Tuesday, January 19, 2010

When they speared jesus on the cross or nailed him wouldnt that have caused him to have broken bones?

the bible says he didnt have any bone fracters,but wouldnt you have to shatter some bones in order to drive those nails in to him to hold him up on the cross?When they speared jesus on the cross or nailed him wouldnt that have caused him to have broken bones?
No actually you wouldn't. The prophecy about Jesus having no broken bones was significant because the soldiers usually broke the legs of the criminals to stop them from being able to push themselves up to breathe.

The Romans used spikes that were 5 to 7 inches long and tapered to a sharp point. They were driven through the wrists about an inch or so below the palms. This was a solid position that would lock the hand; if the nails had been driven though the palms, his weight would have caused the skin to tear and he would have fallen off the cross. So the nails went through the wrists, although this was considered part of the hand in the language of the day.

It's important to understand that the nail would go through the place where the median nerve runs. This is the largest nerve going out to the hand and it would be crushed by the nail that was being pounded in.

You know the kind of pain you feel when you bang your elbow and hit your funny bone? That's actually another nerve called the ulna nerve. It's extremely painful. Well picture taking a pair of pliers and squeezing and crushing that nerve. That effect would be similar to what Jesus experienced. The pain was absolutely unbearable. In fact, thit was literally beyond words to describe; they had to invent a new word ';excruciating';. Literally excruciating means 'out of the cross'.When they speared jesus on the cross or nailed him wouldnt that have caused him to have broken bones?
it was prophesied that these things would come to pass so people would know he was the ultimate perfefect sacrifice
It is true he suffered greatly for our sins.The reason he didnt have any broken bones is because of the locations of his wounds and it also was part of the evidence to prove he was the one true Christ.
No, the nails were driven in between the bones and tendons.
That was one of the miracles that proved he was the Christ. Hey idiot why don't you take the time to research your question before making yourself look like an idiot in a public forum.
no that was already prophesied
i dont kno
There have been cases in medicine that people have gone through HORRIBLE car accidents and died without a single broken bone, but died from internal bleeding.

This sounds like a medical question more than a spiritual question as it refers to the body mostly.
The bible also says that unicorns exist and a man survived being eaten by a whale, so I would look elsewhere for realism...
No, the nails were placed between bones in the wrist, the bones of the wrist used to hold the person on, in the hand, the nail would have ripped free, when the cross was dropped into the hole that held it up (this ussually dislocated the shoulders). The nail in the foot was also between bone. The person would ';stand up'; on this nail in order to breath or speak. The spear would have been long and thin, or rather are long and thin, there are still some around. The blow, delivered by a professional soldier, would have itself been lethal.
No. Crucifixion was done through the two major bones in the wrists and through the ankle joint (mostly tendons and cartilage)

Also, the spear thrust was most probably from up under the rib cage (piercing the pericardium - i.e., the ';blood and water'; from His side.)
No, they drive the nails in between the ulna and radius, and the tibia and fibula
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