Wednesday, January 13, 2010

I tried to nail myself to a cross but I can never get the last nail in anyone have tips tricks or suggestions?

Position the last nail as best you can prior to hammering in the other nails, then topple the cross forward and when it crashes to the ground, that should drive the last nail in nice and tight.

Another suggestion would be to have the cross already on the ground with the nail spikes sticking up, then you take a flying leap...and land on top of it with the nails piercing the appropriate body parts.

Some Crazy Glue or Monkey Glue or Liquid Nails could also be used in a pinch to save your crucification.

Whatcha gonna do about the crown of thorns, though?I tried to nail myself to a cross but I can never get the last nail in anyone have tips tricks or suggestions?
Next time call Dr. Ruth, she'll nail ya.I tried to nail myself to a cross but I can never get the last nail in anyone have tips tricks or suggestions?
So how are you typing this? One handed? You'd be bleeding to death already if you really did this.

How would you have gotten the other 3 nails out?

Not funny....

You have a run on sentence.

';Anyone have tips, tricks, or suggestions?'; should begin with a capital letter and include commas to separate items in a series.

How'd you get out of school, Dr. P?
Still can't come to grips with the punctuation thing,eh? For a someone with a doctorate, you can't write very well.
Well I rather doubt you have even pressed a nail against your palm let alone the feat you are suggesting. But if you would like to know how to do it try this: Get your cross ready and on your dominant hand side nail a big spike in and leave about six inches exposed. Cut the head off and sharpen it. Now you are ready to dig a hole deep enough to set the cross and build a tower to hook a pulley. Set a eye bolt in the top and connect pulley to the rope and make sure it will go into the hole when hoisted. Now come the part you are not capable of doing. sit down and nail your feet to the cross then your non dominant hand. Then pull on the rope and set yourself into the hole. Last swing you hand backwards with all your might and impale it on the last spike. I think you will find it as close as you can get and more than sufficient to get you an audience with the man that had this thrust upon him for our salvation.
Practice ricocheting nails with a pneumatic nail gun :))
Check to see if theirs any Romans in the neighborhood. They'll be more than happy to put you up!
yea get a life and grow up.
get you wife to do it for you
Silly man! Today's modern, with-it crucifixee takes advantage of the excellent new facilities available to the DIY enthusiast.

Pop down to your nearest hardware store and pick up some No More Nails adhesive. You'll be so glad you did!

lol. thats a good question? im sure there are lots of people who dont have a sense of humor and after reading this would help condemn you.
Here, I'll help you.

Hey, shouldn't you be in church right now?
The hand is so fleshy, the nail might tear through, due to your body weight.

Some times Jesus is depicted BOTH tied to the cross and also nailed through the hand.

Others have painted Him on the cross with the nails through His wrists. That makes sense to me.

Try that!
a nailgun and some string between your teeth
How about one in your oversized head!
get someone else to hammer you in !!!
Call Ophra. I'm sure she will do it for you.

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