Tuesday, January 19, 2010

How many nails were put in jesus on the cross?

3How many nails were put in jesus on the cross?
Not enough.How many nails were put in jesus on the cross?

one on his fet,

and one through each wrist.
40 because the bible writers seem to love the number 40. Unless they were being economical, in which case the number is 7, the second favourite number. 144,000 would have been excessive. There is nothing in the Bible that says how many nails.

There has been a great deal of pious writing about crucifiction practice and how it was done. Very little of it is in agreement. Archaeology indicates that the Romans did not use the high crosses the Christians always show and that they did not use nails to Crucify their victims. This makes sense. Iron was almost a precious metal back then, and they crucified a lot of people. They used very little Iron even in their buildings, they certainly would not have wasted it on a condemned prisoner.

Another point is that the Romans did their impaling of prisoners on the pales(poles) that every unit carried for making the palisades around their military camps. These were precut to fit together fast and were lashed with rope. Everything was reusable.

They did not waste Iron.

The 1968 ankle bone and spike is a fraud. Have you ever tried driving anything into a bone. Doctors drill or saw, bone is hard and it fractures.
Until the Israelite's hardware store ran out. Then they jabbed him with a spear.
3 bozo, one for the two wrists and one for both feet
3 one in each of his palms or wrists and one in his feat.
..........TOO MANY.................

one straight thr the wrists and one thru the top of the metatarsals.
Three. One through each wrist at the base of the hand and one through both feet crossed on top of each other through a block of wood attached to the cross.
The answer is 5 one for each palm, one for each wrist and one for the feet.
Originally there was just one, but he kept turning crooked so they put 2 more in.

They would all stand from a distance saying ';Does he look level to you?';
At least five. Many people don't know this, but the Romans put nails not only through Jesus' hands, but also through his wrists. Unless the person was very small, the nails would rip through the hands due to the person's body weight. So they drove nails through the person's wrists to make sure that they would stay in place. We assume that there was one nail driven through both feet. That makes five.
Jesus wasn't on the cross

Aqa Mahdi Puya says:

The incoherent recording of the events of Isa's crucifixion, burial and resurrection in the New Testament, proves that the whole story had been fabricated to suit the doctrines of the Christian church. Paul had distorted the true faith of Isa to accommodate Roman paganism. Their story should be judged in the light of the following analysis:

(1) Those who came to arrest Isa, in the darkness of night, had never seen his face.

(2) It was Judas who, standing beside Isa, identified him.

(3) Judas' features were very much like Isa's.

(4) As the light was very dim, their faces could not be seen clearly.

(5) The soldiers were afraid of the people, who certainly would have started a struggle at any moment and made their task difficult, so they were in a great hurry.

(6) It was Judas who was crucified.

(7) The crucified body was brought down from the cross in the early hours of dawn.

(8) The disciples ran away from the scene and did not witness the burial.

(9) The grave, in which the crucified body was buried, was found empty.

(10) The only witness of the resurrection was Mary Magdalene whose versions, given in the four gospels, differ from each other. In some, she was there when Isa rose from the grave; and in some, when she approached the grave, she was told by another unknown witness that her Lord was raised to heaven.

(11) Isa was seen by the disciples after the resurrection

It is a fact that it was not Isa who was crucified. He was saved. His disciples gave currency to the idea of his crucifixion so that the Jews remained assured of his death, else they would have gone in his pursuit. The Roman soldiers also kept quiet in order to avoid the blame of killing a wrong person and also the certain punishment for not executing Isa. As Sale has observed in his above noted explanation, the early Christians did not believe in Isa's crucifixion.

All the Muslims, in the light of this and other verses of the Quran, do not give any credence to the false story of Isa's crucifixion and resurrection, fabricated by the Christian church.

Tawaffa (to take away), tahar (to purify), raf-a (to raise) and nuzul (to descend) are the four effects of the divine will in connection with Isa, out of which the first three have already taken place and the fourth is expected to happen, before the final resurrection. The religion of Allah shall triumph over all other religions and creeds. The light of truth shall enlighten the world, and a perfect human society shall be established before the world comes to an end. This is His promise. If tawaffa means death, then also there should be no doubt in the mind of a believer about Isa's nuzul because, as said in verses 258 to 260 of al Baqarah, Allah can give life to the dead or raise up any dead living being to life. In the opinion of Shaykh Saduq, this explanation is more credible.

If tawaffa means departure from this world without dying, then his nuzul will be re-appearance after his temporary disappearance, similar to Imam Muhammad al Mahdi, who is living on the earth as a necessary link between man and God, while Isa has been raised up unto Allah. So Isa has no jurisdiction in the matters of this world, whereas Imam Mahdi is the sole deputy of Allah to look after and take care of the terrestrial affairs. When both of them shall re-appear Isa shall follow the leadership of Imam al Mahdi.
2 because it wasnt a cross it was a stake.
I believe 3. Why?

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