Friday, January 15, 2010

If you had to be the one to drive the nail into Jesus onto the cross, could you have done it?

Let's say you may have been one of the apostles (okay even women!) and you had followed the man around for 3 1/2 years, could you have done it?If you had to be the one to drive the nail into Jesus onto the cross, could you have done it?
He could have been a total stranger and I would not have lifted a finger to him in harm.If you had to be the one to drive the nail into Jesus onto the cross, could you have done it?
Nope. Life is tough enough without having to add more pain.
Of course not. I have a tough time killing spiders, pounding nails into people is way way out of my league =)
No I couldnt and wouldnt and not only to Jesus but to anyone at all
There is no way I could have done that. It was not his apostles or followers that drove the nail into his hands and feet.
I understand that I did do it. My former denial of Christ's divinity and his gift of salvation drove in the nail. My former blasphemy drove in the nail. There is much that I have done in my life that drove the nails through Christ's hands and feet.

You're asking if I could have actually stood there, hammer in hand, and driven the nail into his actual body? I don't think I could have done that...but what I think is irrelevant. Given certain circumstances, why not me? I am not exempt from having hated Jesus, so I am not exempt from killing him.

The fact is that no one tried to intervene, and so everyone is guilty.

We are all guilty. Whoever pounded in the nails is a mirror. And Peter--in his denial of Christ to save his own earthly life--is a mirror. Pilate, washing his hands and glibly asking, ';What is truth?';, is a mirror.

All we need do is look into the mirror, see ourselves, and ask forgiveness. And it is at this moment that Christ's mercy for his murderers becomes awesome to our eyes.
no....that's insane!
That is the simplest answer NOOOOOO that would be like saying you could kill someone today
no thats barbaric and messy

youchristains dont get it

your salvation is dependent on nailing him to the cross

if you dont nail him your not saved
If I was a Roman betcha. A job's a job.

Why would an apostle or a follower of JC have to do it? THAT part of your question makes NO SENSE! I realize your asking a hypothetical, but come on man....don't be stupid.
I doubt it. I do not believe I could harm anyone much less my Savior.Unfortunately every sin I continue to commit is like a nail being pounded into His flesh.
Probably not...I don't have any real desire to harm anyone physically.
I'm with SPOOKY on this one. I wouldn't care who he was, I wouldn't have done it, and I am an atheist.
I could never drive a nail into ANYONE'S hand, never mind a completely innocent ( and glorious) man as Jesus Christ our saviour. I pity the people who did that to Him. Their punishment ( I bet ) is still being enforced . What goes around comes around.
I would not do that to nobody
no id have turned and done it to the nearest soldier, you cant hurt innocent people but hurting the bad guy is good for the sole. so that bloke old nick told me {the devil}
Knowing the evil the man's insanity caused in the years following his death? Yeah, I'd have crucified him. Though I prefer to play Pilate's role, not the soldiers. I'd have moved to do it far FAR sooner into his insanity though, and only after trying to treat his insanity though.
I take it you are asking this from the assumption that we know that this was necessary for salvation.

I trust Jesus and heknow that he had to do this, why else did he sweat great drops of blood in the garden of gesthemene. He did not want to do this, and yes I do believe that he could have spoken and gotten out of the mess that 24 hours and escaped, but Jesus knew what He needed to do.

When I think of it in those terms, I would hate doing it, but if that is the only way to save mankind for eternity, I would do whatever it took to accomplish this. I would hate it, yes, but without that sacrifice, you and I would have no hope for eternity.

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