Sunday, January 17, 2010

I think that Saturday is still the Sabbath, and that it was not nailed to the cross, anyone agree?

By the way I麓am a Seventh Day Adventist which is Christian, so this is not an issue of Jewish beliefsI think that Saturday is still the Sabbath, and that it was not nailed to the cross, anyone agree?
I think that would have been a real miracle. Nailing Saturday to the cross would have sealed it for me, for sure. Wonder how they missed that one?I think that Saturday is still the Sabbath, and that it was not nailed to the cross, anyone agree?
The old covenant came to an end upon the death of Christ, who was the God of the old covenant incarnate. Paul explains this in Romans 7 using a marriage covenant.

You cannot be held to the conditions of a covenant you were never a party to, and a covenant that ended. The sabbath was the sign of the old covenant.

SDA refuse to believe this, as the entire theology would fall apart, and you would quit supporting them with your money.
Gentiles were never to keep the sabbath. The sabbath was a sign between the Lord and the Children oF Israel only! One needs to be careful here because the Bible tells us that if someone wishes to keep the law, then they are a debtor to keep the whole law which is comprised of 613 different rules. jesus Himself stated that the sabbath was made for man, not man for the sabbath. The reason it was discontinued even among the Jewish christians was because all the law had been fulfilled in Christ. You will find reference in the New testament where the disciples, paul and others came together on the first day of the week for breaking of bread and prayers. the reason they changed the day of worship to Sunday was because not only were they free of the law, but they also recognized that day as the day the Lord arose from the dead.

You, as a Gentile, were never instructed anywhere in Scriptures to keep the Sabbath so why do it?
The Sabbath is supposed to be God's day of rest - I say leave God alone on the sabbath you God Bothering Religious Dopes...

Imagine 2-3 Billion lost sheep bleating outside your house on a Saturday or Sunday when you are trying to have a lie in!

Life is to short for Religion (A Man, not God, made futile pastime)...
Think what you want. I've already entered into the rest. Every day is the sabbath for me.

Hebrews 4:3

';For we which have believed do enter into rest, as he said, As I have sworn in my wrath, if they shall enter into my rest: although the works were finished from the foundation of the world.';
Apparently you are confusing two different things above. The Mosaic law was nailed to the cross. Feel free to email me soon.

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