Sunday, January 17, 2010

Why did jesus preach beware of false prophets,and died poor nailed to a cross?

christians want peace on earth but it seems other religions whose founders were warlords,became rich,lived in luxury in palaces,had many wives,killed many who would not accept their teachings,told followers cut off the heads of disbelievers,told followers i am a prophet.i now know why i am a christian. god bless allWhy did jesus preach beware of false prophets,and died poor nailed to a cross?
You are not thinking of false profits, are you?Why did jesus preach beware of false prophets,and died poor nailed to a cross?
Mat 10:34 ¶ Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword.

Mat 10:35 For I am come to set a man at variance against his father, and the daughter against her mother, and the daughter in law against her mother in law.

Mat 10:36 And a man's foes [shall be] they of his own household.

Mat 10:37 He that loveth father or mother more than me is not worthy of me: and he that loveth son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me.

Mat 10:38 And he that taketh not his cross, and followeth after me, is not worthy of me.
So we won't be distracted from knowing his richness of mercy on the cross .
Well, Mike.... I suggest you attend Sunday school classes. You sound very confused. ---- However, I don't think religion has been the cause of conflict. I think that MAN uses religion as an excuse to kill others. Muslims, Jews and Christians are doing it today, right now !! So it has nothing to do with Jesus. Leave Him alone. It is YOUR fault and MINE. --- not His.
The sword is the holy spirit,only the ignorant and them who seek to confuse will use God's grace as some evil intent.

May the Sword of God open your eyes through Jesus i do pray Amen.
The Book of Hebrews says Christ dies as He did, because that is how things were done on the Earth. Imagine all the ceatures of Earth that have died violent bloody deaths.

This actually creates negative spiritul energies that were blocking the doors to Spirit. Christ dying as He did, reopened the doors that were slowly closing.
Where the full armour of God,but dont put a colour or team number on it.There is only God.
Yes, I am a spiritual Christian. And all living in the lap of luxury and pampering yourself does is make leaving this plane of existence that much more difficult when the inevitable happens. Besides the fact that you never learn the spiritual building lessons that hardships bring. So then when and if you go to hell, it is 100% harder on them because they can no longer comfort themselves. Like the story in the Bible about the rich man and the begger - Lazarus - LUKE 16: 19-31.

Take care and may God bless you spiritually.
God wants us to make sure that what some one tells us is in agreement with His word.

God uses what seems foolish in the sight of men for His glory.
After all, Jesus DID say, ';I did not come to be served, but to serve, and give my life a ransom for many.';
That man was never poor and he died for you by becoming sin for us.
study the Inquisition.

how about the crusades?

The following information from the

World Book Encyclopedia, Vol. 3,

pages 927-928, shows us that crusade

massacres were actually led by the

POPES (Christianity's fathers).


The crusades were military expeditions

to defeat the Moslems and win the Holy

Land, where Jesus had lived. They began

just before A.D. 1100 and lasted until nearly

1300. The men who marched on the crusades

came from the Christian nations of

western Europe. Popes took the lead in

preaching crusades against the Moslems.

Feudal barons at first led the expeditions,

but later shared leadership with the rulers

of various countries.

The crusaders differed widely in social

Page 20 The Prophetic Word 8-2007

by a German boy named Nicholas, met the

same fate.

Results of the Crusades. The crusades

speeded up many important events

in Europe. They increased the growing

power of the church. The crusaders learned

many lessons in warfare which were later

used by European countries.

Notice the Inspired Scriptures

that the major religions claim to follow:

Yaaqob (James) 4:1-4, 8, 12—

1 What causes wars and fighting

among you? Is it not from this: from

your lusts that battle in your members?

2 You lust, but do not have. You

murder and covet, but cannot obtain.

You fight and war; yet you do not have,

because you do not ask.

3 You ask, but do not receive, because

you ask with wrong purposes, in

order that you may spend it on your

own lusts; pleasures.

4 You adulterers and adulteresses!

Do you not know that the friendship of

the world is enmity with Yahweh?

Therefore, whoever will be a friend of

the world is the enemy of Yahweh!

8 Draw near to Yahweh, and He will

draw near to you. Cleanse your hands,

you sinners; and purify your hearts,

you double-minded.

12 There is One Lawgiver, Who is

able to save and to destroy—who are

you who condemns another?

The word iniquity means not subject to

Yahweh’s Laws. We see this in the

Greek definition of this word.

Christianity, under the influence of

the popes, teaches that you do not

need to be subject to Yahweh’s Laws.

They teach that the Savior did away

with Yahweh’s Laws; yet the popes

change them to suit themselves.

position, wealth, thinking, and purpose.

Not every Christian who set forth for the Holy

Land was inspired with religious enthusiasm.

Some hoped to win military glory or

get new lands. Others were looking for adventure.

Merchants joined the ranks in

search of new markets. Criminals joined the

crusaders to run away from justice.

The preaching of Pope Urban II, which prompted

the First Crusade, appealed to men’s political

and economic ambitions, as well as to

their religious fervor.

The word crusade comes from the Latin

word crux, meaning cross.

The cross of Christ was the official bade of those who

joined the great expeditions, and the expression

“taking the cross” meant becoming a

crusader. The crusades are sometimes

called the Holy Wars of the Middle Ages.

The First Crusade (1096-1099) began

as a result of the preaching of Pope Urban

II at the Council of Clermont in 1095. He

urged all Christians to forget their local

feuds and unite to rescue the Lord’s Sepulcher

from the Moslems.

The Second Crusade (1147-1149) began

after the Moslems, under Zangi, reconquered

part of the Kingdom of Jerusalem.

The Third Crusade (1189-1192) was a

direct effort to take back the city of Jerusalem

itself, which the Moslem troops of

Saladin captured in 1187. The kings of

France and England and the Holy Roman

Emperor forgot their local quarrels long

enough to join in an expedition to win back

the Holy City. Philip II, King of France, soon

gave up the crusade and went home to plot

against his political enemies.

The Fourth Crusade (1202-1204) followed

the vigorous preaching of Pope Innocent

III. The crusaders removed the Byzantine

emperor and installed Baldwin of

Flanders, one of their leaders, as ruler.

The Fourth Crusade resulted in the temporary

transfer of the Eastern Empire from Greek

to Latin control and the division of its territories

as spoils among various Latin

Princes. But conditions in the Holy Land

remained unchanged, and the Moslems continued

to rule.

The Later Crusades continued until

1291 and had little success. An expedition

led by Frederick II, Holy Roman Emperor,

in 1228-1299 is called the Fifth Crusade by

some historians and the Sixth by others. A

truce between Frederick II and the Moslems

secured Jerusalem for the Christians.

Jerusalem remained in Christian hands

until 1244, when the Moslems captured the

city again.

The Children’s Crusade (1212) was an

army of 30,000 boys and girls, most of them

less than 12 years old. Led by a French shepherd

lad named Stephen, they set forth to

free the Holy Land. Many of the children

died. Another band of 20,000 children, led

by a German boy named Nicholas, met the

same fate.

yes from your own mouth, you are a christian.
I saw a documentary last night and on it was Jesus in the flesh...again. He's doing O.k. for himself.
god bless you, now back to your hole.
in modern day commerce/legal/education if you shine out as being brilliant at what you do the mediocre and the lazy will not rest until you are unjustly crucified and out of the picture
Those other leaders gave the folks what they wanted. An easy example to follow.
Let's not forget.

God raised Him from the dead.
mohammad was not rich warlord he was not rich at all

if mohammad was warlord . then the king david is a warlord

so the infrasructure of christianaty is volince.

so think again buddy.
In eternity past, God the Father and Son made a covenant. Christ would die on the cross for sinful men. The death of the one and only son would appease the wrath of the Father against sinful man. God predestined and the planned redemption was accomplished. God was glorified by saving many sinners through the death of Christ. Christ rose from the grave, as he did not deserve to die.
And has Christianity done nothing wrong..... hmmmmm slavery racism to name a few. Mohammed pbh was very humble and went to battle only as a last option
Matthew10:34. Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword.
All of those were what muhammad was, a rich warlord who murdered many.

God be with you

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