Sunday, January 17, 2010

Why is God not able to make a person perfect for heaven, instead he needs to nail his son up to a cross?

to shout he can rise again to save you?

Why can he not just take a man like myself that is seeking after him and searching to BECOME perfect and God comes down from heaven and shows the man how to walk like Jesus. So the man was a sinner but is now perfect and following after Jesus in the spirit. Why do you think he chose the blood, or do you believe there is another way with Jesus other then the cross.

Jesus only said I am the way the truth and the life, the only way to the father is threw me, he did not say I am the way the truth and the life, the only way to the father is nail me up to a cross so I can rise again.

How would I not be righteous for heaven if Jesus made me perfect in this life with no will of my own but to serve him? How would he find fault in me? Would I take the cross from Jesus and his suffering if he makes me perfect? If you say God is not able to make anyone perfect for heaven, tell me how you believe this or why you think Jesus is not able, that we have to keep sinning a slave to the flesh needing a messiah to nail himself up to a cross, and dance he can rise Again?Why is God not able to make a person perfect for heaven, instead he needs to nail his son up to a cross?
I was asked a Very Similar question on my website that I will post the link to it, for you.

But to sum it up - it was, it is, the sight of seeing that our sin has caused an innocent life to be taken. It was only by pouring out his blood that we can Take some it and be made whole again. If you think of the cross and do not feel the shame of your sins, you have more thinking to do.

It was the greatest act of love that is imaginable! And there is a surprise meaning behind it that I gave in my longer answer. It's there on the front page, bottom, left hand side. You can also download the (.doc) if this is read much later.Why is God not able to make a person perfect for heaven, instead he needs to nail his son up to a cross?
Honorable Elijah Muhammad through Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan teaches us

our histories are written in the stars, and that everything about us is written in a book

God formed Himself--not from a mother, but out of the dark womb of space. Space and the darkness of it became His womb and He came out of that darkness and said before there was Sun, there was a Woman. The Holy Qur'an teaches, ';From a single essence, He created the male and the female and from them, many men and women that include the Bible.'; The ';single essence'; is God Himself. We are born out of the very Nature of God. The Woman is made after the womb out of which God created Himself First, and in the Woman is the Secret of God, She is Second Self of God, She is Woman of God.

As far back Distant Pass, said a record has been kept by the Gods- Ancient ForFarthers and Mothers, it dates 76 trillion years and even Beyond to the Originator. These years (76 trillion) were divided into periods of six trillion years beyond 66 trillion years which would make the said figure 76 be 78, instead of 76 trillion. Our Solar System , Seven of them has Civilization on them

These are not Gray and Green Aliens , reptiles and Human Beings came from monkeys/apes and include Dinosaurse thats All Frabrication. In truth monkeys/apes did come from the Humans by Divine curse 6, 000 yrs ago. There were no monkeys/apes and swine(hog) beyond 6,000 yrs ago. These are Human Beings with Very Supreme Intelligence and Powers. They all have Wives and Childrens, they live span up to 1000 yrs - 1700 yrs. Bible teaches us when God comes at end of the world, he will prolong people lives. They Been here Trillions of yrs and Eons- Who seeded Earth, then Mars and Others. The are The Makers of The Heavens and Earth, Moons, Stars

They are Known in Bible , the 24 Elders and Exalted Assembly in the Holy Quran-Angelic Beings-12 Major and 12 Minor- God Scientists or Supreme Scientist(Gods) and in other sacred Books of the world. One of Them is Most Supreme, Best Knower, He under many names

Who are the twenty-four (24) elders found in the Book of Revelation? How do the twenty-four (24) elders square with ';Us'; in the Bible and ';We'; in the Holy Qur'an? Who is the ';us'; and who is the ';we';? There are twenty-four (24) Supremely Wise (Scientists) who do the work of producing Bible and Qur'an. He said we make History {or Bible or Qur'an} to equal the circumference of our home (Earth): one year for each mile. So the book that is written contains twenty-five thousand (25,000) years of history written in advance. Who rules that cycle of History is called - Supreme, Best Knower-God in Person. Scriptures say This One Knowledge or Wisdom has no limit, it is Eternal and Will Make New Heave

There is no God Living Who was here in the Creation of the Universe, but They produce Gods from Them and Their Wisdom lives in us to Make us Gods or Children of God and Woman is Key to Kingdom of God, Advance Supreme Civilization, establish on Earth and Universe.

There cannot be a new world except that there is a new and better understanding of the female, which will give us (men) a clearer understanding of self and above all, a clearer understanding of (God). In the Bible, (God) declares, 鈥淏ehold I make all things new. Since, the womb of our mother is sacred, then, this teaches us that the womb of every female is also sacred, for it is from her womb that all the Scientists, Prophets, Sages, Messengers, Kings, Rulers and Gods have come and will come.

In Bible Jesus did mention , be perfect like our farther it take time or generation, also mention Jesus was ( seed ) of David, He became Son of God by Holy Spirit, been Exalted right of God, Through Wisdom, Knowledge, Understanding and Power of the Alimighty God that make Him also a God Scientists. Bible is Full Prophecies and Quran is call book of manifest because God will come and manifest Himself in Person not a spook !

God conveys His Spirit in the human form. This is the best form. There is no form better that the human form. we are not perfect yet, its a process purification to (become) reflection of God or children of God, but its is a good conveyer of the Spirit of God.
He did. man, exercising his free will, choose to violate God's command, and so, lost his perfection. God assumed human nature in order to atone for our sins, again, his perfect love at work, and did so by taking the suffering due us upon Himself. many will scoff at this, but the jews of the time did not choose to see in Christ the promised Messiah. it probably will be that way until the end of time. milton summed up the attitude of many men in his epic ';paradise lost';, where he has lucifer say, ';better to rule in hell than to serve in heaven';.
1) God did not nail Him to a tree, people did, but He allowed it. Just like we do things, we are not robots. Jesus lived the perfect life, had he not been murdered He still would have redeemed us, by just being human and perfect. Off course we know how people are, then and now. :0

2) Through one man Adam the first we lost companionship with our Creator, through another the second Adam, Jesus, we gain acces to our Creator. Jesus became our Scapegoat. (Look up the word scapegoat)

3) Jesus said it, ';I AM the way...'; Everything said by Him, is it. He does not talk in vagaries.

4) Just because you and I do not understand it, does not negate our redemption through Him. We are told ';Do not go by your own understanding...';

';Limited in his understanding and experience by his five physical senses, man compared to God is little better than an insect. His world exists for only a small distance in any direction, and yet he considers his opinion enlightened in all directions.'; Maurice Rawlings, M..D.

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