Friday, January 15, 2010

Did the police nail jesus to the cross ? If so why should we trust them?

Jesus is a fairytale


No we shouldn't

.Did the police nail jesus to the cross ? If so why should we trust them?
The police did not do it. The King's right hand man ordered it done and the soldiers did as they were told for fear of the same fate and for outright anger that someone could make the claims he made.Did the police nail jesus to the cross ? If so why should we trust them?
No, Roman soldiers did. What does that have to do with police in whichever country you live in ???
they werent the police back then they were roman soldiers.
Sting did no such thing.
Oh, we should trust them because they did just as Jesus wanted. Didn't Jesus want to ';die for our sins';? Wasn't that his goal, and the reason why he was ';sent';? Why should anyone want to criticize Pilote and the people who worked for him for allowing Jesus to do exactly what he was ';sent'; to do?
what a stupid question
Why should anyone trust the police? I've seen plenty of reasons not to... if they are there to help, they're there to help... but they're still humans, and of the few good cops I have run into- they will tell you the same- don't trust the cops.

Sound paranoid? Would you trust any OTHER complete stranger?

BTW- for the record, I have a clean criminal record, I've never been to jail, and the one law I do break- I do in the privacy of my own home... where I won't get caught... and believe me, its a pretty minor one.
Soldiers did.

Don't trust those darn wallpaper hangers either.

(for those who don't know, Hitler was a wallpaper hanger )
The police are out to get you, run away.
If so, we shouldn't trust them. He was nailed there for your sins. I wouldn't mock Him if I were you.
Ya da Po-leese du nayled him up dere. Ya herd?
If it took 3 nails for Jesus to die, why isn't your mama dead after all that nailed her?

Just a joke Bro nothing personal
lmao, if they did they did because it was there job.. and i hate to say it, but it seems you are stereo typing yourself..
No, the Roman soldiers did.

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