Friday, January 15, 2010

Do you believe that Jesus Christ is the son of God and was nailed on a cross and died so you can be saved from?

eternity in hell? Why or why not?Do you believe that Jesus Christ is the son of God and was nailed on a cross and died so you can be saved from?
I don't just believe, I know with all of my heart the God sacrificed his Son to die in our place.

Prior to Jesus coming and dying for all mankind, all those who died were held in death.

When Adam sinned, he sold the souls of all mankind unto death. So all who died were taken to one of two places in hell and death. The upper part of hell known as the bosom of Abraham where the righteous dead were held. The lower part of hell which was and is a place of torment to the unrighteous where they are reserved until the day of judgment.

Because no man could live a life without sin, all men were held in the place known as death and hell. That is why God sent his Son. Jesus came and lived a life without sin and when he was put to death, because he was innocent of death, death could not hold him and he was worthy of resurrection.

Yet, by Jesus dying, he died for all mankind, so that all who believe in him would not be sent to that place known as hell and death.

The interesting part is that by the sin of one man, death was brought to all mankind. And by the death of one innocent man, life was bought for all mankind.

Jesus said, '; He who believes in me will never die. ';

And he spoke truth. For though a man dies in his flesh, his soul does not die, does not get cast into that place known as hell and death.

Jesus said, '; He who believes in me, though he were dead, yet shall he live.';

He indeed spoke truth. For though a man dies in the flesh, his souls lives in Christ and goes to be with Christ in paradise.

Now, all the righteous dead prior to Jesus' resurrection could not assend into heaven til after Jesus defeated death.

And it is written that by the heart, a man comes unto righteousness, and by confession unto salvation.

Those who were righteous and were still held in death were set free when Jesus went and preached to them in death and hell. They were already righteous in their hearts. That is why they were in the upper part of hell known as the bosom of Abraham. Yet, they could not make confession unto salvation until Jesus defeated death and came and preached to them.

Now, when a man dies in Christ, his body sleeps in the earth awaiting to be resurrected on the day of resurrection. The soul goes with Christ. And on the day of resurrection, the souls of those who died in Christ come with him and will be reunited with their bodies that have been resurrected, changed from mortal, to immortal.

So what happens to a child that dies? Do children go to heaven or go to hell?

First, to answer this question, you must ask yourself what causes men to be cast into hell. Sin.

Children are innocent of sin. When a child is born, God breathes the breathe of life into the child. The child remains alive in spirit until he understands the laws of God, and that he cannot life a sinless life, live according to the laws of God. This is what is known as the age of accountability. This is when the spirit of the child is no longer that of a child, but of a young adult, thus dying in the spirit because of sin.

Yet, if a child dies without the understanding of the law, the child is innocent in the eyes of God and goes to be with God.

The point is this, if a child reaches the age of accountability, then he dies in his spirit and must have his spirit born again in him if he wants to enter the kingdom of God.

So it is written a man must be born again to enter the kingdom of God. John 3

And when a child reaches the age of understanding, then the child is no longer a child, but a young adult who is in need of forgivness.Do you believe that Jesus Christ is the son of God and was nailed on a cross and died so you can be saved from?

Because anyone should be able to see that the whole idea is nonsensical. Why did god need a son? Couldn't he have just shown up himself? Why have himself nailed to a cross to save humanity? Why does god require us to be saved from himself? Why create hell if you love all your creations?

No, because the idea is ludicrous. Even if a really nice guy named Jesus DID get crucified by the Romans (a common execution method back then), there is no proof to say that he was some kind of holy spirit incarnate who has the slightest say in any supposed 'soul'.

I believed that Jesus Christ is the son of God and was nailed on the cross and died for my sins, AND rose from the dead on the third day - so that I could be saved from eternity in hell.

Why? Because Jesus Christ became our sacrifice and by accepting Him and repenting from our sins, we become righteous before God through Him.

None of the story fits. It might well be ';The Gospel of Caesar.';

Jesus on a donkey. Donkeys were not allowed in Jerusalem - period. (Sanitation).…

Or more mythology, recycled:…
he died for our sins, well God truly is fire and brimstone to sacrifice his only child, oh wait aren't we ALL the children of God? Hm mm, how exactly is nailing his body to a cross (which was a common punishment for that time) going to help? and then to come back to life a few days later well if I were Mary I would be asking him if he could not have let me in on this? the whole thing stinks of broken telephone to me. The bible was written by men not Jesus not God this way they would not have to take responsibility for what it says.

you have to ask your self what would Buddha do?
According to all Muslims (1.8 bilion), Jesus was not God/son of God nor was he crucified. He was only a messenger just like Moses, Abraham, Noah, Joseph.

“O followers of the Book! [The Bible] do not exceed the limits in your religion, and do not speak (lies) against Allah, but (speak) the truth; the Messiah, Isa son of Marium [Jesus son of Mary] is only an apostle of Allah and His Word which He communicated to Marium and a spirit from Him; believe therefore in Allah and His apostles, and say not, Three. Desist, it is better for you; Allah is only one God; far be It from His glory that He should have a son, whatever is in the heavens and whatever is in the earth is His, and Allah is sufficient for a Protector.”

Qur'an 4:171
Not ONE bit


No one has the slightest physical evidence to support a historical Jesus; no artifacts, dwelling, works of carpentry, or self-written manuscripts. All claims about Jesus derive from writings of other people. There occurs no contemporary Roman record that shows Pontius Pilate executing a man named Jesus. Devastating to historians, there occurs not a single contemporary writing that mentions Jesus. All documents about Jesus got written well after the life of the alleged Jesus from either: unknown authors, people who had never met an earthly Jesus, or from fraudulent, mythical or allegorical writings. Although one can argue that many of these writings come from fraud or interpolations, I will use the information and dates to show that even if these sources did not come from interpolations, they could still not serve as reliable evidence for a historical Jesus, simply because all sources derive from hearsay accounts.
I will never understand why people believe him to be the son of God. Mary was told that she was to give birth to the king of Jews, not the son of God. He never referred to himself as the son of God. He called God his father just as millions of believers of God refer to him as God our father.

But, to answer your question, no, I do not believe Jesus to be the son of God, neither did he. And no, he didn't die on the cross to save me. He dies on the cross for the sake of a political movement. Jesus wasn't preaching his own word, he was a Jew and was preaching for the Jews as the king of Jews not as the son of God. Calling him the son of God didn't even start until hundreds of years after his death.
Yes I believe it with all my heart. We have the Bible as the starting place of our belief. Then we have personal experience. Now, if you try to explain God's Blessings to an unbeliever they think you are delusional. But my experience, and witnessing the results of God's Blessings in the lives of others, is more than enough evidence to convince me that all that was reported in the New Testament concerning Jesus is real. And He is as timely and contemporary today as He was 2000 years ago. That is why I believe. Because He is a personal Savior. He came down to earth from Heaven and suffered at the hands of sinners and was put to death in a most cruel fashion. He did all that to pay the penalty for our sins. For the penalty of sin is death. Jesus paid the price for all of us. But even more than that He rose from the dead and is now intercedeing for us before our God and Father.
No, I honestly cannot find belief for that in my heart.

I do believe Jesus was a good person, actually a great person, and a lot of his teachings are wise and honest, but son of god, no.

Best wishes :-)
No, due to lack of evidence for that claim and plenty of evidence to support other theories that are incompatible with a literal interpretation of the bible, like evolution.
here's the proof:…
Did you not read Dan Brown's Davinci Code

If not what;s the point of our existence on this god forsaken planet

why do churches exist just to rake in money



No, because I don't find that particular legend compelling.
No; it's comparable to mythology and I do not believe in an afterlife.
At least there's no evidence that such a despicable plot ever really existed.
No. I think the story is bizarre. It has virtually no chance of being true. There is no hell.

cause i have already been there and was delivered from it (literally)
It is through Faith that I believe this is true. Yes, I believe Jesus was nailed to the cross and died for us so we can be saved.
no, that's idiotic.
Yes, Jesus paid the atonement for mankinds sins on Calvary's Cross
Yes, as to reasons to many to list here.
No. Just no.
Yes, I believe :D
No. Because that makes no sense to me whatsoever.

I believe he was just a man.

Simple as that.

yes because the bible says so and it is true.
Yes, Jesus is Lord. I need no reason other than the fact that I believe.
No proof for ANY of the above

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