Sunday, January 17, 2010

What would be your role in the crucifixition of Jesus, Roman nailing the cross into Jesus?

Would you be

a) one of the two other guys on the cross

b) Roman nailing in the nails

c) pilate

d) one of the crowd who was cheering to kill jesus

e) barabus

f) one of the people in the crowd crying

g) one of othe apostles who ran around denying knowing him

h) any other charachter its up to you but it must be based on a Biblical charachter or movie charachter from recent movies

Also, consider the spiritual / relilgious implication of your answer and what it means that you choose what you did.

I would probably be a solider

sorry about the spelling.What would be your role in the crucifixition of Jesus, Roman nailing the cross into Jesus?
All of the above. We have at one time or another in our lives ';been'; every one of these people; whether through our actions or failure to act.

a)I'd rather be the thief who recognized Jesus for who He truly was and asked that He remember me in Heaven....Jesus promised He would and that there was a place for him.

b)Our sins past, present and future are what nailed Christ to the Cross.

c)Pilate...tried to do the right thing...but gave in to the crowd...How many times have we failed (to stand up, to do the right thing...), trying to please others or not make waves?

d)Collectively, man's sinful nature coupled with condescension, self righteousness and arrogance is what propelled that crowd to cheer. Satan only needs a little crack in the window to gain entrance..and then all bedlam lets loose.

e)Barabus...a thieving murderer....he was set free back into society...Jesus took his place. Sin is sin....we have all sinned...Jesus took all of our places on the Cross.

f)When we sin, we fall short. Our sins, past, present and future, caused Jesus' pain, suffering and death on the Cross. Knowing we have sinned, as believers, causes our hearts to grieve as we acknowledge what our sins have caused and we become sorrowful.

g) When we sin, we are rejecting God....we are alienating ourselves from Him; just as Simon Peter did....this denial was were all of our denials.Despite his failure and weakness at that moment, Peter repented and spent the rest of his life spreading the good news of the Lord, teaching as Jesus had taught him and founded the Church.

h)Mary Magdalene...she was the first to see our resurrected Lord. What an incredibly awesome moment that must have been!What would be your role in the crucifixition of Jesus, Roman nailing the cross into Jesus?
Probably not an Apostle. Maybe a disciple hiding from the Roman soldiers.
Probably one of the apostles denying Him. I believe I would have been a follower of Jesus, but I don't believe for a moment that I would have acted any better than any of the men who knew him.
id be out of there
One of the women who was standing next to his mother.
One in the crowd crying hopefully, someone, anyone not happy or responsible. It would depend on wether I was in a position to choose my role in all this,how my mamma raised me, wether I heard of the Jesus, saw him preach. I am kind of relieved I don't have to find out. God knew what he was doing when he put me where I am , hes a smart God
The only choices I am able to make are A, B or C because I am not Jewish. The Romans had no interest in Jesus because they didn't interfere in Jewish, religious law. I suppose there could have been a Roman F, but Romans did not associate with Jews and that makes F doubtful as a choice for me, too.

I am a law-abiding citizen, so I don't think I could receive death sentence. That leaves me with being Pilate (C). Pilate tried his best to prevent the trial and execution, but because he wanted to retain his stature and position, he acted pragmatically.

That would be me.

I just hate it when forced to admit I am a yukko !
I would be the one writing the story, and then I would have to run from the same Romans that crucified Jesus only to be caught by a soldier named Paul who will then later turn my book into a big lie full of hate and judgment (after he murders me of course).
I'd be the narrator.
I would be Christ -

I have a crucifixtion complex from my fundamental religious psychotic upbringing from the sect of the ';body denial advocates'; and ';other worldly BS propoganda machine';

Most people want to crucify me anyway SO . . . .

You should see what I drive - a real ';donkey'; of a machine

;);) so do I get 10 points for original answer or ZERO for blasphemy LOL
I would be one of the people in the crowd who defied the soldiers to give Jesus water as he carried his cross.
I wouldn't have attended it as I disagree with capital punishment - no matter who the guilty person is claiming to be.

The spiritual implication I find in my answer is that I can consider Jesus a man without thinking about what everyone else sees him to be, and I can show him the compassion I'd show any other man.

I guess.
I'd try and be Simon of Cyrene if I could bear it.
A. I would be the theif convicted of my own guilt in face of His innocence.

If I were G. I would hope to have been John. Not being able to bear being too far away, but not knowing how to stop things.

I couldn't bear to be His mother, Mary.
I would be the spell checker.
concidering the coward that i am, i would have probably been the carpenter who built the cross. i would be even so cowardeous to check a few hours after the crussifixing if the wood was strong enough.

i have a big mouth, i am against capital punishments, but knowing myself i would even work for a factory that builds electric chairs now.
All our roles are the same. We are the reason he went! So if I choose carefully , I would definitely say all I had to do was be born. If the earth is supposed to be millions of years old, why are they finding footprints with dinosaurs? One more question, where are those missing links? Shooow meee thaaaaa boooones!
b. but i would use a nail gun.
We all took part in it already, we Scurged Him, WE spit on Him, We punched Him, We nailed His hands and feet, We pierced His side. You and me so yes you did play the role you want. It was because of us he did it. It was supposed to be you taking all that punishment because of your sin. He did but He took Your place so you won't have to. Because Jesus and His Father loves you that much they made this plan to keep you from getting what we deserve. Instead getting Gods mercy if you believe in what Jesus did for you.
In the crowd crying.
i would be Pilate as he did not truly wich to kill Jesus but did so to save his Kingdom

Also only one apostle denied knowing Jesus and Jesus knew it would happen. he told the apostle he would do it
Peter; denial is always an easy answer
h) I'd probably be one of the fellows nailed up next to him, lol.
i wasn't born.. thnx for the 2 points though
I'd be one of the people crying for he only wanted others to see what was going on around them and still is to this day as we are individuals and deserve better things in life
I didn't it consider. We all take part in His crucifixion again and again

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