Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Was jesus as a carpenter fixing a cross, missed and nailed his own hand to the cross?

Then he lost a lot of blood and became unconscious and the romans might have thought he was up for crucifixion and finished nailing him up by mistake?Was jesus as a carpenter fixing a cross, missed and nailed his own hand to the cross?
Sounds more logical than him being the son of ';god.';Was jesus as a carpenter fixing a cross, missed and nailed his own hand to the cross?
Actually, the cross was used frequently by the Romans as a death penalty for their criminals. In fact, in one point of history, although I cannot remember when, an entire road was lined with crucifixes. Yes, Jesus was a carpenter, but he was not stupid or prone to accidents. He died on the cross for our salvation, for us to live a better life and a happier life. He was subjected to unimaginable pain and humiliation so that we didn't have to. The Romans were led to him by a traitor in the midst of Jesus' company and was killed for doing nothing wrong, so that we could have everything that was right. This is why Jesus was crucified.
The christian cultists stole the cross symbol from the pagans. It's widely accepted that crucifixion was done with a structure resembling a capital ';T';, not a cross. And furthermore, Jesus is nothing more than a character in a fairy tale.
it could have happened, but he would have had to have been extremely drunk or high, and have possessed magic because how would he have gotten his other hand nailed and then his feet, and be facing away from the cross...must have been a bad carpenter, that's why he went into prophecy.
Ah, early industrial accident, eh?

Yeah, I mean look at that poor chariot builder who was out for a work test run one day, went into the wrong lane and found himself in the coliseum racing against Ben Hur...
I don't think that's how it went down. How old are you anyway? This forum is for sensible, mature, intelligent adults.

Yes. And he was already scourged before that because he was really into BDSM.
This is almost 100% true. What happened was he nailed both his hands to the cross.
There's a solution to that kind of fantasy...

Drink Coke...

That's a unique way of looking at it.
ARE you trying to make a ';funny';

THIS IS NOT A JOKE?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?
Then He deliberately did it for me...that's how much Jesus loves me a sinner

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