Sunday, January 17, 2010

How many would be preparerd to be nailed to a cross.. so that we can have our stairway to heaven???

What if that included creating a stairway to heaven for nasty insulting and repugnant atheists like myself??How many would be preparerd to be nailed to a cross.. so that we can have our stairway to heaven???
Nobody's coming near me with nails, the cross would be up there you know where!

(I think you would be less repugnant without the hat)!!

(oops, email is on now thx)How many would be preparerd to be nailed to a cross.. so that we can have our stairway to heaven???
The idea of vicarious redemption through human sacrifice is a barbaric and wicked one. It's a violation of human integrity that so many people are so eager to absolve themselves of blame for their own wrong-doings. Any decent human morality is necessarily grounded in the idea that we are all accountable for the evil acts we commit.

Many people often ask me, since I'm an atheist, what stops me from going on a killing spree. The answer is that, unlike the religious, I cannot simply ask forgiveness. If I were to commit murder, it would be on me for the rest of my life, and I would know that.

Take responsibility for your own mistakes! Ask forgiveness from those you did wrong to, not your friends in the sky!
Eh, there have been probaby somewhere around a half million people nailed to crosses by the Romans (a complete estimation, I could be far off. Either way, it was very common). All of them recieved it for various reasons, but all were being difficult to the Roman Empire. I'm not sure how one man's death got so over-glorified that he ';suffered on the cross for our sins'; when his wasn't any kind of special death.
What prupose woudl that serve? I am not even close to being worthy enough to die for your sins. As I am a sinner myself. Some one already did that for you. Even if you as yyou said are nasty,insulting and repugnant. All you have to do is ask, accept and repent. Three simple things that can change your life forever.
Crucifixion was just the method of execution for anyone deemed a criminal during the time of Christ. Lots of people suffered more extreme torture than Christ was alleged to have suffered, often at the hands of Christians.

To answer your question - I'll pass on that, though I'm sure many Christians would like to see me crucified for not believing their myth.
I would. Paul said in the Bible that he would go to hell, just so all the sinners could go to heaven. That's how passoinate he was about sharing the truth of God, and if it meant I had to be a marter for God, I would. Because it's real, and if all I had to do was die so you and all the other athiests would become saved? Yes. But God who is the only one honerable enough could possibly do that, and he did. So I don't know why you are asking questions when you should be seeking God. He DIED for YOU and everyone.
The Original Kingdom Gospel that Jesus himself preached in the King James Bible has nothing at all to do with blood for sin. Source:

And according to the Prodigal Son story, you are right on course. The son did the wrong things we all do, but was welcomed when he returned to his heavenly Father.

I don't think you have worry about others being nailed to the cross. The Orignal Gospel was not about that.
I'd do it, but only if I get a chicken burger, a medium fountain drink of my choice and a biggy fry for just $3.99 everyday
It wouldn't include nasty atheists, but it could possibly include pure and pious atheists.

Though I myself am a little leery of the whole idea.鈥?/a> led zeppelin is not clear about it.

can please add a scripture?

Imposable. Heaven is peace. How could there be peace if people like you also went? I'm not judging you, just showing logic. How can one get to heaven if they breaks God's heart?
I am not into self harming and i would rather live in a bungalow.
i wouldnt be prepared. I'd have said ';beam me up, daddy.';

and flown away in a magical spaceship of love!
Would anyone like to have their skin peeled off so that the rest of us can see leprechauns dancing on every rainbow?
Hmmm - no thanks. Nails not my bag.

I'd rather be leaving bustles in hedgerows.
well if you an atheist you would not believe in heaven
I'm surprised Jesus just didn't get up and say, ';Not today, Rome!';
Jesus did that so that we wouldn't have to. So that ship has sailed.
We are all being nailed to crosses every day, maybe less instantaneously painful crosses and nails, non physical sometimes, but crosses and nails in their own imaginable right nonetheless.

Crosses, differences not handled gracefully, differences handled relatively worse than other difference witness.....that is what life is all about. Sin is difference and difference witness, without which life could not exist, right?

There are bits and pieces of ourselves that we ';give'; to enable human life to be more bearable. Each one or us seemingly consciously and unconsciously...for those who are not awake to it.... we each contribute from time to time towards the building of a more heavenly life so to speak, by our actions and our words that come out of us that bring these gifts.

Many are not affirmed for their value in this regard because they are not witnessed doing such or because there is something holding back their witnesses from that kind of giving, skill, aptitude, religious belief, what have you.

But afterlife heaven? I don't see that as anything to overly concern myself with. God/Creation Energy, including all of us, has made this life what it is for the Entertainment of Heaven to where we all return for our short stints there, where we get bored very quickly by the infinite knowledge and attempt to get back on a rollercoaster ride of life again.

I am a Forgive Affirmed Spirit.

Forgive Affirmed Spirit is a method of grief resolution and functional communication processing involving active listenning, sympathy, empathy and affirmation of shock, denial, anger, guilt, depression, loneliness and hope.

A Greater Works of communication and action, a way to learn to love your enemies ';Do unto others as you would have them do unto you AS IF YOU WERE THEM!';

And nobody is perfect! NOBODY! We are all judgeable, hopefully in a graceful discerning way!

Humans judge everything as we are a part of it. The best way to judge is with graceful discernment!

Life is the question(uncertainty) asked by the exhaling infinitely compacted imagination invention, or no thing, which is completely certain of everything, completely omniscient or all knowing.

When I die, I will be in a new state, aware of all that is and yet divided into the nature of dust that I am in, whereupon my dust shall fall. My being will remain an infinite part of an infinite being and infinite knowledge without my material human being status of now. So there will be a change. But my soul will move on to infinite places of comfort and challenge. Able to return to this state of uncertainty and free choice illusion for another ride when it is called effectively to do so.

So that the children of God are actually part in parcel of that God or Creation Energy!

This is a roller coaster ride. Enjoy your passion within it and whatever gathering of two or more in Forgive Affirmed Spirit to make it better can garner.

Healing be unto you and yours and me and mine in

Forgive Affirmed Spirit
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