Sunday, January 17, 2010

What does Scripture say Jesus nailed to His cross? Col. 2:14?

';Having wiped out the HANDWRITINGS of REQUIREMENTS

that was AGAINST us, which was CONTRARY to us. And

He has taken it out of the way, having nailed it to the cross.';

First of all, we see that is was ';handwritings'; of requirements that was

against us, contrary to us.

Was this the 10 Commandments nailed to the cross as the majority of Churches say? To be continued.What does Scripture say Jesus nailed to His cross? Col. 2:14?
Was this the 10 Commandments nailed to the cross

.......A BIG NO........

Deu 31:26 Take this book of the law, and put it in the side of the ark of the covenant of the LORD your God, that it may be there for a witness against thee.

Notice it says the BOOK OF THE LAW (HANDWRITINGS of REQUIREMENTS) and put in in the SIDE OF THE ARK...... for a WITNESS AGAINST THEE. The book of Moses went in the side of the Ark, and the 10 Commandments went in the Ark.

This means the handwritings of Moses were nailed to the cross. This also was all the rules of the Sanctuary given to Moses. This is why the curtain was torn from top to bottom on the door of the Sanctuary when Christ died, an example of doing away with the laws an sacrifice's.

I like how it says from the top to the bottom, because you know that God did it. If man did it it would have been from the bottom to the top.:O)

The best thing Satan could do (for his side) is make you forget the Commandments, and if people think that they are done away with and they break one then they break them all.

Mat 5:19 Whosoever therefore shall break one of these least commandments, and shall teach men so, he shall be called the least in the kingdom of heaven: but whosoever shall do and teach them, the same shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven.

Alot of religions say the Sabbath was done away with at the cross but that's not the case either, there were ceremonial Sabbaths like the yearly Sabbath. The Sabbath that Christ died on was what they called a High day because it fall on the weekly Sabbath and the yearly Sabbath. It was the yearly Sabbath that was done away with at the cross with the rest of the laws of Moses, not the weekly one.What does Scripture say Jesus nailed to His cross? Col. 2:14?
Well that is true, and i should have added that, but i think i have RSI, lol

i'm not to flash on the keyboard.

God Bless.

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A bit harsh, only 4 stars. lol lol

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No, that isn't the meaning of that passage. Rather it means that the old covenant of being justified before God by keeping the law was nailed to the cross. God's moral laws are still in full effect, however laws that were pointing ahead to Jesus and the coming of the Holy Spirit, laws that were sacrificial, ceremonial, or outward laws of holiness like dietary laws, have been fulfilled as the passage goes on to explain in part.

Colossians 2:16 So let no one judge you in food or in drink, or regarding a festival or a new moon or sabbaths, 17 which are a shadow of things to come, but the substance is of Christ.
That verse shows that the Israelite requirement of strict adherence to the Law of Moses was done away with when Jesus was put to death. In essence, the requirement of living by that law was nailed to the torture stake with Christ. It also goes along with the fact that God cast off the Jewish people as his ';chosen ones'; at the moment that they had Jesus killed. God's blessing and relationship then transferred to the newly formed Christian congregation which was bound to God by a different means, not one that had a hard and fast series of strict laws given to it the way the Israelites had with the Ten Commandments.
This refers to the entire written Law of Moses, all 613 commandments, not just the ten. As the Apostle Paul explains in Romans, the Law was good and holy, but it could not make us good and holy. Because people could not help but break the Law, they were all guilty and deserving of punishment. In the Old Testament, those who confessed their sins on Yom Kippur and put their trust in the atoning blood of the sacrifice (representative of the Messiah who would come) were forgiven. In the New Testament, we put our trust in the already finished work of Christ on the cross for our salvation. We are not saved by works of the law (as if we could merit our own salvation by good works), but we are saved by realizing that we are sinners who are incapable of keeping the Law and who ask God for mercy and forgiveness. By his grace he saves us when we put our faith and trust in Jesus' atoning work. ';For by grace are ye saved through faith. It is the gift of God, not of works, lest any man should boast.'; After we are saved, we do good words to show we have a living faith. Jesus also taught that believers will be rewarded for their good works, but works are not for salvation.
not only the 10 but the entire laws of Moses. But, there are commands that Jesus made we are to follow and there aren't many churches abiding by those either.

Churches say you are saved by grace and then you are to obey the law. They love Jesus and sleep with Moses so to speak--called spiritual whore-dome.
The Jewish ceremonial law was nailed to the cross, but not the 10 Commandments that were written with the finger of God.
no !!
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