Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Spiritually speaking what evidence exists of Jesus and his being nailed to a cross granted the wood would be?

gone { sorry about the pun } but what about the nails ? I would have thought those would have been kept as sacred artifacts .Spiritually speaking what evidence exists of Jesus and his being nailed to a cross granted the wood would be?
there are enough nails and parts o the true cross for 10 simultaneous crucifixions of jesus

however there is the hole where the cross was, how do we know it is? because people say it is

at one point i think it was jesuses grandmother had seven reconised heads as relics, that woman had seven heads!!! thats something, why is their no gospel for her?Spiritually speaking what evidence exists of Jesus and his being nailed to a cross granted the wood would be?
Given the low -tech state of manufacturing things like dimensional lumber and nails at the time ;It is extremely likely that both the cross and the nails were used for crucifixions over and over again and the wood probably eventually wound up in a building somewhere%26gt;maybe as a lintel piece

One thing I don't get is why Christians portray the cross as being so big ?

Structurally you could easily crucify a 140lb man using a 2';x4';x6' horizontal member that was lap-jointed and pegged into a 4';x4';x12' [3' in the ground] as the vertical member
I don't understand if you are asking about ';the wood'; or ';the nails';. Crucifixion was considered a heinous way to die and Roman citizens were exempt from this and only inflicted it on others. Every part of His crucifixion is considered sacred.....to those that which to believe.
I have a dozen for sale for $100 000 each. Each limited addition Jesus nail comes carefully stored in a red* velvet lined gopher wood box made from the original timbers of Noah's ark. Each presentation Jesus nail comes with a certificate of authenticity signed by Papa Ratzi himself.
Assuming he was a real historical figure:

Most likely the Romans would have kept the nails. It's easier to recycle them than make more. Metal wasn't cheap in those days.

You could have gotten 50 lashes for stealing one of those big-a*** nails.
I'm sure if you look around in European churches, you'll probably find about a dozen nails, maybe several John the Baptists skulls, and so many fingers of saints, that each saint would have about 14 fingers!
Does it matter what form of execution Jesus experienced.In the book of Acts,there are two references to Jesus being hanged from a tree (wood),and one of being crucified.
Pieces of he authentic cross can be found at Catholic churches all around the world, and a very substantial portion of it is preserved in a monastery near Santo Toribio, in Spain.
In biblical times the most common form of being put to death by the Romans was crucifixion. So there may be literally thousands of ';pieces of the true cross'; lying about.
The Romans most likely kept the nails to reuse them. The History Channel just had a special on crucifixion - fascinating!
Absence of proof is not proof of absence.
They were.

One of them was strapped to the ';spear of destiny';.
who knows maybe they are still somewhere in the ground and they have build something on top of it never to be discovered
Was Jesus Sent to be Crucified?

One of the fundamental beliefs of Christianity is that Jesus had died and allowed for the shedding of his blood for the sake of granting forgiveness to people. In other words Jesus had died on the cross as a sacrifice for our sins. Let us investigate this topic from the Bible, and find out whether Jesus was sent to be crucified or that he was crucified:

1. Willingness of Jesus Christ to Die for Our Sins:

Peter and the two sons of Zebedee were with Jesus Christ before the elders of the people and the chief priests came to take him to crucify him. Jesus at this point talked to Peter and the two sons of Zebedee as in Matthew 26:38 ';Then saith he unto them, My soul is exceeding sorrowful, even unto death: tarry ye here, and watch with me.'; Then Jesus went a little further way from them and prayed to God as in Matthew 26:39 ';And he went a little farther, and fell on his face, and prayed, saying, O my Father, if it be possible, let this cup pass from me: nevertheless not as I will, but as thou wilt.';

It is very clear from the above verse in Matthew 26:39 that Jesus had no intention of dying. In this verse it is shown that Jesus was praying strongly (Matthew mentions that Jesus repeated these prayer three time) to have this death removed from him. Had Jesus Christ been sent to be crucified he would not have hesitated to be killed at all. When I relate this to my Christian brothers, they tell me that this hesitation comes from the flesh side of him (in other words he was tempted), and that his soul which is godly does not have this hesitation at all. When we look at Matthew 26:38 we see that Jesus is contradicting this idea by saying, ';My soul is exceeding sorrowful, even unto death.'; (Matthew 26:38). He himself says that it really his soul that is hesitating and not his body. These are Jesus' own words.

2. God Answered the prayers of Jesus Christ:

After Jesus made the above mentioned prayer he was answered by God according to Hebrews 5:7 ';Who in the days of his flesh, when he had offered up prayers and supplications with strong crying and tears unto him that was able to save him from death, and was heard in that he feared.'; These words clearly show that when Jesus was praying strongly to God, God would grant him his request. The word ';heard in that he feared'; (Hebrews 5:7) mean that God granted him what he requested. So the above verse shows that when Jesus asked of God to ';let this cup pass from'; (Matthew 26:39) him, God respond to his prayer and saved him from death or crucifixion.

3. The Post Crucifixion Prophesied Events never happened:

4. Why Would Jesus Have to Die on the Cross?


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