Sunday, January 17, 2010

Was it Religious Conservatives that nailed Christ-to-a-Cross?

Would he have be clean shaven, with a short well groomed haircut and wearing a tie %26amp; suit?Was it Religious Conservatives that nailed Christ-to-a-Cross?
No, actually it was religious fascists who brought Jesus to the attention of the Roman governor, who then put Him to death.


1 often capitalized : a political philosophy, movement, or regime (as that of the Fascisti) that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition

2 : a tendency toward or actual exercise of strong autocratic or dictatorial control

See the references to ';dictatorial leader'; (i.e. Caiaphas), ';centralized autocratic government'; (i.e. chief priests and the elders), ';forcible suppression of opposition'; (i.e. chief priests and the elders persuaded the crowds to ask for Barabbas and to put Jesus to death)... hmmm... sounds like fascism to ME!!!

Oh, and the ';clean shaven, short haired'; and ';suit/tie'; are red herrings, as they were the acceptable ';dress'; of the day.

Republican from before she was born... and PROUD of it.Was it Religious Conservatives that nailed Christ-to-a-Cross?
Jesus's appearance and apparel were likely very similar to the hypocrites who crucified him.

Yes, you could call them ';religious conservatives.'; But it is not fair to equate then with ';religious conservatives'; just because they can wear the same label.

One marked difference is that none of the Christian conservatives of the day are trying to execute someone based on religion.

There are some comparisons between the Pharasees and the Religious Right, but not based on the fact that they both wear the label ';religious conservatives.';
Well although the established orthodox Jewish community at the time was generally opposed to Jesus' teachings (or else they were probably in the young Christian community), they had only a small part in his crucifixion, even in traditional biblical accounts. Romans, attempting to quell this sudden influx of belief and political sway, made sure to crack down on this so-called ';King of the Jews'; before he became too powerful and incited a riot or led to another rebellion (as the Hebrews were prone to having at the time). And although these Romans were likely followers of Roman religious traditions and devotees of the pantheon or imperial cult, Roman religious belief was generally fairly open to new gods, or foreign gods that could be associated with another established god (as the Egyptian and Greek gods were often seen as different forms of devotion for Roman gods).

So in a sense, you might say that the Romans were religious and, since they favored autocracy and militarism, they could be ';conservative';, although at the time the notion is somewhat meaningless- and given that, you might say that religious conservatives crucified Jesus the Christ.

Of course without his crucifixion, and later supposed resurrection, he would probably have been a lot less popular. Either way, he probably wouldn't have been clean shaven or worn a tie and suit, since although shaving and short hair was popular with Romans it was not with Jews, and the tie and suit didn't come about until the 1800's.

As a side note, following the traditional tales of Jesus' crucifixion, shouldn't Christians be more angry with Italians than they are with Jews? Romans killed Jesus- Jesus was himself a Jew. Just saying.
Oh wow. Talk about stretching to make a point.

And to answer your question, he was clothed and groomed in the style of the day. Modestly, without his clothes bringing attention to himself. Which today would have been what you described with the short hair. Good try tho.

I will agree that most uber conservatives dont know the first thing about being a christian. Oh well. Wearing a tie and having a nice haircut doesnt give you a pure heart.
Yes, which I try so fervently to get the nutters to understand.

But if they could comprehend that, they wouldn't be Christians in the first place.

American Christian Conservatives are the new Pharisees. It amazes me that they can read the bible and not see that. Then again, I don't know many Christians that have actually read the bible.
It was a bunch of Pagans that nailed Jesus to the cross. I can't believe I wasted 10 seconds of my life answering this morons question.

Was it god-less liberals who fought for and passed abortion laws? Ah this is no trick. Of course it was Christian hating liberal scumbags.
Actually the Sanhedrin( Jewish religious leaders,in that time) were more like Saul Alinsky.By the way,I just cut my pony tail off a year ago,and Ive been a Reagan Conservative for years.That kind of blows both of your theories....doesn't it.
That's a tough one. I guess you could cite any example that it could be either conservatives or liberals. Really it was the Romans that whipped and crucified Jesus.
It was Roman soldiers, who were most likely pagans, if they were religious at all. Why would they put him a suit and tie, that particular garb didn't even exist at the time.
No. The Corrupt Jews who called for Christ's crucifixion were not very religious, only in name. Many of them were hypocrites. plz Your questions are too simple to be effectively intelligent.
No it was Romas and Jesus was just another criminal.

Crosses were cheap deadly jails.

Why people think they are special is strange.

It would be like worshiping Alcatraz or something.

Christians are not real bright.
1. No, it was Roman soldiers.

2. I always thought that proper grooming reflected well on a person.

I guess you feel otherwise.
You described a liberal to the tee!! Next time though, put him/her in a car, talking on a cell phone just seconds from running down school kids!!
Roman Soldiers.

The Nazis claimed we Jews were responsible. They called us ';Christ Killers';.
The church had Jesus crucified for telling them they were wrong. Rome controlled Israel at the time so Roman soldiers did the actual deed, at the church's request.
That's two questions neither of which make sense.
No, it was Roman soldiers.
Uhh, Nope, never seen him.
Oh dear I'm not even going to go there...Scary!
I don't understand. It was roman soldiers who nailed Jesus to the cross.
i don't think any of us were, however might have been
Check mate

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