Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Is Jesus Christ really nailed on the cross or just another story of the story writers?

No, God raised Jesus (pbuh) to himself and saved him. It was only made to appear to them.Is Jesus Christ really nailed on the cross or just another story of the story writers?
If you don't believe He was crucified for your sins, then you will die in them.

It was love and not nails that held Jesus to the cross.Is Jesus Christ really nailed on the cross or just another story of the story writers?
I actually watched a documentary that said it is quite possible that there really was a man called Jesus that was crucifed etc, but believing he was the son of god is up to you.
I think no.
IS he nailed on the cross? No, but I think he WAS, according to the Bible.

The cross is an ancient Roman torture device. Lots of people were nailed to a cross.
It was prophecized in the Old Testament and predicted by Jesus Himself. It's NOT just a story. And it would be a dumb storyline if it was false.
From my understanding his crucifixion was documented not just by the Jews, but by the Romans too.

So although the details vary, and many of the original texts have been destroyed, it appears that his punishment really did occur.
It's a matter of faith. If you really want to know don't ask here, ask God to reveal the truth to you and see what happens. You won't lose anything by trying it.
Crucifixion was a common method of execution in that time. However, it was usually on an ';X'; rather than a cross; and people were not nailed up by their hands (which would tear and the person would fall off), but through their wrists (the bones would hold up the person); but more commonly they were tied to it.

As to whether (a) there was a christ and (b) he was nailed up, I have my own opinions.
No serious historical scholars doubt that there was a man named Jesus who was crucified 2000 year ago-- despite what anyone tells you-- atheist or believer. The debate is whether or not He was God and that He performed miracles.
According to the prisoner execution records for that date. Yes. No doubt about it. As well as notations of the events of the day.

{:-) Peace %26amp; god bless from Texas. %26lt;%26gt;%26lt;
Jesus was really nailed onto the cross.
He WAS nailed on the cross. He's Now At The Right Hand Of The Father. He Rose On The Third Day....He Lives !!!
If it's in the Bible,Koran,Talmud,Torah,then it really happened.
The Bible says that Jesus was nailed to the cross, so that is what I believe. If the writers of the Bible had created just another story as you suggested, then, they really have the whole world of Christians, dead and alive misled and deceived. What does the Quran say about it?
No He really was

it says in the Bible

and it wasn't only Jesus, but many others

it was basically a death sentence back in the day
Jesus, nailed to the cross? Stuff and nonsense.

He was velcroed.
he was nailed on a cross. but has risen its in the bible and that is not just stories .
Jesus was nailed on a cross and died, was buried and 3 days later, he walked out along with 500 other people.
It is a proven fact in Roman history, and other non-christian history books. Josephus is one of them, and other you can research at biblicalarcheology.com
He was nailed on the cross.. but he was taken off after they said he was dead... but he rose again 3 days later! and is alive today!
actually there is an incredible amount of historical evidence for the historicity of Jesus...
He was nailed to the cross, buried in a borrowed tomb, and rose again therefore conquering death, hell, and the grave. I doubt that if it was just a made up story, that it would have made an impact on so many lives.
open yourself to the possibility,.. then

Pray and ask God.

no one can answer this, any answer given is objectionable
Is he? No. Was he 2000 years ago? Yes.
during the time of the roman empire, crucifixion was a common form of public execution for breaking the laws of rome. it was also common throughout many other regions around that period.


there may or may not have been somebody with the name jesus among the many who were executed.
Not currently ... but he was.

There are no 'story writers' for the Holy Bible. There were some factual writers.

There's actually more to Easter than colored eggs and chocolate bunnies. It's all spelled out in a great book called the Holy Bible. Give it a try = a good read.
it is great fiction

when was the last time you seen a woman get pregnant without having sex? when was the last time you seen or heard a dead guy walk around after being dead for 72 hourss? in the era of modern science there really is no reason to believe such fairy tales unless you are mentally ill
I suggest you find that out for yourself.
the bible is just fiction
Its all Fiction...

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