Wednesday, January 13, 2010

When Jesus Christ the deluded magician was nailed to a cross and died in agony?

When he said:

';Forgive them, Father for they know not what they do';

Was he talking about Christians who want to deny rights of love to people who they (Christians) are a little bit too stupid to understand?

When Jesus Christ the deluded magician was nailed to a cross and died in agony?
Jesus showed up 3 days later so obviously he didn't die on the cross.When Jesus Christ the deluded magician was nailed to a cross and died in agony?
You have been deluded by your Parents teaching. They must have hate you or you must be born a cursed to them. Don't worry I will tell you the truth because I cannot hate but love people like you. You will stand in hope, when you see your ignorance, caused by your Parents, to allow me to correct your understanding of Jesus Christ. So pay close attention.

Jesus Christ is the son of God and not the deluded magician as you have been taught.

There was no Christian at that time.

I have to stop correcting you from here as I know you are very confuse now.
Let's see who can squeeze the most ignorance into one question.

You win! Well done. Your prize is my pity and prayers.

To answer your question, Jesus was asking God to forgive the soldiers who were crucifying Him. There were no Christians yet; that's kind of obvious.
Jesus died for that sin that you are committing, He was beaten with a cat of nine tails that took flesh all the way to the bone, and bruised, spit on, mocked and had a crown of thorns placed on His head, nails through His wrists and feet. All of this so your sin could be forgiven and you could experience eternal life and not eternal death.

And all you are telling me is that you want to feel good and not be denied your kind of love. Buddy, I hate sin because of what it did to my Lord. I was a fornicator instead of a homosexual. Same sin, but when I came to realize my Savior and what He did for me, I turned from my wicked ways and ask His forgiveness and He gave me the Holy Spirit who started purifying and cleansing me from my sins.

Sins are horrible burdens and they weigh a person down. God sets the laws and there is nothing man can do about God's laws but obey them. God said that without the shedding of blood there is no remission or forgiveness of sins. Animal sacrifice covered sins with their blood until the final sacrifice walked the earth as God in human flesh, Christ Jesus. The animals had to be spotless and without blemish. Jesus had to be perfect and sinless. Only Jesus could have suffered for you and me. Jesus is the only sinless human who ever lived. God says that we have all sinned and fallen short of His glory.

It took the blood of Jesus on that Cross of Calvary to be the final sacrifice for the sins of mankind so we could be reconnected to God Almighty.

If you love Jesus, you can't condone sin whether it be fornication, adultery or homosexuality. Sin is sin and to vote sin into a law is wrong. People who call themselves Christian live in adultery, fornication and homosexuality, but God knows the heart and mankind cannot hide from God.

Do not judge Christ by Christians. Get His Word, the Holy Bible and follow Him and His ways. Repent and turn away from your sins and Christ will come into your heart and help you take these sins away. He gives us the Holy Spirit and what the Holy Spirit begins in us, the Holy Spirit is more than able to finish.

I smoked cigarettes for 43 years and in a second Christ delivered me from ever wanting a cigarette. For the past 3 years, I have been nicotine free with people smoking all around me and not wanting a cigarette. I carried this sin burden for 43 years knowing my body is the temple of God. I quit so many times I can't even remember the times, and within weeks went back to smoking. For years I knew about Jesus, but in 1998 He spoke to me after 2 months of praying.

Christ knows our sins and our struggles, because He was tempted when He walked the earth as the God man. Jesus knows that when we surrender our life to Him that He is able to take our sins away. I couldn't quit smoking, but Christ could take it away and He did.

I quit fornicating because it made me feel like a bad person. And AIDS and STD's are a great deterrant. I knew that my life was not in line with the Lord and the guilt was really bad. In all of my sinning Christ kept drawing me back to Him. My fornication and my smoking were both destruction courses because of the sin. The Lord loved me and kept drawing me back to Him.

I can't condone sin of any kind, because I love the Lord way too much.
Christ was actually referring specifically to Christians there. The ones He was paying the sin debt for.

Incidentally, He was either Jesus the Christ, or (as you also suggest) Jesus the magician, but couldn't have been both.
Deny the rights of love? How is that happening. Love is an emotion, there is no control which people are allowed to feel love in America. And there's no control over who's allowed to live together, either.







and yes i think he was talking to the christians...who are just to stupid to understand how the world works...
Seeing he was also a joiner he must have meant the member of his union that made the cross.
Little bigot there was only those of the jewish race and pagan faith there,How would he be talking about christian's?

And yet you little bigot, you call them stupid.

check your mouth for foam.
Who peed in your cornflakes?!

Jesus is a myth and never existed, so the question is a little useless.
random thoughts? random nothings.....
somebody needs a little more sugar in his tea this morning.
If God was as all knowing as they say he is, he should already know that.
No If the story is true, then he was asking God (himself no doubt) to forgive the killers .
As an atheist, I would like to say this 'question' is needlessly offensive.
he was talking of those who were killing him.
It's a myth, never happened, forget it!
so the myth says.

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