Friday, January 15, 2010

Which is more painful? Being nailed to a cross until death? Or being burned alive until death?

Are they both just as painful?Which is more painful? Being nailed to a cross until death? Or being burned alive until death?
I think being nailed to a cross and then having the cross burned would be the worst day ever.Which is more painful? Being nailed to a cross until death? Or being burned alive until death?
Probably crucifixion, as for all their ';civility'; the Romans seemed to LIKE torture(and are documented as using it on Celts etc, so not using Biblical sources there), and really knew how to inflict pain. (to try to put people of the idea of going against their will/laws etc?)

Can't see people being conscious for more than few minutes if enveloped in smoke (not enough oxygen!). Also 3rd degree burns kill the nerves, and so they hardly hurt.

nail through the radial nerve in the arm is supposed to be the most extreme form of pain experienced in humans. (Yeah it's worse than Childbirth apparently) Also it's not automatically lethal, so if nothing else was done it lasts as long as the nerve is alive
Crucifixion is worse.

- They nail you to a cross, yeah? They nail you to the top beam through your carpal bones, which is very painful.

- Then, they nail your heels - I say: they drive a spike through your heel bone - to the sides of the I-stake. Yeah, you don´t actually stand on anything.

- Then, you get to stand that way until you die of shock, exhaustion or dehydration, or, according to some sources, asphyxiation. Opinions are divided: Some say you´ll choke that way, others disagree.

It is much, much slower than burning. Could take days.
Crucifixion is more painful as you first get your shoulders dislocated then nails through wrists and feet. You then hang trying to shift to try and take the weight off your upper body and in doing so the position of your arms causes your lungs to fill with fluid so you drown.

Burning is not as painful as your nerve endings burn off with your skin but you bleed to death as you burn.
Nailed to a cross.

The burning is only painful until your burns get to the 3rd degree stage, then the nerves are dead.

Crucifixion is very painful, particularly if you have a foot rest. Without a footrest positional asphyxiation would finish you off in a few hours. With a footrest you can last for days.
Well the last time I tried these two things I found burning much more painful but for a shorter period of time.

The comfort level of being nailed to a cross depends a lot on the trade skills of the nailer and the quality of the materials he uses and how he feels about the nailee.
the worst of all is starving to death on an African street or being born with AIDS for no fault of your own. A crucifixion over 3 insignificant days is a walk in the park by comparison.

Also MANY yogis have been crucified in the exact same way and lived to tell about it happily. No one has survived being burned alive. Go to a hospital and see victims with 3rd degree burns. Their skin is peeled off and they are horribly disfigured. Xtians don't know how easy Jesus had it.

Also if Jesus was God (lmao) he should had the power to sustain human pain. The whole JC story is laughable if the ignorance with which it is followed and spread by Xtains wasn't so tragic.
Both would be awful but crucifixion would be worse - at least how the Romans did it.

The soldiers, who killed Jesus and others, were given the task of crucifying people, went to school to study how to do it in such a way to inflict the most pain. They knew exactly where to pound in the nails to have the greatest affect on the nerve endings. Not to mention that one dies of suffocation because when you're on a cross you can't breathe unless you push yourself upwards to get air but as time goes on you lose your strength, no doubt from the loss of blood and gravity, and are forced to ';relax'; and when you do you can't breathe.

Jesus also had endured the lashes that literally ripped his flesh off of his body so that parts of his internal organs were exposed. The soldiers also pushed that crown of thorns into his skull; they didn't just ';set'; it on him lightly. They also beat him, spit on him, mocked him, brushed up against his naked body when on the cross. His crucifixion was so severe that many couldn't look upon Him. He was unrecognizable as a human being, He practically looked like a piece of flesh hanging on the tree. No Hollywood movie has accurately portrayed His crucifixion. And no one can honestly say that He doesn't understand our sufferings. He endured severe physical, mental, and emotional abuse. He was abandoned by His friends; betrayed by one of his own disciples; denied by 2 of his closest friends/disciples while on trial - one verbally swore he never knew Him in His hearing and when Jesus called for witnesses on His behalf, the other remained silent. He disrespected by His own brothers; and most of all, He was totally innocent of all the charges brought against Him. He did not receive a fair trial.
Let's this a reference to the crucifying of Christ verses burning of witches? Crucifition takes longer and therefore is painful. Burning is horrible and the nerve endings are seared so is quicker. Sure would not want to have to endure either one.

I never understood how anyone would think that they could burn an actual witch. If she were a witch she would not let them touch her. Makes sense to me. Sad Sad thing that happened. Do not blame Christians for that one either as it has been done since the beginning of time.
let me try it on you and your family and I will post my findings...

what is certain, we are indeed lucky congenital stupidity is painless, if it was not, the rest of us will be unable to walk the streets because of incessant howling of cretins like you.
Being nailed to the cross.

If one burns, it is only a matter of minutes before they die,

If one is nailed to the cross as Jesus was, it is a long suffering and painful death.
They would both suck, but being burned alive would only last a few minutes (before you suffocated first), but if you were nailed to a cross it could take hours or days before you died of exposure and dehydration.
Who knows? Quantitatively you could take the pain threshold and multiply it by the duration.

In any event Jesus' crucifixion was more about obtaining salvation for mankind than it was about pain levels.
Being nailed to a cross probably because you die very slowly - you die from loss of blood. Whereas burning, you die when the blood near you head reaches boiling point.
Eh, well I've never experienced either but I imagine burning alive to be slightly more excruciating. They're both hideous though.
Having to endure religious education and the strip-mining of your brain cells must be much more painful.
why would you want to know? both would be frightening I would think, but the smoke from the burning would soon overcome you.
';Burned alive';.

';Nailed to a cross'; last a Hell of a lot longer, and you'd die screaming.
Nailed. with Burning once your pain nerves are gone there's no pain. Being nailed would definitely last longer.
Both would painful but burning would be quicker. You can pass out from all the smoke.Wait, Why did I answer this question...?
Burning would be more painful,but it ends faster. You would hang there until you starved with crucifixion.
Depends. Sometimes people who were burned at the stake took hours or even days to die.
For someone who is so happy happy joy joy, you are sure obsessed with death.
I wouldn't want to really know the answer firsthand.
The burning one would be the more painful I feel.
crucifixion sounds worse...Burning is faster.

If Jesus were for real his cause of death would have been impalement!

You probably heard the name of ';SLAUGHTER HOUSE RELIGION'; given to Christianity. ALL Christians need to snack God the Son Jesus Christ in some way as part of the “salvation” package. Jesus talked about eating his meat and drinking his blood to go to Heaven when you die!

John 6:53 (KJV) Then Jesus said unto them, Verily, verily, I say unto you (DUCK!), Except ye eat the flesh of the Son of man, and drink his blood, ye have no life in you.

It takes years of Christian and Catholic schooling to learn how to serve the Holy Communion just right, or Christians can get real sick and die! Protestants have relaxed this warning, but Catholics still believe that the Host* (*wafer) and Wine is magically transformed into the ACTUAL spit flavored Meat and sweaty Blood of Jesus. In some parishes extraordinary measures are taken after Mass to monitor that no trace of the body of Jesus Christ is found in any spent chewing gum stuck under the Church pews, or anywhere else!

1 Corinthians 1:29-30 (KJV) For he that eateth and drinketh unworthily, eateth and drinketh damnation to himself, not discerning the Lord's body. For this cause many are weak and sickly among you, and many SLEEP* (*have died. More Mafia talk! Low IQ Christians who are sick are screwing up the Holy Communion, or how else can they get sick? Spiritually speaking, of course!).

The Christian writers of the NT were delighted to declare that in fulfillment of Bible prophecies Jesus Christ’s flesh was beaten to a pulp, thoroughly tenderized, and heavily marinated in Roman soldiers’ spit, as the “spotless Lamb of God taking away the sins of the world” while hanging totally naked nailed to a Holy Cross!

Job 17:6 (NIV) God has made me* (*Jesus) a byword to everyone* (*when “God the Father laid on HIM the iniquity of us all”), A MAN IN WHOSE FACE PEOPLE SPIT* (*this is about the most dominant prophecy about Jesus! Preachers play cool on this one for obvious reasons!).

Many years after Jesus died, the Christian NT Bible writers run amok highlighting the events in the alleged life of God the Son Jesus Christ that fulfill Bible prophecies, and this is one of them! It is kinda sh*tty spiritually speaking, of course, but there is hardly any other “prophecy” more precise than this one!

Matthew 26:67 (NIV) Then they SPIT IN HIS FACE and struck him with their fists. Others slapped him.

Matthew 27:30 (NIV) They SPIT ON HIM, and took the staff and struck him on the head again and again.

Mark 14:65 (NIV) Then some began to SPIT AT HIM; they blindfolded him, struck him with their fists, and said, ';Prophesy!'; And the guards took him and beat him.

Mark 15:19a (NIV) Again and again they struck him on the head with a staff and SPIT ON HIM.

That’s almost a Gallon of Goy spit, not Jewish, but Gentile spit! The preachers go wild announcing that the Jews rejected Jesus, but the ultimate form of the most humiliating spitting rejection ever put together comes from the Romans, not from the Jews! The Gospel writers imply that there was something very obvious about Jesus’ personality that invited a lot of Roman spit! No Holy Roman authority EVER apologized for having had a field day spitting on Jesus’ face, even when they were ruling Christian Europe for so many centuries! I am telling like it is, and I still keep getting email calling me a blasphemer!

There is no historical record that the Roman soldiers ever let their victims take a shower after a heavy dose of spitting. Honestly, the Roman soldiers were not known to spit on anybody! The Bible writers had to show that this prophecy about “spitting on Jesus’ face” was fulfilled! There is no record that the Romans dressed any of their victim’s genital area in a white diaper before nailing them to any cross no matter how holy! There is no record that the Romans crucified anybody in Jerusalem, either. The Romans were much better known to IMPALE their victims driving a thick pole into the victim’s rectum and forcing them to stand on it until the pole would eventually pierce the heart or lung killing them by their own body weight! The thicker the pole, the longer it took for the victim to die! The Roman soldiers had plenty of fun that way! Jesus hardly suffered a sissy man’s death hanging his full body weight so gently from a nail in each hand. The nails can’t possibly hold anybody hanging in there for any length of time! Christians are brainwashed to believe that crucifixion is the most tormenting death ever invented! Not so! Impalement would have been a real pain in Jesus anal cavity and still fulfill Bible prophecy about “hanging on a tree!” If Jesus were to have a pole stuck up into his anus then he would have had his eyes popping out of their orbit, and he would be crying non-stop for his Daddy God up in Heaven like a charm! According to the Christian Bible writers, Jesus Christ was able to conduct a long heated conversation with his peers nailed to the other crosses, and with some of the guests at the crucifixion site, and with the Roman soldiers that crucified him, all in Yiddish! The Roman foot soldiers spoke Latin!

About 500 years ago, the Protestants wised up and removed the hanging corpse of Jesus Christ from the Cross. Now, only Catholics still display a dead body nailed to the Holy Cross. ALL Christians and Catholics must snack on Jesus’ spit flavored Meat and drink his sweaty blood in the Sacrament of the Holy Communion, aka “The Lord’s Supper” to go to “Heaven” when they die! Christianity is a very primitive religion. Most people in America are unable to function without it!

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