Tuesday, January 19, 2010

When Christ was nailed to the cross and was dying in agony... what did he mean when he looked upwards...?

... and said

';Forgive Them Father for they Know Not What they do?';

To me that means people are supposed NOT to persecute others: for example when Proud Stepford Wife maligns gay people I think she is colluding with SatanWhen Christ was nailed to the cross and was dying in agony... what did he mean when he looked upwards...?
You persecuted me earlier. Were you ';colluding with Satan';?When Christ was nailed to the cross and was dying in agony... what did he mean when he looked upwards...?
Ok, I can understand your ranting if you've had a bad day with people judging you. Also, considering your sexual orientation, I can understand why you might harbor negative feelings towards Christians. That being said, have you ever considered that two wrongs don't make a right? You don't have a right to hate Christians because you believe them to be stupid any more than they have a right to hate you because they believe you to be sexually deviant/immoral. I don't know what Proud Stepford Wife said about gay people, but ask yourself if it really matters what she thinks. I understand from your previous post that you were physically attacked because of your sexual orientation. That was an evil act by anyone's standards. Proud Stepford Wife has probably never experienced anything close to that level of hatred. Long story short, I believe that acceptance of the homosexual community depends on you. Don't fall into hating people, and Christians that do hate you will only have more reason to be ashamed of themselves. If someone physically threatens or harms you, bring them up on charges and let the courts deal with it.
I always appreciate a person's interest in the Bible. This is the most misunderstood book in human history for the last 2000 years. When Jesus walked the earth, he was universally misunderstood. His own disciples didn't completely understand him and his mission. It wasn't until he rose from the dead that the disciples became devout believers and fully recognized who Jesus was. That particular verse means exactly what it says. The masses, the establishment, and the Jewish authority had no idea of Jesus's Divine power. They perceived him as a threat. Despite their lack of understanding, Jesus still asked for them to be forgiven. It was the ultimate example of forgiveness.
Why do you use a verse that you interpret as instructing us not to persecute others, to persecute someone?

News flash! Christians are not perfect! We are prone to the same sinful pitfalls as everyone else in the world, yet we are expected to be the models of perfection. We do our best to follow the example of Christ and to love people as they are(I know that is what I strive for). Love the sinner not the sin.

We have opinions too. I personally have been saved by God from an atrocious fate (bi-polar, self injury). My unique experiences have shaped who I am. Is it wrong for me to want to share that with others?

I personally don't see anything wrong with what Proud Stepford Wife said.

Trevor: I am a Christian. The Bible says that homosexuality is wrong. I believe it, BUT it also says that we should love others and show them Christs love. That is why I try to love you and accept you for who you are.

I thought that you were better than the last troll that posted mean questions about me after I answered a question about gays. I basically said that I can disagree with their lifestyle and still love them as HUMAN BEINGS. Honestly though, Trevor, I don't see you as being any better than me when you post stupid questions belittling me. How about you become more accepting of me, as a Christian, as I am of you. You really disappointed me. I thought you were different. I actually liked to read all your answers and questions, but you ruined yourself for me.

';Forgive Them Father for they Know Not What they do?';

Jesus meant that He wanted God to forgive those people who were murdering Him because they didn't know that they were killing the Son of God. You cannot make your own definition of what it means because you are dead wrong.

I have lost all respect for you.

This is my answer to the questions he speaks of:

';I know that I will get TD for this, but I want to say that heterosexual people have no more rights than homosexual people do. They ALL cannot marry someone of the same sex. All is equal. It isn't like they have MORE rights.

THIS SAID: I am not a homophobe, nor do I think that gays are evil people. They deserve as much respect as anyone else. Even if I don't agree with their lifestyle, I am supposed to love them because they are still people. The last time I said something about gays, I was called a homophobe and a nazi. All I said was that I didn't agree with their lifestyle, but I should love them anyways because God calls Christians to love our neighbor as ourselves.

EDIT: Obviously I don't think that they should be legally married, but I do think that they deserve some kind of law that allows them to visit each other in the hospital. Why can't they just get married ';under God'; or however else you want to be married without it being legal. Isn't your commitment of living your life together good enough? Honestly, to me that is all that matters is our commitment to each other. The legal thing is just something that we need to do. Although I don't think that it is right to just skip out on marriage. I am talking more about having a wedding ceremony without making it legal. I mean no disrespect.';
So Trevor, since you are using the words of Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ as part of your argument that people shouldn't persecute others does that mean that you do indeed believe in Jesus and his words and are in fact a Christian yourself? Congratulations! Welcome to the Everlasting Life club my friend!
It pretty much meant that man had not yet learned the extent of what they'd done (or the role in which they'd played in Jesus life, death and resurrection).

They didn't fully understand Christ purpose for living, which was to be sacrificed so that we could be forgiven of our sins. He asked god (our father) to forgive them, because upon his death the true knowledge and understanding of his very existence would be revealed unto the non-believers.

Through his resurrection, the miracle of Christ crucifixion would be proven true through the lessons that he'd passed to his disciples. For they would be the ones to tell his story to the masses, and testify (witness) to the greatness of god. The stories of him feeding thousands with 5 loves or bread and 2 fish, calming the waters during the storm (in which he'd walked upon), healing the woman who was sick in her body with a blood infection and giving the blind man sight. Even after performing these miracles there was still those who didn't believe in the power of the father, the son and the Holy Spirit.

But Jesus already knew what gods plan for him was, he knew what was going to happen before it even happened, and he prepared himself for it. He grew to understand that his job (or purpose for being) was to ensure that his followers would understand his mission, and his purpose for becoming 'flesh' to walk amongst man prior to his death. We (meaning all man) where reborn through his sacrifice. God bless

Edit: Right on Capone and Harleys D. I couldn't have said it better myself.
Why can't you handle being disagreed with? I don't hate you even though you clearly don't agree with or support my faith in Christ. So why can't you be a bigger person than someone like me who is ';fundamentally stupid'; and evidently colluding with Satan, and not hate? Aren't gays supposed to be more highly evolved than the rest of us?

See, this kind of question is why I think Trevor has a clone. He has all these Q %26amp; A's where he is respectful and well thought out. And then there are the ones like this, where it's all hateful ranting. What gives?
Any issues you have with Proud Stepford Wife should be taken up directly with her.

This board is not the place to conduct witch hunts and personal attacks.

If you are sincerely interested in this Biblical passage then perhaps Religion and Spirituality would be a more appropriate forum.
Christ was in the moment of taking on the world's sins, but you are right we don't have the right to judge others. I'm not sure what you are refering to about Proud Stepford Wife's comment she has always given good answers, but I don't really know her.
He was quoting the Old Testiment.

He is described 2,000 prior to Christ perfectly, being nailed to a tree and he says those words. Jesus knew scripture perfectly and did everything in fufillment of the Old Tesitment.

';It is finished';

Where is Proud? havnt seen her around at all...are you confusing her with another?

I do think that some Christians...and some other need to be reminded of this and the statement ';judge not'; and the whole ';cast the first stone'; thing.
No, people who disrepect someone because of their sexuality are not colluding with satan but bigoted ignorant idiots.

I agree with Ms Sophisticate in that all religious nuts are way too judgemental.

Why in America does every debate or argument always get the the point where it involves christ or the nazis? Are we retarded?

He was referring to the people who lead him to be crucified, as far as I know. Meaning they weren't fully aware of their actions and he wished them to be pardoned instead of repaid.
It means right what he said... When he looked up, he looked up at God in heaven, and asked him to forgive them... cause maybe they had to do it against there will.Plus...Jesus is very forgiving.
He meant exactly what he said...

';Forgive Them Father for they Know Not What they do?';

Just like I would like to plead on your behalf to the rest of GWS...

Forgive Trevor for he Knows Not What he does.
I think he meant, ';They should have used roofing nails, but they are clueless morons...';

Question: Is this directed at Christians in general, or specifically at PSW?
Proud didn't even answer your question about homosexuality.. Why did you pick her?
You should be reported for the simple fact that this isn't the R%26amp;S section

screw it, i just reported you.
If you're going to keep posting questions like this go to the Religion and Spirituality section.
yes, God will forgive them if they repent.
The Tortured was praying for his torturers. Simple and plain, he had the authority, and the means, as well as the Father's favor to allow supernatural retribution, which will be enacted at His second coming, He isn't coming back to save us all next time, He is coming back to eliminate those, who do not embrace Him and His Salvation. However He during His first visit left hope for all who give up their self serving ways, and follow His selfless example. Most people don't realize(me included) how intertwined sin is in our daily lives, so we pray for wisdom, mercy, grace, charity, and above all else patience. Satan is a lot more interactive than people give him credit for, he orchestrated every sin ever committed, just like God foreordained every good work that we will ever do. People tend to blame themselves for their individual sins, if this were the case God would have never sent His Son for salvation, we are weak to temptation because Satan is good at what he does. We were up against a supernatural force with deception beyond our comprehension. This is why Jesus came, our Salvation would otherwise be impossible. As long as individuals don't get hard-hearted, there is hope for change, but this requires surrender of self, so God, by our invitation begins tearing down, to rebuild in the image he intended for us. Christians get confused sometimes and malign the sinner instead of isolating the sin, and separating from the sin, without isolating the sinner. We all sin, and although there is scripture that says gay lust is unnatural to what God intended, sin is sin and equal in origin. I don't hate gay people, I can't and remain ';Christ like';. I am dissapointed though that you allow an brief act of sin to define who you are the other 23(+ or -) hours of your day. When a heterosexual male/female commits lust they normally don't let it define who they are. If we focus less on our beliefs and lifestyles, and more on selfess acts of love, the world is better for it. In saying this understand I am not won over to your cause, just looking upon a fellow brother/sister with Mercy, Grace, Charity, and long suffering, in hopes that just like the extremely lost Jesus came to save, that patience and perseverance will prevail for salvation's sake(yours and mine). Until the next world comes may you find peace in this one. Your Brother Harley's Dad
Religious people are notoriously judgmental, even though it is commonly known, that judgment is a sin in all Cristian religions. Now, people with empty lives usually tend to have low self esteem. However, by bringing you down with a few judgmental words here and there, in her estimation and in some people's opinions her self worth went up. It is not an honorable thing to do, but only a very unworthy soul would actually resort to this type of behavior. So, consider the sources.

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