Friday, January 15, 2010

Christians - What was nailed to the cross with Jesus?

Was it -

The 10 Commandments?


The penalty for disobeying those Commandments?Christians - What was nailed to the cross with Jesus?
neither, there was just a little piece of wood that said 'the king of the jews'Christians - What was nailed to the cross with Jesus?
When people got nailed to a cross it said the crime that they did. Jesus did nothing wrong, but claimed to be ';King of the Jews';(because he was). The people didn't like Jesus in the first place and wanted him to die, so the just wrote that (King of the Jews) at the top. It was not either of the things you said. Jesus never sined/disobeyed the 10 commandments because he was God in the human body, which means he was and is perfect.
wood and nails and a sign saying above him king of the jews... also a thorn crown... there were also 2 theives beside him and one of them accepted him adn went to heaven and the other mocked him... nothing else was naled tothe cross with him tho.
Physically: A placard stating that: Jesus of Nazareth, King of the Jews was dying for calling Himself that. INRI - Iesus Nazoraeum, Rex Iudoraeum.

Spiritually: the sins of all mankind.
the penalty. he took all our sins with him. those three days when christ was dead he was in hell. He rose again and took those in hell who were put there unjustly and rose to heaven. He is the eternal animal sacrifice

It was a deflated volleyball.
the special ceremonial sabbaths,the yearly sabbaths, sacrificial ceremonies, were all fulfilled at the cross...
A sign with the Greek letters INRI, which stood for ';IESVS路NAZARENVS路REX路IVD脝ORVM';, which means ';Jesus of Nazareth, King of the Jews.';
no it was the penalty of our sin - he became sin for us - and the punishment that was to be ours became his. so the truth will set you free.
No legend has it that it was a sign used to mock him as King of the Jews.

The Romans were not nice people and they often delighted in tormenting their enemies.
Since he ';died for out sins'; there are a few Christians who believe that sin no longer exists and neither does hell or the devil because they were destroyed with the sacrifice of Christ.
There was a sign above Him that said ';King of the Jews'; and I guess you could say that nails and sin were both nailed up there with Him.

Hope that helped. =)
The penalty
I would say the second one, but as I think about it, it would pretty much waive out the first one, aswell.
I don't think it was either. I think it was sign mocking him which said something like ';Jesus of Nazareth King of the Jews';.
Jesus took all the sin of the whole world past, present and future upon His shoulders when he was crucified
Jewish Extremism for dummies
The law covenant. Colossians 2:14

That was what the sign said, it was meant to mock Jesus.

I believe is what was supposedly on the cross.

I know this much it was NOT the 10 Commandments!
A Starbucks menu
he had a crown of thorns on his head

above his head said the king of jews
The first one.
if your referring to the banner above him, it read ';This is the King of the Jews'; (depending on what Gospel you go by)
nothing, but he was kill by the spear of longinus( sound like a penis lol)
lol i liked how no one answered this question seriously
a delicious Sea Bass

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