Friday, January 15, 2010

Did the sins of all man kind , nail the lord jesus christ to the cross?

8 He was taken from prison and from judgment: and who shall declare his generation? for he was cut off out of the land of the living: for the transgression of my people was he stricken.Did the sins of all man kind , nail the lord jesus christ to the cross?
No... it was roman soldier with a hammerDid the sins of all man kind , nail the lord jesus christ to the cross?
Yes. All mankind sins.
The soul who sins is the one who will die. The son will not share the guilt of the father, nor will the father share the guilt of the son. The righteousness of the righteous man will be credited to him, and the wickedness of the wicked will be charged against him. (Ezekiel 18:20)

So no.
In a manner of speaking.


He was the lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world.

No sin, no need to be a sacrifice.

There was sin so there was a need.
only for God's elect!
Yes, the world killed the true historical Jesus. Organized religion will never let him rise from the icy tomb. Don't want to impede that river of money flowing in.
I don't believe. We should be careful about basing so much theology on a few prophesies.

But, you are free to choose your beliefs.
No! The whole idea of Sin %26amp; Salvation is baseless and a great fraud with the mankind.

Did ADAM asked me before the sin??

Every soul shall bear his own A/c.( Good / Bad ).

This fact is written in OT as well as in Quran - The Last and Final verdict of The God of Abraham - The Lord of Universe.

Sorry ! Many would not agree to your point but would say that:

';The Commandments of Christ were nailed to Cross';.

This is the reason...why Christians do not bother about OT %26amp; Real Commandments of Jesus Christ!

Inspirations of Paul from unknown ghosts is the main source of the Faith!

Sorry! If the fact herts you....
No, He went to the cross for the sins of mankind, those sins did not put Him there.
I always love this part. What sins, whose sins when sins???Sins, such a vague term that and with such a variety of interpretations. What sins did he save us from. He died and the sins-we are told by the people in the knowhow-are still going on as strong as ever.
I think it was a couple of Romans with a hammer.
Jesus Christ died for the sins of all mankind - yes!
Yeah, they r right a couple of romans with big nails and hammers.That has got to hurt,what we do to each other.
In bible study last night we were in the book of Leviticus--let me tell you I'm thankful Jesus is my savior as I dont think I could raise a sheep or bullock without blemish--could you?
an angry ent shishkabobed him for stealing apples
If you're asking for whoever literally nailed Jesus Christ on the cross, it would, indeed, I guess be the Roman soldier. However,

reading the verse within its context maybe be of help. Because of the sins of mankind, he was ';stricken,'; so in a way to certain extent, the sins of mankind of did nail the Lord Jesus Christ to the cross.
There existed specific reason for the incarnation of Jesus. It has also been prophesied. I think that one of the reason for his crucifixion is to reveal to the world the ascension which again is glorious. He has shed blood due to the sins of the people around and also to quicken their way to God. But for these revelations, people would remain ignorant of His Glory. nagarajan.
The sins of all mankind kept him on the cross that long.
YES you hit the nail on the head.all of us did
In the old testament days of Moses, Noah, David .....once a week around the Sabbath, people were required to sacrifice an animal. Different animals represented different sins. Birds, cattle, goats and sheep were the most likely candidates. They were slain and their blood was symbolic of washing away the sins of the tribe making the sacrifice. It was considered that sacrificing a young lamb was the purest and most fulfilling sacrifice of all.

When Jesus died, the Lamb of God, His sacrifice was a once and for All sacrifice. He died for the sins of those alive at that time who believed in Him AND He died for the sins of all who have believed in Him since.

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