Friday, January 15, 2010

Jesus could walk on water, cure sick, then why was he crying when they were nailing him to cross?

was he just pretending ?Jesus could walk on water, cure sick, then why was he crying when they were nailing him to cross?
I don't recall any scriptural passage that indicates that, but crucifixion hurts. Study up on it.Jesus could walk on water, cure sick, then why was he crying when they were nailing him to cross?
That depends on which gospel you're reading. In Mark, the first one written, Jesus is silent, as if in shock, through most of the narrative, finally crying out his pain at rejection near the end. However, in Luke, he is dispensing advice and counsel all through the process, completely calm and in control, as if Luke assumed he knew exactly what was to happen.

It's as if somewhere between the writing of Mark and Luke, Christians decided that the crucifixion had been preordained.
no he wasnt pretending he was crying 4 real and felt the pain for You, he died 4 you because he really thought u were worthy to die for.He was crying becus every single sin that every single human had done, has done and vwill do was blamed on him, so he couldn't be pretendinf , he was 100% human and 100% God so he would have felt the pain
He wasn't. He only cried once and that was when He was told His friend Lazarus had died. Jesus was God, but He was also Man. And as for His supposed crying when nails were being driven into His hands, let's see you go through it without crying. Really, I want to see that. Were you there to see Him cry, or did you just accept a picture some human made. He could also very easily have gotten out of dying for your sins. He did die for them voluntarily. Your mocking doesn't change the fact that he endured a horrible death for your sake. He was not guilty of sin. You are. And He died to cover your sins, and all you can do is mock Him. Let's see how well that works out for you when your soul is standing before His throne for eternal judgment. And remember, whatever happens, you decided to bring onto yourself. Good luck with that.
I don't recall him crying when he was being nailed to the cross or I have not read it. I recall him crying on the cross for our sins and asking His Father to forgive them for they know not what they do, and he is still crying that out for you right now.

God Bless
And e cried to his father to forgive them for they knew not what they did. It was a cry of misery as well for those who put him on the cross.
He was given powers from the heavenly Father to perform miracles. But He was in the flesh, meaning He felt pain just like you and I.
for sympathy
...cause having massive spikes driven through your arms is really painful?
Because it really hurts?
Wouldn't you?
He was flesh....He still felt pain.
I would say it was because it hurts. Pretty simple huh?

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