Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Which was the most important part, being nailed to a cross, or being ressurected from the dead?

That is where the fundies and liberal Christians will disagree. One focuses on the suffering, the other on the redemption.

Seeing the Christ as an archetype, I will answer that they are representations of human duality...Which was the most important part, being nailed to a cross, or being ressurected from the dead?
Resurrection.Which was the most important part, being nailed to a cross, or being ressurected from the dead?
Very good question. And whomever gave me thumbs down last question, back at ya' . Probably ressurection from the dead. Anyone could have died and only the son of God could have risen from the dead.
to me they are equally important... they were both part of the greater plan. the resurrection was proof of his promise to us to return, and the nailing to the cross was the prophecy and it had to happen for the resurrection to happen. the nailing to the cross was the ultimate sacrifice of love.
They are both equally important. Nailed to a cross to purchase our redemption.

The resurrection was God's seal of approval on that sacrifice and the declaration that He is the Son of God:

Romans 1:4 ';And declared to be the Son of God with power, according to the spirit of holiness, by the resurrection from the dead:';
Being nailed to the cross was about dying for our sins. Since we couldn't save ourselves, then it was important (for us) that He loved us enough to give His life for us. He redeemed us. Being raised from the dead, gives us confidence that we too will be raised and live with Him throughout eternity. So, I guess being 'saved' (the cross) was most important. For if he saved us, indeed, we know he would take care of us.
What a question. I never heard this asked before.

I do not know.

I wonder seriously if it is a matter of which is more important. I don't know it can be defined in those terms.

I always considered it as a whole action, not in parts.

His final triumph over death proves so much more, but the other

No, I think it was altogether one action, with the significant results of each.
Question for mmurphy3..... when you nailed her 3 days later...was she dead? lol.
both are important.
Living a perfect, sinless life, from the beginning of life in the womb to the very last breath in suffering ... to the raising of the dead flesh from the grave . Through it all...love was there present and living. That is the most important part.
For Christian belief, it is the resurrection. However, the physical nailing to the cross fulfills an old testiment prophesy about the Messiah. If Jesus died of natural causes and then was resurrected, would it have a different meaning?
Interesting question. I feel that they are inseparable. The thief was nailed to the cross, but it had no bearing on me because he wasn't doing it for me. Lazarus resurrected from the dead, but once again, it had no effect on my condition because it caused no change in my circumstances. I think the important part was the fact that it was God, the Son who surrendered His majesty on my behalf to allow this to happen to Him.
Both are equally important. He died in for our sins, as a ransom for our souls and was raised for our justification, meaning that the Father accepted the ransom as full payment for our sins.
I basically agree with busybee but the Resurrection lays the foundation for our faith. Jesus died on a cross because He loves us. This could occur regardless of any outcome. But if He had been unable to overcome death, the faith of the early believers, and consequently us, would have been built on a lie.
Being nailed to the cross was most important. After He died, He descended into hell, then went to heaven and unlocked the gates, thus making us able to get to heaven. Then his ressurection occured when (and correct me if I'm wrong) the bible says he handed of the keys to the kingdom to Peter.

So, without the ressurection, we have no body of believers, though there would still be individual believers. But, without his death, there would be no access to heaven.

This is why most Christian churches use crosses and crucifixes - in rememberance of or to symbolize His sacrifice.
you can not seperate the two. The resurrection can not be seperated from the sacrifice that Christ made for us, that led to the resurrection.

Without one the other would be not be relevant. Which is why it doesn't matter whether you wear an empty cross in memory of the resurrection of a crucifex in memory of christ's sacrifice for us...both are entertwined one with the other.
All in one.
I think they are equally as important, the crucifixion shows the extent of the pain that Jesus had to go through, and the Resurrection shows the power of God. If I had to choose one I would say the Resurrection because only Jesus did that and many others were crucified.

Hope this helps, Rohan!
Being resurrected. Everyone dies, but only 1 came back.
Both of those were extremly important him being nailed to a cross was for him to become a curse for us.

Galatians 3:13 Christ hath redeemed us from the curse of the law, being made a curse for us: for it is written, Cursed [is] every one that hangeth on a tree:

But his payment for the elects sins began before judas even came to capture Christ.

Luke 22:42 Saying, Father, if thou be willing, remove this cup from me: nevertheless not my will, but thine, be done.

Luke 22:44 And being in an agony he prayed more earnestly: and his sweat was as it were great drops of blood falling down to the ground.

Why was Jesus in agony because he began the payment for sins for his elect.

Him resurrecting was also super important because he went to heaven and sent back the Holy Ghost.
Being resurrected by far. Many people were crucified as a tortuous means of carrying out a death sentence. The cross did not become a 'religious' symbol until after Jesus died on it. It was merely a means of stretching out one's arms and legs so they could die a slow and painful death. Many people died by crucifixion, but only One rose from the grave.

Resurrected from the dead
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