Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Why do fundamentalists get upset over public displays of commandments they claim were ';nailed to the cross';?

The commandments are a good display of our moral obligation before Man and GOD.Why do fundamentalists get upset over public displays of commandments they claim were ';nailed to the cross';?
Sin was nailed to the cross, not the commandments

Catholic ChristianWhy do fundamentalists get upset over public displays of commandments they claim were ';nailed to the cross';?
I wish I would have thought of this question!

Edit... Tebone03 if sin was nailed to the cross then why do we need the commandments? Are they the laws that let us know what sin is? I think you are in a state of confusion, which is Babylon, God is trying to call you out my friend open your heart and your mind and heed His warning
jc died for are sin so we might have ever lasting life
Uh, no- it's not ';fundamentalists';. That would be the ACLU who gets their noses out of joint over such things.
I believe this is the reason,

Rev 12:9 And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which DECEIVETH THE WHOLE WORLD: he was cast out into the earth, and his angels were cast out with him.
They get convicted of sin. Sin is the transgression of Torah,

anyone who sins violates Torah. Yahshua came to take away

our sin. Oh dear its the sin that gets taken away, not the Law,

The Torah of Commandments. Bit of a problem, thats why it

makes them feel so uncomfortable.
What's a fundamentalist...?

I thought it was the ACLU that got upset.

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