Tuesday, January 19, 2010

15 year old boy nailed to cross for easter.?


Read it there.

I find it absolutely disgusting and sick that people can do this voluntary to themselves, how can this be ok to do? makes me realise just how crazy religion is!!

Also, for the God Believers here, please dont say these people did this because of satan or their not really believers, they are and probably more stronger and ';faithful'; than you.

youd have to be pretty extreme in your faith and i guess that proves just how crazy and extreme it can get what do you think? would you sign a petition and go on a protest about it if you could??

This just makes my atheism stronger, i feel so bad for that 15 yr old,he shouldnt have been allowed! no one should and the fact people eat icecream and candy while watching that makes me feel sick.

How can that be entertaining at all?

Religion is a joke, so many bad things happen coz of it.15 year old boy nailed to cross for easter.?
I feel the same way about this as I did about the passion of the Christ. Why all the emphasis on the Crucifixion? If he was beheaded would people be chopping their heads off too?

Does the audience get to throw rocks, poke through their flesh with sticks and knives and spit on them? Because I've got some vacation time coming, it might make for an entertaining outing.15 year old boy nailed to cross for easter.?
Say what you will. It's disgusting, abhorrent, at least their faith isn't derived from pascal's wager. I sort of respect that level of commitment, even if they're completely wrong about the world.
oh my god! that's so sickening i can't believe that! absolutely not right. I'm not againsnt any countries or think my country is better or more civilised but this is really bad :S
OMG I am at a loss... that's just disgusting.
I wouldn't necessarily call it voluntary. If they have it around them all day, and is probably encouraged, no 15 year old has the mental compass to understand how wrong it is to do this.
they do it all the time.
did they even think if god wants them to do it ??? ^_^
it realy is just peoples' primal need to inflict pain on others disguised as religious celebration. no different to killing in the name of God. i dont think jesus went through that suffering so we'd inflict it on other people. maybe we should focus on his life rather than how he died.

I feel if they are stupid enough to do it, then let them do it.
';The country's dominant Catholic Church disapproves of the crucifixions and flagellations as a misrepresentation of the faith. ';

To give the religious authorities their credit in *this* case.

But it does show there is no limit to what some people will believe, and possibly also that particular beliefs self-sustain especially well within groups, communities.

Those on the outside looking in will, of course, be told by those on the inside that ';they don't understand';.

Bureaucracy being what it is, Health and Safety regulations may succeed where other appeals fail... (URL)
I know of these people who do this sort of thing around ';Easter'; time, and it is an abomination, and an insult to Christ and His atoning work. They do it, somehow believing they are suffering for their sins. If they were truly believers, they would know that Christ already did the work, did all that was necessary. Their masochistic displays are useless and insulting to God. They may be very fervent and very sincere, but they are fervently and sincerely wrong.

Please don't paint all believers with this broad brush, unless you wish to be held the same standards. Nero, an atheist, used to cover Christians with tar and burn them as torches in his garden, do you want to be considered in the same boat as he? Do you want to be considered on the same level as all the atheists in history who committed heinous and treacherous acts against others? I didn't think so.

that is DISGUSTING and DISTURBING!!!!!!!
I agree it is appalling. and the Church should no allow it.
Like the Crusades, the Spanish Inquisition, the Salem witch hunts etc.. This act was devised and carried out by devout idiots who don't understand their own religion

Read the teachings of Jesus, and the disciples, nowhere is this even suggested as a way to follow Jesus, it is something cooked up by someone with the all too human urge to improve something that isn't broken. To go farther out to prove your devotion, when that is not needed, God knows your heart, he knows if you love him, This is nothing more than someone being for the lack of a better term, a spiritual show-off. Please think about what is going on here. Your argument is that all rope is bad, because some dummy hung himself with one. Please put the responsibility where it belongs, on those who dreamed up this lunacy, and allowed it to happen.
Well.. they are devout, I'll give them that, but there is a line that was crossed there.

The crucified were volunteers... so it's their choice. At least the government makes sure that the nails were sterile and they were given tetanus injections.

But still...
Did you skip this part?

The country's dominant Catholic Church disapproves of the crucifixions and flagellations as a misrepresentation of the faith.

';The spiritual dimension is totally lost, and it's entered into only because of some shows, some manifestations for other people to be satisfied with or to see,'; said Bishop Deogracias Iniguez.

';Many of these penitents, those who are practicing these physical afflictions have a meagre, have a shallow understanding of these practices.';

There are always going to be extremists in the world. You shouldn't cluster every Christian with the nuts. Just like I don't cluster all the athiests as nuts.

And the christians say we pagans are lunatics.
Thats hilarious, how completely mad
Yes, it is silly, but it just shows how much they must believe and respect their religion!

I do think it is crazy, because you may be very fond of your religion, nut do you think God created you to crucify yourself!

Okay, it is your way of thanking him! But really . . .
oh my

that is gross

would god want that ?

sureley that is againest human rights
I guess you never bothered to mention that the Church condemned these rituals as tourist attractions and asked people not to do this. Most Catholics just fast until after dark and don't eat meat on Good Friday. I guess you forgot to mention that as well. You also forgot to mention that as a atheist you have faith also; however foolish it is.
That's retarded. I'm a strong believer, but that doesn't mean I'm gonna go nail myself to a cross. That's not what was told of us. We're suppose to celebrate, not make this a holiday of sorrow and death.
Yeah they're crazy. Maybe it's this time of the year.
they are being held up by the tied ribbons, not by the nails.

1. no blood

2. if you put a nail through that part of the hand, it would pull out. The Roman crucifictions were always through the wrist inbetween the bones.

My guess is that the nail is symbolic, not real
There are nuts everywhere and ';true believers'; also who are misguided. See Eric Hoffer's book, ';True Believers';. Howsomeever, the fact is that Jesus was crucified, among several thousand other people at the time and only He died for sin, and only He rose from the dead, and only He is coming back.
Extreme masochism being passed off as piety.
its 1 not entertaining its a scarfice because Jesus gave them live with your sins forgiven but i agree with you its brainless but what ever floats your boat
do you think god will have a special place in heaven because of his dedication and devotion


do you think god will have a special place in heaven for him because he is an idiot

- an atheist
So what exactly is your question?

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