisting in agony in a flaming torture pit, either.

What He did do was pay the wages, or price, of sin, which is death. Immortality became mortal, in order to redeem mortality and restore immortality.

He went down into the grave, and awakened those who had been awaiting His coming, and took them back to Heaven with Him, where He awaiting the time when the last person who will believe in Him and call on Him for salvation comes to Him to be reborn.

When that happens, He will toss both death, and it's nasty companion, hell (the grave) into the lake of fire, which is simply a fancy name for God's incinerator where the trash is burnt up and destroyed. This is the second death...the death of the spirit.

Satan says ';you won't surely die';. Jesus says ';hold Him in awe that can destroy both body AND spirit in hell.';
Yes he still up there. But someone needs to bring him some water. Its a better view up there.
No. But you will be . . . in HELL.
It sounds to me as if you are still nailed to a cross. What are your prisons? Why are you so cynical? Do you need prayer? Obviously, you keep coming up with these silly questions.
did you miss the second half, where they took him down and placed him in a tomb and three days later he rose again?
My God is alive and well!

No. Jesus Christ suffered death upon the cross ONE TIME, and ONE TIME only for our redemption; who made there, by his one oblation of himself once offered, a full perfect, and sufficient sacrifice, oblation, and satisfaction, for the sins of the whole world.
What an ignorant obviously aren't serious...or maybe you are and you just happen to be really slow.
What would be the point?

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