Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Would you, after being nailed to a cross, think ';This is a good day';? So why ';Good Friday';?

I've wondered this since I was a young believer.

I'm now an old unbeliever, but this fact should be irrelevant when answering my question.Would you, after being nailed to a cross, think ';This is a good day';? So why ';Good Friday';?
Good question, Frankie! I LOVE it!Would you, after being nailed to a cross, think ';This is a good day';? So why ';Good Friday';?
Friday used to be a ';bad luck day'; - for instance, a ship would never think of leaving port on a Friday and casting a shadow over the whole voyage. The only superstition which remains of this is Friday the 13th which is for some reason thought ';unlucky'; or ';bad';. But other days of the 13th aren't thought of at all one way or another - only Friday the 13th.

Anyway, when the church was casting around for a way to put this Easter ritual together back in the early days of Christianity, of course they'd pick the unluckiest day to have Jesus nailed to something which was Friday - and then the following Sunday was the convenient 3 days.

But instead of calling this particular Friday ';Really Bad Friday'; - they called it ';Good Friday'; perhaps to dispel some of it's natural unluckiness.
It's called ';Good'; Friday because, while Jesus was tortured and nailed to a cross, it is the day He sacrificed Himself so that all of us sinners could receive eternal life.

He died because of our sins. He loved the world so much that He faced the nightmare and, after three days, overcame it all.

One would think ';well being nailed and beaten and left to slowly die isn't good!'; but it is good because it was the day Jesus gave His life so that we could have ETERNAL life.
When Jesus died it was Friday as we know Friday today. The true date cannot be Friday every year. To get to your point it was good because the purpose for Jesus coming to the earth had been accomplished.

(John 19:30) 30 When, now, he had received the sour wine, Jesus said: “It has been accomplished!” and, bowing his head, he delivered up [his] spirit.

At that point Jesus bought back what Adam had lost and that is the hope of living forever in perfect health on a paradise earth.
i am going to say that it is a good friday because i dont have to pay the price for the sins i have done in my hole life. i have a relationship with my lord and savior . i will not go the the bad pace when i die i will be i heaven with my loved ones that has gone before me . i am not trying to preach to you but you unbelievers are soooooo rude to the christians we are proud that we are christians and if you cant handle that stay off this part of y/a . if it is not true that Jesus is our lord our GOD then you should not have the american money (in GOD we trust ) this country was founded on christianity look it up .
Your Word Is Truth”

Is “Holy Week” for Christians?

AS “Holy Week” approaches in El Salvador, persons of all ages talk about it. To some, these eight days of “Cuaresma” or Lent, which in Central American countries fall in the months of March and April, are by far the most sacred days of the year. They therefore instill in many religious persons a temporary feeling of piety. To others, however, this is merely a time to indulge in recreation that often leads to loose conduct.

During this week it is noteworthy that morals run low, and lawlessness and disorder are commonplace. For example, a leading journal, La Prensa Gráfica, in its issue of March 27, 1967, reported: “70 DEAD, 986 WOUNDED ON HOLY WEEK.” These are staggering statistics for such a small country as El Salvador, especially since this was the toll during only a four-day period.

The religious custom of abstaining from meat is observed by many at this time. Thus, in most Catholic homes it is common during “Holy Week” to eat sun-dried, salty fish.

Also, worshipers start saving money months in advance of “Holy Week” in order to purchase expensive material, usually of purple and black, from which they make long, priestlike garments. These are worn during the main religious pageantries on “Holy Thursday” and “Good Friday,” the latter being the most prominent day of “Holy Week.” Younger and less devoted ones also save, but they have in mind particularly the vacation days that usually run from Thursday to “Easter Sunday.”

The “Good Friday” ceremony begins with removing the image of Jesus from a cross in the church. The image body is anointed with very expensive perfume and is placed, with its wounds in full view, in a glass casket. Now the procession starts. Thousands of mourners follow the image, which is carefully set atop a heavy wooden platform. The heavier the platform, the better is considered the sacrifice made by those who carry it through the streets.

The procession spends the whole day touring the city, and the mourners, dressed in long black garments, follow along behind. Block after block the carriers, who may number as many as fifty, are replaced by new ones. Each carrier pays as much as four dollars to have the privilege of bearing the image of Jesus for one block. At each stop the procession makes, and it makes several in a block, people explode firecrackers, mixing their sighing with sounds of merriment.

Of interest, too, are the colored sawdust designs for which large expenditures also are made. Towns like Antigua in Guatemala and Sonsonate in El Salvador are renowned for their enormous, colorful and beautifully designed sawdust “rugs.” The bigger and more expensive these are, the more esteemed is the family in front of whose house the “rug” is made. When the procession passes, the marchers trample the “rug” until it is completely destroyed. People apparently get satisfaction from setting up such an impressive sawdust display, having attention drawn to themselves and their home.

However, the questions should be considered: Is “Holy Week” a proper religious observance for Christians? Are the celebration and its rituals based on God’s Word the Bible? What does the Bible say in connection with the “Holy Week” festival? It would be wise to determine the answers.

First of all, one wonders about the lawlessness, immorality and disorder connected with “Holy Week.” Would a truly Christian celebration be marred by such wholesale disregard of the teachings of Jesus Christ and the Holy Bible? Really, such fruitage is not compatible with something Christian, something that is truly fine and praiseworthy.—2 Cor. 6:14; Jas. 3:11, 12.

As might be expected, therefore, nowhere in the Bible do we find instructions about keeping such a “Holy Week” festival. In fact, customs and procedures followed during the celebration actually conflict with Bible teachings; for example, the custom of abstaining from meat during “Holy Week.” The Bible points out that such abstinence for religious reasons would be a feature of apostasy, saying: “There will be some who abandon the faith, . . . They will be deceived by the pretensions of impostors . . . Such teachers bid them abstain from . . . certain kinds of food, although God has made these for the grateful enjoyment of those whom faith has enabled to recognize the truth.”—1 Tim. 4:1-3, translated by “Monsignor” R. A. Knox.

Jesus Christ said that God is properly worshiped “in spirit and in truth.” (John 4:24, Douay) Can these words of Jesus be harmonized with the “Holy Week” practice of holding a religious procession that features an image of Jesus? To the contrary, the honor and homage paid to a material, physical image is clearly in violation of the Bible principle: “We walk by faith, and not by sight.”—2 Cor. 5:7, Dy.
Good Friday nor its reference to being a holy day is not mentioned in Scripture. The only holiday it mentions regarding Jesus is Passover.

And we are commanded in the New Testament to observe Passover. ';Christ our Passover is sacrificed for us, therefore let us keep the feast.';

-1st Corinthians 5

Still wondering why Christians defy this command.

Rev. Jim Cunningham

King James Bible Ministries
Hi, Jesus WILLINGLY went to Jerusalem, knowing He would end up dying for us. On the cross He suffered the penalty of our sin (in the Old Testament the way to be cleansed from sin was to sacrifice an unblemished lamb) On the cross He said 'It is Finished' - knowing He had fullfilled what He had come to do.

Good Friday is a human term (- not mentioned in the Bible), because Christians (those who have accepted Jesus claimes and willingly follow Him (- not 'cutural christianity) realise that that Friday was the most important day in history - and it was proved on Easter Sunday when Jesus rose from the dead.... What will YOUR response be to Jesus' claims this Easter?......your eternal salvation (and fullfilling life on earth) depends on it.

For those who dont know what happened at Easter how about googling and looking up: Matthew 27; Mark 14; Luke 22; John 12 (and chapters following.) - then compare with Psalm 22 and Isaiah 53 in the Old Testament, which was written 100's of years before.

HELIOS: The Bible says that the women went and found the empty tomb on the 'first day of the week' - Sunday so it wasnt a jack up of the early church....and unlucky Friday would have sprung out of Good Friday, not the other way around....remember Jesus died (and rose) over 2000 years ago.
Well it was a particularly good friday because jesus died for the entire human race, giving us the ultimate it was good for us...not as good for him :/

It symbolizes christs victory over death and sin as well, that sounds pretty good to me :)
Because Jesus Is Good. Even on the cross. He said, ';Father, forgive them. They don't know what they are doing.'.

Jesus died for us. He said on the cross, 'It is finished!'. And He died.

Jesus bore our sins on the cross of calvary.

Our sins separated Jesus heart from the heart of God. Jesus cried out, 'My God, My God, why has thou forsaken me.' He died of a broken heart.

Since our sins killed Him; Jesus died. Jesus said that like Jonas was in the whales belly for 3 days %26amp; nights; So will Jesus be in the heart of the earth for 3 days %26amp; nights. Jesus flesh was buried in the tomb while Jesus soul went to the heart of the earth %26amp; took back the keys from death %26amp; hell.

Jesus fulfilled the Messianic prophecy in Genesis3:15. Jesus overcame the curse of sin %26amp; death. Jesus raised from the dead for us. So we, who believe will raise up like Him.

So it is a Good Friday.

And also, Arthur Blessett was a young believer when Jesus called him to carry the cross across America %26amp; then around the world. Forty years later, Arthur is an old believer, who had lived to see the finished work of his Ministry calling.

But it was a dark %26amp; dreary day on that April3,33AD.
Jesus said (on the cross) in prayer to God; His Father, ';..take this cup from me, even so not my will but thine be done..'; Then gave up the ghost. Even Jesus was not saying this is a good Friday for Him (actually thursday p.m.) but He was loving and caring enough that allowed it to happen that we humans would have an advocate with God the Father through Jesus Christ our Lord.

It should be a Good day for all us humans as it was done on our account/behalf for the remission of our sins
Jesus took our sins as His own. I'd say that's pretty good. Yeah, it was horrible: an innocent man being executed for a crime He didn't commit and not even standing up for Himself, but He didn't die for good... most non-believers forget that part of the story.
because he died for our sins... we are happy.... you know why jesus died for our sins??? i bet u dont think of it the real way... lets say ur friend is going to die for you and your other group of friends, so they can have a good life... well that is how it kinda is... but, jesus died for us, so we can go to heaven... if jesus never came down, then we would be history forever... but because he died for us, because of god... he wanted us to go to heaven even if we did all of the sins: though shall not kill, u did kill, or u stole, or u had sex with another girl... he died for us, because he loves us that much...
Was it a good thing that Jesus did?

If He had not died on the cross on Friday, then would we have the chance to be saved?

This day is very sad and mournful; yet it is GOOD that God allowed it to happen.
I doubt Jesus was the one who came up with the name ';Good Friday';. But, even though it was not a good Friday for Jesus, it was good for the rest of us since He died on the cross for our sins.
Every day is a good day, but the day that Christ secured our redemption is a Good day, for us and for Jesus as he knew that he was fulfilling his life's purpose.
You're right, it would've been a pretty horrific day for Jesus. However, it's about being Good from our point of view - his death was to save humanity, and that's why it's Good Friday.
Yeah, I guess it is a bit ironic. But the point is:

Jesus died on this day, for us. Now we're able to go to heaven too.

So I guess you could say it was a ';good'; day for us.
another thing to ponder is, if Jesus was nailed on a cross, why is a cross the church's official symbol?
I'll go out on a limb here, and assume it's a human name given to the day when Jesus paid our price.

God had nothing to do with naming the day.
although it wasnt so ';good'; for Jesus its called good friday because it meant that he died for all sins (freedom from sin and death)
Jesus' blood, gore, and extreme torture were all for the enjoyment of humanity.

Or so the Christians make it seem.
its good because thats the day that millions were saved from hell through the willing sacrifice of the Son of God.
Sorry you are an old unbeliever. (Because of The Blessed Hope to Come!!) %26lt;')))%26gt;%26lt;
your unholy
yes it is a goooooooooood!!!!! day. This was the day of redemption for us as sinners. now we are saved because of Jesus .
lol. good point!
Its cuz he died for our salvation, so its a great and amazing thing.

That is why it is GOOD.
jesus died so we can live that part is good
good because it covered up the pegan holiday of fertility.just another holiday stolen by xians.

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