Sunday, January 17, 2010

Is it a sin to nail a male toy figure to a cross and sell it as a crucifix?

Is it sin-free to give the crucifix away free to a believer?Is it a sin to nail a male toy figure to a cross and sell it as a crucifix?
We prefer empty crosses because Jesus is not on the Cross any longer, he is resurrected from the grave and seated in Heaven at God's right hand.Is it a sin to nail a male toy figure to a cross and sell it as a crucifix?
Wearing any torture device around your neck is sadistic!
If you think the crucifix is a toy, we'll see what you say when the toymakers nail you to one.

Because you take liberties with what is sacred, the sacred will have no power in your life. You are stealing from Christ by denying Him. Yet if you are like the good thief and you at last look upon Him who they killed and know that truly He is innocent, He is God, and He is your Creator, He will say to you as He said to the Good Thief on that Day: This Day you shall be with me in Paradise. Therefore say to Him: Jesus, remember me, when you come into your Kingdom.
Ctholics use the cross with JesusChrist because that remind us of his sacrifice. We donlt hang the over our necks because we are sadistoc like someone suggested. And the fact that some other beliefs don't do it is because when Reformation tehy decided to be different than Catholics in as many things as possible. Not worse, not better, just different
Yes! It is a sin!!! It is sacrilege!!!
Empty Cross: focus on resurrection..Christ is no longer on the cross

Crucifix: christ died for us...he suffered for us...we need to remember not only that he was resurrected, but also the sacrifice he made for us.

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