Tuesday, January 19, 2010

The law that contained the demands for the Sabbath was nailed to the cross and was completed when Jesus ?

poured out His blood for the salvation of all people But WAS the Sabbath rest also nailed to the cross God's made Holy, sanctified Day.The law that contained the demands for the Sabbath was nailed to the cross and was completed when Jesus ?
this is the biggest lie of the century and whoever told you this is a liar and the truth is not in him!

in matthew chapter 5 verses 17,18, and 19 jesus clarified,illustrated and amplified the 10 commandments ,especially number 4 who most people wish would go away, the only day of the week named by god himself, and the only of the commandment to start with the word remember!, it is the longest of all the commandments.

this lie you have been told gos back to the roman empiour constintine

when him and others started what was known as the great universal church later to become the holy roman church ,now the catholic church! ,the idea was to bring the roman religion (pagan) who worshiped the sun god on the first day of the week ,with the christians who worshiped on the seventh day of the week,gods holy sabbath.

then came the dark ages where no one was allowed to have a bible in their possession except priests of this great church. the dark ages lasted for 800 years,, then sometime in the 600's, religious leaders of europe

formed the council of nissia and came to the conclusion that all christians will stopj ewdising the sabbath and made sunday offical,

so does mans law supercede gods law? ,i dont think so ! dont believe me by any means cause im not smart enough to make this stuff up and i shure as hell aint looking for the best answer, without law there is no sin ! ,when jesus was asked what is sin? his answer was in 1 john

chapter 3 verse 4 whose so ever commith sin trangresses the law !

what law is he talking about ,the law is the10 commandments, thoughout the new testament he repeated himself over and over till he was probably blue in the face about obeying the commandments.

on the last page of your bible in revelations chapter 22 verse 14 it says

blessed are they that do his commandments,that they may have

right to the tree of life,and may enter in through the gates into the city!

look this information up for yourself and find the truth, the commandments were not hung on the cross with christ is is a lie and will lead to the worship of a false christ, ,the real one is in your bible,

find him there and dont be biblicaly ignorant like the rest who believe what they hear , in 2nd timothy chapter 4 verse 3 and 4 ,the people rather hear stories then the truth,dont be one of them !

the sabbath is still in effect till like jesus said, not one jot or tittle

of the commandments are done away with untill this heaven and earth passes away ,and nither has passed away yet!

god blessThe law that contained the demands for the Sabbath was nailed to the cross and was completed when Jesus ?
The Sabbath day observance, which was from sundown Friday to sundown Saturday, was given to the Jewish nation as a sign between them and God under their Law Covenant.-- Ex 31:16.17. It is not binding on Christians since the Mosaic Law was figuratively nailed to the cross. Sabbath keeping was a part on that Law. It is written in Col 2:14 that the law ';consisting in decrees would be done away with.'; In Romans 13:8-10 there is no mention of the Sabbath observance under the New Covenant. The other nine commandments are all based on love which is the Laws fulfillment.-- Gal 5:14. Christians are to recognize their faith in Christ under a New Covenant and their obligation to God by giving Him honor every day of the week.

Christ's rule, The Sabbath day rest is yet to come.
Paul taught us not to allow anyone to judge us regarding the keeping of sabbaths, new moons, or festivals. He said that one person observes one day above another, and someone else will consider each day alike. We are to be fully convinced in our own mind that what we do is honoring to the Lord.

We are not under the letter of the law, but under the Spirit. If you stress a particular day as being THE DAY that you must worship and set aside, you miss the real point while focusing on the letter. It does not matter which day we set aside for worship and rest. True, we should have a day set aside, but if we become legalistic about it, then it will actually hamper our spiritual growth.

What's more, we can become so focused on a set day of the week that we miss another spiritual truth - every day matters to God. Of the Ten Commandments, the seventh day Sabbath is the only one which was not addressed as a requirement in the letters. Paul said we should always be praying, always be watching, always be ready to obey Christ. When we put too much focus on a single day, it is easy to say ';I am keeping the commandments, so I am okay with God.'; But salvation is not based on outward works, but on the inward reality. Keeping the Sabbath is good, certainly, but it is an outward work just like water baptism, which can give a false sense of security. It is more important that we walk in love toward one another as described in 1Corinthians 13. If we walk in love we will automatically fulfill the requirements of the spiritual Law.
The Sabbath was part of the Mosaic Law and was Christ fulfilled that law, all of it. Consequently, the whole system of Sabbaths, be they days or years, was brought to its end with the rest of the Law by the sacrifice of Christ Jesus. This explains why Christians can esteem “one day as all others,” whether it be a sabbath or any other day, with no fear of judgment by another.
Are you trying to use us to underscore your Seventh Day Adventist sectarian religion by manipulating the word of God?

I hope you are not, but it sounds like it.

Let me tell you the absolute truth here and then compare it with the lies you are being taught.

The rest or sabbath mentioned in the Bible is when Jesus' rested on the right hand side of God in heaven, only after He completed His righteous works by taking all the sins of the world away with His water baptism and His blood on the Cross (John 3:5).

So all who believe in this gospel Truth of the water and the Spirit have received their complete rest. They do not have to work for their salvation anymore by trying to keep one day as a sabbath, or trying to get rid of their sins by continually saying their prayers of repentance.

Only these kinds of people have received rest for their souls.

The death of Jesus was at the hands of the Romans; they crucified thousands of innocent people. It had nothing to do with the Jews and certainly nothing to do with the Jewish Shabbat. And the death of Jesus 'fulfilled' NOTHING.


The Sabbath was only required of the Jews.

It was not required of Christians.

When the issue came up about circumcision, the body of Christians in Jerusalem considered what the Gentiles had to do as regard this major issue. And this is their conclusion:

3 Accordingly, after being conducted partway by the congregation, these men continued on their way through both Phoe·ni′cia and Sa·mar′i·a, relating in detail the conversion of people of the nations, and they were causing great joy to all the brothers. 4 On arriving in Jerusalem they were kindly received by the congregation and the apostles and the older men, and they recounted the many things God had done by means of them. 5 Yet, some of those of the sect of the Pharisees that had believed rose up from their seats and said: “It is necessary to circumcise them and charge them to observe the law of Moses.”

6 And the apostles and the older men gathered together to see about this affair. 7 Now when much disputing had taken place, Peter rose and said to them: “Men, brothers, YOU well know that from early days God made the choice among YOU that through my mouth people of the nations should hear the word of the good news and believe; 8 and God, who knows the heart, bore witness by giving them the holy spirit, just as he did to us also. 9 And he made no distinction at all between us and them, but purified their hearts by faith. 10 Now, therefore, why are YOU making a test of God by imposing upon the neck of the disciples a yoke that neither our forefathers nor we were capable of bearing? 11 On the contrary, we trust to get saved through the undeserved kindness of the Lord Jesus in the same way as those people also.”

12 At that the entire multitude became silent, and they began to listen to Bar′na·bas and Paul relate the many signs and portents that God did through them among the nations. 13 After they quit speaking, James answered, saying: “Men, brothers, hear me. 14 Sym′e·on has related thoroughly how God for the first time turned his attention to the nations to take out of them a people for his name. 15 And with this the words of the Prophets agree, just as it is written, 16 ‘After these things I shall return and rebuild the booth of David that is fallen down; and I shall rebuild its ruins and erect it again, 17 in order that those who remain of the men may earnestly seek Jehovah, together with people of all the nations, people who are called by my name, says Jehovah, who is doing these things, 18 known from of old.’ 19 Hence my decision is not to trouble those from the nations who are turning to God, 20 but to write them to abstain from things polluted by idols and from fornication and from what is strangled and from blood. 21 For from ancient times Moses has had in city after city those who preach him, because he is read aloud in the synagogues on every sabbath.”

22 Then the apostles and the older men together with the whole congregation favored sending chosen men from among them to Antioch along with Paul and Bar′na·bas, namely, Judas who was called Bar′sab·bas and Silas, leading men among the brothers; 23 and by their hand they wrote:

“The apostles and the older men, brothers, to those brothers in Antioch and Syria and Ci·li′cia who are from the nations: Greetings! 24 Since we have heard that some from among us have caused YOU trouble with speeches, trying to subvert YOUR souls, although we did not give them any instructions, 25 we have come to a unanimous accord and have favored choosing men to send to YOU together with our loved ones, Bar′na·bas and Paul, 26 men that have delivered up their souls for the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. 27 We are therefore dispatching Judas and Silas, that they also may report the same things by word. 28 For the holy spirit and we ourselves have favored adding no further burden to YOU, except these necessary things, 29 to keep abstaining from things sacrificed to idols and from blood and from things strangled and from fornication. If YOU carefully keep yourselves from these things, YOU will prosper. Good health to YOU!”

This took all the Law away and even the Abrahamic circumcision issue which predated Law.
If your question has to do with the Sabbath, we were given this law WELL before jesus - if he even existed.

When G-d gave Moses the 10 commendments to give to us, it is written: Remember the sabbath-day, to keep it holy.

Six days shalt thou labour, and do all thy work; but the seventh day is the sabbath of the Lord thy G-d; in it thou shalt not do any work, thou, nor thy son, nor thy daughter, nor thy man-servant, nor thy maid-servant, nor thy cattle, nor thy stranger that is within thy gates: for in six days the Lord made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that in them is, and rested the seventh day; wherefore the Lord blessed the sabbath-day and hallowed it.

As you can see - and read from above, there is nothing written about a cross - or about a man named jesus. This specifically tells us to honor the Sabbath - because G-d created the world in 6 days and rested on the seventh - and the sabbath day was blessed. Shabbos is the day we reinforce our bond with G-d, a day we spend time on spiritual pursuits.



Shane, you have sent me an email stating:

Message: Thank you for your imput to one of my questions. I've notice that you are unsure if Jesus is really God in the flesh.

Just to let you know a many of us do believe that Jesus is God in the flesh, and that He has come to save the sinners of the penalty of sin. It is through Him, Jesus Christ that as we believe in His sacrifice on the cross at Calvery do we have favor in the heart of Father God. Jesus now sits at the right hand of Father God in heaven.

I trust and believe that you to one day will come to the same revelation of Jesus Christ. So in the mean time shalom and God bless you.


Nowhere in my responses to your question do I hesitate in my belief of G-d. G-d is one. G-d is not jexus. There is but one, as it is written:

Sh'ma Yis'ra'eil Adonai Eloheinu Adonai echad.

Hear oh Israel, the Lord our G-d, the Lord is One.

One is the key word here. Your beliefs are quite different than mine. You worship 3. The father, son and holy ghost. Well, to each his own, but don't feel that you can change my mind about something that is incorrect.

I know the true words of Hashem - I live them, I have studied them, and I read them daily. Try picking up a Tanakh or Torah and perhaps you will learn the truth.

That is unabashed nonsense.
Your point is...?
What Bible have you been reading. Why do all the delusional posts come out on Sunday after Sermons?
aren't we supposed to find our rest in Jesus?

What's the question?

EDIT: No, the sabbath was made for man, not man made for the sabbath. Too much focus one one single aspect of the gospel leads people into a gospel hobby which can be an unhealthy obsession with one specific principal of the gospel.

The sabbath day for us today is to remember what great things God has done for us.
What was the question again?

Jesus rose into the sky and became a god, he went up with just the clothes he was wearing, and maybe a lunch. Please rephrase your question.

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