Friday, January 15, 2010

Did the Romans use Thor's hammer to nail Jesus to the cross?

use your imagination.....Did the Romans use Thor's hammer to nail Jesus to the cross?

Not really. Thor does carry a hammer and Christ was nailed to a cross, however the two aren't really connected. (Despite the implication of the infamous Asatruar bumper sticker (which I am looking for the link to right now)

Thor's hammer was used to smite the ettins and to hallow runes and bless weddings. Never used to nail someone to a cross. The saying really means Thor is mighty and didn't die like a convict, that he'd fight and die in battle not be executed. It's the modern day version of the battle of ';Red'; Thor and ';White'; Christ, comparison which carries an insult for the later. To be “red” meant not only literally to have red hair (a sign of fierceness, which Germanic warriors sometimes achieved through dyeing their hair red), but to be strong willed, hot tempered, and battle-mighty. While “white” could mean, as well as the complimentary meaning of fairness, to be weak willed and cowardly, comparable to calling someone lilly-lived. When the Christian missionary Thangbrand came to Iceland (at the bidding of Olaf Tryggvason), a priestess of Thor, Steinunn, composed several verses showing clearly that Thor was the warder of the Heathen ways. She praises Thor for having wrecked Thangbrand’s ship, and also says to the missionary, “Have you heard that Thor bade Christ to a fight, and he did not trust his own strength enough to battle with Thor”? (Brennu-Njals Saga, ch. 102)Did the Romans use Thor's hammer to nail Jesus to the cross?
Come on, how could I not reply to a question about Thor's Hammer. ;-)

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But since you believe there was a hammer and nails


I wonder exactly how many Romans nailed Jesus to the cross?
The norse had nothing to do with ';Christ';
Oh child go to bed. How many times will you re post this stupid childish question.

Thank you for the chance to testify: AGAIN!

Jesus is Lord
Isn't that an item in Diablo 2?
I wouldn't know..why does the hammer matter anyway....
Never mind that I want to know if Thor nailed Mary cause the immaculate conception thing is B.S.

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