Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Are Americans going to nail Jesus to the cross on the second coming? Will they confuse him with a ';terrorist';?

Or do you think they already got him somewhere in Iraq, maybe the Israelis will take care of him AGAIN in Palestine??

Jesus was from the Middle East.Are Americans going to nail Jesus to the cross on the second coming? Will they confuse him with a ';terrorist';?
I don't think anyone practices the ancient art of crucifixion anymore. I think detainment at Guantanamo is more appropriate. Maybe some controversial waterboarding?Are Americans going to nail Jesus to the cross on the second coming? Will they confuse him with a ';terrorist';?
Jesus would be the biggest threat to American politics that we have ever seen.

We may just have a cell waiting for him in Guantanamo Bay.

I just can't see Jesus hangin' with the people of Haliburton, Blackwater, Enron, and Exxon laughing and swapping jokes.
Thanks ANGEL for the best answer ever- when Jesus returns, even those who mock Him, and refuse to bow their knee now will then. When Jesus returns those of us who have given our hearts and lives to Him, will live forever with Him- and believe you me NO ONE WILL MISTAKE HIM FOR ANYTHING, EXCEPT THAT HE IS EXACTLY WHO HE SAID HE IS.
He's not coming back as a meek baby again. This time, He's coming as a king in His full power.
Every knee shall bow and every tongue shall confess that Jesus Christ is Lord. Practise your kneeling now.
No, they'll mistake him for an illegal alien and deport him.
I am sure he looked a whole lot like Bin Laudin then those

lame blonde hair european.
Probably. I mean, Jesus WAS a liberal....
Jesus well be here and He and we (Christians) will be gone before the rest of the people in America know what has happen

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