Friday, January 15, 2010

If Humpty Dumpty was our savior, would he have sat on the cross or let those bad guys nail him to it?

Sweet Jesus, please forgive this person of his/her blasphemy.If Humpty Dumpty was our savior, would he have sat on the cross or let those bad guys nail him to it?
You need more help than anyone on this site can provide to you. But I'm sure you would look at that as a compliment...If Humpty Dumpty was our savior, would he have sat on the cross or let those bad guys nail him to it?
i dunno but he wasn't our savior and i like the one we have just fine...also he wasnt' wrong in letting those bad guys nail him to had to be done to save our souls, and he had the charge over all the angels and the power of God to stop them if he so this was what was supposed to be!!
No you can have humpty dumpty as your saviour because I already have my wonderful Saviour Jesus Christ as my Lord and Saviour
They couodn't nail him up, his shell woulod crack and what a mess that would be
but he wasnt
well this got a chuckle...... hmmm how do you know Jesus wasn't as fragile as Humpty Dumpty? Were the Romans able to bring Jesus back to life or even put him together again??? Food for thought
Is that what you learned in kindergarten class today?

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