Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Why do some religions have Jesus nailed on the cross? If he's still on the cross how can he be risen?

Jesus on the crucifix is a reminder of his sacrifice he made for us. We do not worship the crucifix.Why do some religions have Jesus nailed on the cross? If he's still on the cross how can he be risen?
Most Orthodox or Catholic religions have Jesus nailed on the cross because we know he is risen, but without his death there is no rising. It is more a reminder of Christ ultimate sacrifice for you and I. It is selffish to only think of the risen Lord without rembering the sacrifice He went through for us, therefore the Crucifix, or Corpace as it is known is left on the Cross.

God bless and have a great day.Why do some religions have Jesus nailed on the cross? If he's still on the cross how can he be risen?
Basicly it shows devotion.

To be nailed to a cross for others is a Massive gesture of devotion and care for others.

If you ever read the bible it'll have stories on why it happened and why it was significant.
Its an Icon Sara,-- a representation. He is not actually there. Take yourself back to a time when hardly anyone could read and Icons were used to tell a story. We all take for granted that everyone has a bible. Well in the day no one had bibles as they could not read and it took a whole year for some monk in a monastery to hand write one. So, how do you tell the story of Jesus on the cross without out books. You, told everyone and you showed everyone. There is only one religion that has Jesus nailed on a cross and that is the Christian religion. Now we can all quibble amongst ourselves about which is the right interpretation of the Christian religion but just remember it has its limits. Prime is example is the killing between various groups within Islam. Hay, more power to them but we as Christians should not, will not and totally refuse to go in that direction. Sara you are such the provocateur.
The reason that you see crosses with a figure representing Jesus hanging on it, is to remind us how Jesus suffered for us all.
Just consider it tradition !!! But not accurate tradition !!!

It seems we who are christians carry alot of baggage in our conceptions !!! Thank God for the internet where if we are imbued with the Spirit of God we can find our true roots by googling - hebrew roots !!! Even with that said take the following into account;

2 Timothy 2:14 Of these things put them in remembrance, charging them before the Lord that they strive not about words to no profit, but to the subverting of the hearers.

15 Study to show thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth. 16 But shun profane and vain babblings: for they will increase unto more ungodliness. 17 And their word will eat as doth a canker:...

1Timothy 6:3 If any man teach otherwise, and consent not to wholesome words, even the words of our Lord Jesus Christ, and to the doctrine which is according to godliness;

It all comes down keeping our balance and our pure love for God !!!
I believe you are speaking of denominations of the Christian faith. (Followers of Christ)....

The cross in my church is empty. The Lord God is risen he is alive.
because some religions do not believe he has risen.
Quite right. Wrong symbol. Some believe that symbols are a problem in themselves, let alone what they depict.
You are referring to a crucifix (cross with Jesus on it). We have a crucifix to remind us that without Jesus on it it is just a cross with Him on it it is salvation, it is victory over death, hell and the grave it is life.
he is not
Hah good point.

Mostly symbolic, what I wonder is why do people worship someone who got so annoying he got himself stuck there in the first place.
It's not meant to represent his current standing, any more than a nativity scene is suppose to make you think he's pooping in his nappy in a manger somewhere.
Only ones that I know of that still have Him on the Cross are the Roman Catholics but then they honor Mary more than Jesus anyway so guess they think it is okay.
!!!!!!! Its is JUST like a photograph of a loved one that has passed away - they are not physicaly in front of you but the memory is. its is only a symbol of the one you love, it is not literal. jeeze.
Not a smart question.

We r proud that Jesus was nailed on the cross for us. That indicates how much He loves us.

He was raised , those pictures we have about Jesus nailed , make us remember that. Like when u have a picture of u when u r a baby.
It just reminds us of the sacrifice Jesus made for us, our sins,that we might have eternal life in heaven.
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