Sunday, January 17, 2010

Did you know that 1 cross + 3 nails = 4given? How sick is that?

I just saw that in somebody's email signature here at work. Unfortunately that is the kind of thing that makes me lose respect for people. What would you think if you saw that?Did you know that 1 cross + 3 nails = 4given? How sick is that?
I would think'; another poor deluded fool treading the path laid out for them by the greedy ';.Pity them don't hate them.Did you know that 1 cross + 3 nails = 4given? How sick is that?
It's all about Christ.......

I love that saying......are you offended?

Why would you lose respect for someone who is sharing the love of Christ with you?
Since you're an unbeliever, it's perfectly understandable that this slogan would disgust you. From our perspective, though, it proves God's love for us. The sacrifice of goats, sheep and bulls was just symbolism for what would come later: God giving His own perfect life for us, so we may live. I think it's beautiful.
i think that just shows the brutality of Christian dogma
that IS pretty gross, these same people usually seem to have issues with horror movies...
I don't know, I think it sums the whole religion up in a few syllables.

Suffering, judgment, pain and ultimately forgiveness (when you're dead...)

And yeah, it is sick.
I see it all the time. Perhaps you just don't understand this other person's philosophy.

You SHOULD have gone to the other person and asked him or her what it means rather than complain about it here, but since you didn't, I will explain it to you.

This a way of pointing out that Jesus died on the cross to pay the penalty for OUR sins (you know, like the 10 Commandments).

The Bible says that Jesus, who knew no sin, actually became sin FOR us, and that He took our place and traded places with us.

The one cross that Jesus died on, add to that the three nails that held him to that cross (actually, it was Love that kept him there, because the Bible indicates that he could have called down 10,000 legion of angels to get him down) adds up to our forgiveness (4given).

It's no different than a person using a fish to symbolize their belief in Christ. The greek word for ';fish'; makes an anagram (in Greek, not English, of course - lol) which, when translated to English, is ';Jesus Christ God's Son Savior';.

Rather than getting upset with him (or her), be thankful that he doesn't have something filthy in his email signature like I've seen on some.

My only concern is whether or not that violates company policy, to have a personalized signature on the bottom of his email. I know where I work, we are required to have an image of the company emblem or logo, along with our name, email, phone, fax, if any and position, and nothing more.

But concerning this email signature, ya gotta respect someone for being as brave as all that. I mean, people now-a-days won't stand up for ANY thing, for the most part. But at least this guy is trying to stand up for what he believes in. Do YOU??? (stand up for what you believe in, that is.)
Well that's the kind of thing which helps me understand who is a real believer and who is not.

Pastor Art
It wouldn't bother me. It would remind me that that was what it took for our salvation to become possible.
it's truth, no need to be offended by what jesus did for us. he loved us so much that he died for us willingly, so we could have the chance to spend eternity in his heavenly kingdom.
I agree with the 1+3 statement. I'm sorry you find that offensive. Great to live in a free society, huh?
i would wonder about the 4th nail.
I would think that it's dead on, sorry you hate to deny the truth. If you want to lose respect for me, I promise I could not care less what you may or may not respect. I would say that your highest respect is reserved for the pagan left wing of the democratic party, with the the rest of the loonies, eager to abort their children, call filth marriage, while worshiping the creation, but refusing the Creator.
I would have a real problem. That is a representation of torture. Admittedly some emails are torture too maybe that is what they meant.
I think you have to understand what it truly means. It wasn't the three nail's that held Jesus to the Cross that equals the Forgiven. It was His love for everyone that held Him there that receives His Gift of Salvation that equals the Forgiven. Do I detect you haven't received His Gift to you? It's not a Gift if you don't accept it!!!! Hope this clears things up a little.
Whilst I am not overly offended by it, and have heard worse, I would lose respect for someone who would pass something like that on, just for a few responses.

I lost a little respect for myself when I did pass on worse than that.
I feel thankful
Some of these responses amuse me. This is a grossly inappropriate signature to be attached to a COMPANY email, and most likely violates the employer's ';computer systems acceptable use'; policy.

I'd report this person, Linzy. The sig is offensive and extremely unprofessional

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