Friday, January 15, 2010

If atheists don't believe in religion then why did they nail Jesus to a CROSS!?!?

Hello, they didn't. Ancient Rome wasn't exactly a cornucopia of atheists.

You should know this if you're a Christian.If atheists don't believe in religion then why did they nail Jesus to a CROSS!?!?
thay where romans and thay had difrent god thenIf atheists don't believe in religion then why did they nail Jesus to a CROSS!?!?
they wernt atheists
.. Are you completely insane? Atheists had nothing to do with Jesus being nailed to a cross (if he even existed). It was the Roman leaders that did it and his own followers that called for it.

You really need to do some research so you don't look so ridiculous when you ask questions.
Your ignorance of history is astounding.
Actually, it was the Jewish people who allowed the crucifying, and the Romans who carried it out. Both the Jews and the Romans were religious people. The Romans worshipped many gods, and the Jews worshipped one.
The Romans who did the dirty work of executing Christ were pagans. The Rabbis who arranged for Christ to hang were Jewish. There wasn't any atheists invovled.
Atheists aren't the one's that did it, but if you insist on believing that, then you should be kissing our non-believing tushies because we opened the doors of Heaven for you. If Jesus hadn't died, then God wouldn't forgive you your sins, right?
The amount of history and theology you know is truly the greatest out of anyone I have ever should see my newest question:

If psychologists don't have a degree to distribute medicine, then why did they go to SCHOOL?!?!?

Seriously, you are an idiot. Heads up. I'm about to school you.

1) Romans killed Jesus

2) The Romans were only going to kill a few people that day, and let the Jews decide (consider it Isreali Idol). All the Jews phoned in, and let a murderer and rapist go so that Jesus could be crucified. I heard Florida had a recount, but I'm not sure.

3) Jesus turned himself in to be crucified.

4) There were no atheists at that time that have ever been metnioned in history or the Bible. All philosophers were at best closet-atheists.

5) 2000+ years later there was this supreme idiot who asked rediculous questions that I got to waste my Saturday answering.
I believe the christian bible states that Romans did the nailing. They were not atheists, but polydeists. In fact, during the rise of Christianity, one of the things Christians were accused of was being atheist, since they didnt believe in the Roman gods.
You're sure no history student. First off, Atheists never nailed Jesus to any cross. He was nailed ( executed ) by the Romans. They were not Atheists. They were very religious people. They had a whole group of gods that they worshiped

An Atheist is a person who believes in no ';gods';.
lol good one
What would have have nailed him to, Mr. Fancy Pants?

A 2x4? Maybe a mobius shape of some sort? How about an ankh?

So you credit aetheists with the creation of your religion? Without Jesus' SUPPOSED ressurection, Christianity would not exist.

Damn you, aetheists!!!!!
That's like asking if Christians believe that Christ is God, why do they eat hamburgers?
Actually religion did not matter.

The crucifix was just a way of killing people. It had nothing to do with religion until christianity came along and the crucifix with jesus became a huge religious symbol.

Oh. I must have misheard. I thought it was the Christians who nailed Jesus to a religion.

Whether that made atheists cross, I don't know. I doubt most of them were bothered, to be honest.

Some ';Top Contributors'; come up with such amazingly stupid statements. Oh well.
Atheists didn't nail Jesus to a cross. You did. I saw you do it.
Did we? You *are* aware that there were no atheists at that time, yes?
There were very few if any atheists then-the majority of people had belief in some deity.
We just get bored sometimes.

As far as answers go, I think I ';nailed'; it.
Romans were pantheists, and they nailed people to pikes, not crosses.. Jesus most likely did not exist, just like sherlock holmes...
What makes you think they were atheists? That was extremely rare in those days. The Romans that did it had many gods.
According to most Christians, it was God's plan for Jesus to die on the cross. Therefore whoever nailed him to it was being guided by God.
yeah they weren't Atheists, in fact they were so cosmopolitan in their beliefs that they were willing to accept any new God that comes down the wire. An beside the fact i think that your premise is flawed, they did not put him on the cross because he was God, there were many political reasons for it, the Jewish leadership, Pilots problems and the fear of the Jewish people uprising for their king, oh by the way i am a Christian so i am not just bashing your question.

oh and to answer the question of his existence, there is so much historical proof for him that there are almost absolutely no serious historians that deny it anymore.
It was the Hebrews and the Romans that nailed him to a cross.

The Hebrews had their motives, and the Romans were basically following orders, and one man being nailed to a cross isn't as different as the other thousands of men being nailed to a cross.

Though there were Atheists in those times, I sortof doubt they were Atheist, because there were even fewer than there are today...

Officials and others would go to the festivals and worship the Roman gods for show. Not everyone was devout, just like today, not everyone is devout to the main religion...
Atheists didn't do it. I am pretty sure the Jews wanted it done. I believe they felt threatened by the things he was saying.
The Romans were polytheists. They had many Gods.

And they didn't nail Jesus to a cress because it was holy, they nailed him to a cross because that was the way they did things back then. The cross only became holy AFTER Jesus was nailed to it! (Because he WAS nailed to it. Strange thing to make holy in my opinion!)
excuse me but it was the church that did that

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