Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Did Thor help nail Jesus to the cross? Thor has a hammer and Jesus has nails in his hands and feet. I'm saying?

You stole my joke from earlier.

I will hunt you down while i have his hammer.Did Thor help nail Jesus to the cross? Thor has a hammer and Jesus has nails in his hands and feet. I'm saying?
No. Thor would never participate in the condemnation of an innocent man. Had he been present, the Romans would have been routed from Israel.

';Crucify him! Crucify him!';



Fun fact: since in Asatru, whether you go to Heaven (Valhall) is not determined by what you believe but what you do in life and the way you died, Jesus would be one of the Elect (Einherjer) and taken by a Valkyrie after he died on the cross, since he died for what he believed in, overcoming terrible fear and pain.

Odin is looking for some good men. Whose side will you be on, as the final bugle calls over Vigrid plain?Did Thor help nail Jesus to the cross? Thor has a hammer and Jesus has nails in his hands and feet. I'm saying?
Did Clint Eastwood kill Martin Luther King? Clint has a gun and Martin Luther king has a bullet hole in his neck. I'm saying?

Not that funny when it's someone you may actually remotely respect, eh?
Absolutely. Also, little known fact, Beaverton, god of wood, helped build the cross too.
Proverbs 26:11

As a dog returns to its vomit,

so a fool repeats his folly.

even a dog in a pirate hat
If I could get a design of Thor nailing Jesus to the cross I'd get that tattooed on me.
I bet 20 that Thor is gonna nock that skinny guy around a bit just to mess around; you know, SMASH HIS SKULL!
Show me where this is in the Bible.
LOL @ hbf

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