Friday, January 15, 2010

Didn't the Roman's nail Jesus to a cross?

If this is so, it sounds like he had no choice in the matter so how can he have done it to save the world? He did it because some men dragged him and nailed him to a cross. As much as I sympathise with anyone who was nailed to a cross I cannot believe I owe them something. (Barring the sympathy I have already expressed) If he was also capable of miracles why didn't he simply escape to carry on his important message of peace and love? Him suffering death could mean absolutley nothing apart from his teachings might influence others, a fictional god has no bearing on this.It is quite obvious that the god part of the story was for him to get more followers as people were an easier target in them days. Ok so he made that bit up, I can accept that as he was doing it for the right reasons. We are all privvy to the same evidence on this subject so the only reason you would believe in god is as you wanted to, not because you thought he existed.This is delusional. What does anyone think?Didn't the Roman's nail Jesus to a cross?
My dear, His death was the culmination of His earthly ministry for us, not the END!

Our hope lies in the RESURRECTION of Jesus Christ, because it gave Him the authority to do what He did in our name (and YOURS too!). Without the resurrection there would be NO hope for humanity. So the death was necessary.

BTW, we have more written down, eye witness testimony for the resurrection of Jesus Christ then we do for the existence of Napolean, and yet no one questions his life....Didn't the Roman's nail Jesus to a cross?
You are confused and using logic that misses the point. Let's see if I can clear up some things. It would be worth it to read the fascinating account of Jesus's arrest.


During the last meal with the disciples, Mattew 26:21, Jesus says, ';Verily, I say unto you, that one of you shall betray me.'; He is speaking of Judas who took a bribe from the Jewish leaders to turn Jesus over to the Romans. So, Jesus, not only knew he would be turned in, but knew how it was gonna happen. He could have skipped town then, but He didn't.

In the Garden when the Roman's %26amp; Judas came to Him, the Bible says He did not resist at all (no dragging involved). In fact, when Jesus asked, ';Whom do you seek?';, and the guards said, ';Jesus, of Nazareth';, Jesus told them up front, ';I am He.'; (Luke18:4-8) As soon as He said it, the guards and those who were with them, fell to the ground backwards. This was due to the power of Jesus's authority. Authority to do whatever He wanted with those guards........authority He chose not to use. Jesus was meed as a lamb by choice.

Now, Peter, was insensed and immediately drew his sword to defend and protect Jesus. In fact, he managed to cut off a servant's ear. But, Jesus rebuked him for this action and healed the man. Jesus stated, ';Put up the sword into the sheath: the cup which my Father hath given me, shall I not drink it?'; Meaning all is going as planned by God the Father, and I have a mission to accomplish. (John 18:10-11) Then Jesus told Peter, ';Don't you know that right now I can pray to my Father and He will send 10,000 angels to deliver me?'; Meaning that if I wanted to escape, God would provide a way just because I asked Him. ';But, how then would the scriptures be fulfilled?'; (Matthew 26:53-54) He refers again to a mission He must accomplish.

Later that night, before His paid, false accusers, He said not a word. (Mattew 26:59-63) He didn't deny the false charges because He wanted to be found guilty.....and He knew it would do no good anyway. He was destined to die.


Love. Pure love. Love for all mankind, you and me. You see, the ';wages of sin is death';.....spiritual death.....which means separation from God eternally....and existing in a place of darkness, fire, misery, without any good thing, without God forever. But, God provided one way to escape the punishment for our sins.......He required a perfect, spotless blood sacrifice....';without the shedding of blood there is no remission'; (no forgiveness) of sin. The only one who could fulfill that requirement of perfection, no sin, nothing wrong, is Jesus, the only Son of God. He came in human form so He could be a blood sacrifice. He never sinned. God chose His Son to reconcile His creation, man, back to Him. Man's sins separated him from God because God cannot look upon sin or associate with sin.

Well, there is the plan. Jesus would take on the sins of the world.....take them upon Himself.....become those sins on the cross. Give His blood to cover those sins. Reconcile man to God. When God looks upon us and sees the blood of Christ, He sees no sin. Only the imputed righteousness of His precious Son, Jesus Christ. We are ';covered'; by the sinless blood of Christ, so to speak. Now, that is not has to see his need to be restored to God, repent of his sins, and confess with his mouth that Jesus is Lord. Only then does the sacrifice Jesus willingly made apply. The plan is in place, but man has to choose that plan or be condemned by God.

I hope I made everthing clear, but if not you can comment and I'll answer later when I check back. God bless you.
Jesus did it because His Father, the Almighty God sent Him to us in the flesh to live among us, for Jesus was the Word of God come to us in the flesh. Jesus knew all along that He would be sacrificed for our sins, because that was what His purpose was for us all along.

John 1:14 And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, (and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father,) full of grace and truth.

It was God's will that Jesus be crucified for our sins, and Jesus always obeyed His Father.

And just to remind you.... Jesus rose from the dead on the third day, for He is not dead, but went through that horrible death so people can have eternal life in heaven. Without what Jesus did for us, and without our accepting Him as our personal savior, everyone would end up in hell to be tormented for all eternity. And if you want a glimps of what that would be like, here it is...

Revelation 20:10 And the devil that deceived them was cast into the lake of fire and brimstone, where the beast and the false prophet are, and shall be tormented day and night for ever and ever.

But it's your choice as to whether or not you accept Him as your personal Savior. And by the way, you owe Him your life, because He gave His up for you!
It was for that exact purpose that Christ came into the world.

That is the heart of the Gospel.

It is no fiction, and God is real.

Read the Bible accounts to discover more of what REALLY happened, and why.
Yes...Jesus let Romans nail him to the cross though the Jews condemned him. He had a choice but he OBEYED God.

I disagree
The Romans (note that the apostrophe is not used in the plural) nailed many people to crosses. That was, at the time, the prefered method of execution.

The original Christian message of Christ on the cross was that it was so awful a death that we should be shamed into right behavior. The complex and incomprehensible notion of atonement was worked up much later.
The idea is that he could have gotten away, but chose to accept the punishment and let himself be sacrificed for all mankind. It is a metaphorical replacement of a single blood sacrifice for the former sacrifices of atonement specified in the Old Testament. That's why Jesus is the Lamb of God. People used to sacrifice lambs to atone for sins.

However, the concept became that one just needs to accept Jesus's sacrifice and that would replace the atonement ritual blood sacrifices. That doesn't mean that's all you have to do to be saved. There are some Christian ideas regarding being and doing good in addition to accepting Jesus's sacrifice, and in the Book of Revelation, John says that on Judgment Day the living and the dead will be judged ';according to what they have DONE.';

But you get the basic idea.
First of all, I totally understand RBI's non-answer. Since you really seem determined to dismiss the resonses, there would appear to be no point.

But, I've had coffee and a couple of minutes so here we go.

In order to understand why Jesus did what he did ... or rather didn't do anything at all ... you'd have to understand the reason for his death. His death was NECESSARY for the redemption of mankind. Yes, absolutely Jesus could have saved himself. If you read the bible, you'll see the account in the Garden of Gethsemane where Peter was chastised by Jesus for using his sword to defend him. Peter was told by Jesus that if he wanted he could call down a legion of angels to come to his defense. He DIDN'T. Why? Because he knew his death was necessary to balance the scales of justice so we might have hope. His willingness to die was prefigured by Isaac's willingness to die at Abraham's hand. I today's terms, Isaac could have TAKEN Abraham in a heartbeat. He was a young vital man. His father was about 120 years old. But Isaac trusted in his father and understood what he might have to do. Jesus understood the need for his sacrifice and never questioned his father.

As far as your question as to why he didn't simply live and keep preaching etc.? Because what he was teaching and the promises for the future were BASED on the sacrifice he knew he would have to make. Without his death, nothing he said was valid.
Romans did it, the Jewish leaders were the ones that condemned Him. His blood had to be shed for atonement. I won't go into long explanation, since you don't believe.
Your sins nailed him to the cross. The Romans were only the human instruments that carried out the act.

Be careful about mocking what you do not understand. We are assured of our salvation.

In the end if we are wrong, and we arn't but you mockers like if questions, then we won't know it. We've lost nothing.

But if your wrong?

Edit: You have no idea of what my motivation is. I was only pointing out the obvious. Looking at your additions tells me you weren't really looking for answers just people to put down but then you original diatribe made that obvious.
I think he wanted to commit sucide.

Or it was a fairy tale.

But...I wasn't there so I nor anyone else can say for sure.
You haven't read the bible have you either that or you're not too bright.

Jesus was taken first before the Pharisees and Sadducee's, he could of told them anything and walked away but he told them he was indeed the Messiah, the Son of God so they had him crucified. He chose.
1) Crucifixion was a Roman method of execution. They banged up hundreds of people on crosses in various positions.

2) If Christ did it for us and went to heaven, he didn't really suffer, did he? It was all pre-arranged so he could get his big reward.

3) People have suffered a great deal more physical pain than Christ did before he was crucified. I expect the Japanese torturers of WWII and Saddam's henchmen could keep someone alive and in agony almost indefinitely if they wanted. An afternoon's whipping, humiliation and being nailed to a cross was nothing compared to some of the stories coming out of torturing regimes.
I agree. I have seen similar points of view by other atheists.
Great question! This is one that brings out some real doozies. I've never understood why that aspect of the myth that is Jesus, seems to be what many christians latch onto. They kinda miss the point of what jesus said and get all wrapped up in the ';died for my sins'; deal, which makes no sense or has much to do with JC's message. I feel he died for what he believed in, not for me. I can take much from his example, but honestly is his plight and story much different than say Martin Luther King. A great and inspirational man who preached peace and unity, who sacrificed much for his people and ultimately paid the greatest price. I would think that the sins he died for are far more real, relative and people today are far more responsible for them than any one is for jesus death today. Jesus was trying to reform His religion. (He Was A JEW, a a fact which seems to be conveniently ignored)

2000 years of propaganda and political manipulation and MLK will be walking on water and rising from the dead to. TIME TO PUSH THE REFRESH BUTTON ON OUR MYTHOLOGY. (PS I have read the bible, terrible character development. Jesus is this kid, then bam hes a man. What about teen jesus. I bet he was hard to handle, you know teens. Imagine how cocky he would be, showing up at the father /son picnic with.... GOD. he'd win all the events.) I am not an atheist,b but don't agree with any of the western religions.
Yes, Jesus was crucified on the cross at Calvary. For more information including the audio scriptures, please visit

To gain a full understanding, it takes time to sincerely pray to Jesus' father God himself.

God will give you the true meaning of what Christ went through voluntarily for the sake of saving our lives from physical and spiritual death.

Christ is our example of one who we should follow. He taught many lessons and powerful principles that span across all cultures, all nations, tongues, and peoples. He died that we may live again. He suffered for all, both old and young, both bond and free, both male and female. Even the wicked and the righteous. Through Christ, we will all be resurrected just as He 3 days after this terrible Crucifixion. He also visited His other sheep found in John 10:16.

Over 12 million members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints believe in Christ as we are members of His Church.

We welcome all who wish to become a member. Please contact the missionaries at 1800-720-9400 for a free video portraying the Life of Christ during his last week of mortality.

Please accept this as your free gift. Jesus Christ is the Savior of all mankind ';The Lamb of God';
You have to read more about Jesus and what he did for us. Your question is being asked by the man that was dying next to him.

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