Tuesday, January 19, 2010

What if Jesus wasn't nailed on the cross?

...Did that fella came to our world 2000+ years ago to fulfill the purpose of dying on the cross for our so called sins? What would have happened if he didn't die?What if Jesus wasn't nailed on the cross?
There's a sect whose believers think Jesus was merely a magician (you know like Houdini or Criss Angel or whomever). They call themselves the Magi Jesus League.

According to Magi members, there were a few onlookers in the audience at the crucifixion who swore later that all the nails were made of rubber.

... And if you believe that lie was true, ask the blind man, he saw it too ;)What if Jesus wasn't nailed on the cross?
If Jesus didn't come, we would have no hope of sharing in the glory of God.
We all would be pretty screwed.
We would be building the temple back in Jerusalaim for the yom kippur sacrifice.
If you want a real answer read this...

The world would be doomed because we needed him to come for us to make a way for us to be redeemed from the fall of man, to be made flesh to take our place. Jesus died so we can defeat death and have a choice not to be slaves to sin and have a chance at eternal life and be saved and go to heaven when we die and be delivered from evil. We can be made perfect again with his blood washing away our sins and repenting from our sins in living with the holy spirit in our lives.

Satan tries to deceive people and because he cant get into heaven he tries to bring Men down into hell with him and seperate him from God with sin by a number of tactics like ignorance. He hates God's creation of man and plans his destruction. Thats why Jesus will get rid of him. The devil was cast out of Heaven and Jesus was like ' I done whooped you out of heaven and imo whoop you on earth too'( not direct quote) because God wages war on evil and he wants us to be with him because we are precious and though it may sound cliche he really does love us all and wants us to return to him and get out of the bondage of sin and be saved through his son Jesus. When Jesus died the universe stopped. The place of cavalry got dark, everyone was in fear, the angels that sing 24 hours worshipping God all stopped.... because the son of God had died. The imps, and evil spirits were celebrating. they busted out the champagne and everything and were like ' he came on our turf and we got him where we wanted and he lost' they thought they had finally done it; they killed the son of God. But then they trembled in fear because he defeated death and was resurrected by God and so thus doing defeating death for us so we may have eternal life and be redeemed.

The saved who accept jesus in their life can now enter into heaven (because sin cannot enter into heaven and it would be washed away with the blood of Jesus - very important). Where they will be safe with God and await the second advent of Jesus so they can be resurrected like he was in new eternal perfect bodies and live with God on new earth for all eternity like it says in revelations, amen.

If you really wanted that question answered, like serious, with a serious answer the way to do that would be to research yourself, you know like in the bible in the new testament in books such as Matthew, john, luke, mark, and some acts on the side if you want.
Nothing, it's unlikely it happened anyways.
Adam was a perfect man and committed a sin and fell out of favor with God.

Jesus was a perfect man to offset or balance the scales.
Then we'd still be making burnt offerings and daily blood sacrifices for our sins, and it would mean we were still under the old law.
ditto to that first answer. If Jesus hadn't been our ultimate sacrifice, we'd basically have no hope for Heaven.
He didn't die he lives on today. He 'Died' from the physical world but lives on in out hearts and in heaven.
Then you'd have even more suckers who follow the Divinci code like it was the Gospel

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