Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Jesus was a liberal is that why conservatives nailed him to the cross?

YESJesus was a liberal is that why conservatives nailed him to the cross?
Preach it brother lmaoJesus was a liberal is that why conservatives nailed him to the cross?
He wasn't really a liberal, more like a communist (in the pure sense, not the 20th century perverted sense)....the root being ';communal';.

He was killed because he was a threat to power---power of the Jewish priests and power of the Roman state.

Judea was a hotbed of social unrest, and troublemakers were not looked upon kindly.

In his day, Jesus was just another troublemaker, and he is not even mentioned in Roman literature. His manner of execution, crucifixion, was specially meant for lowlifes, so the message was quite clear.

But yes, the very CONCEPT of ';charity'; was very alien to the Romans. I'm sure they thought him very peculiar.
Don't you love how people think *they* know what political party Jesus would belong to if he was here in America today? ROFL.
Basically. I remember reading once the Sitting Bull observed once that ';these are the people who killed the son of their own god, why should I trust them?';
Could be. You might want to DUCK. The Pharisses will come after you next!
Ohhhh the Cons are not going to like this!!!! You might get reported but I have often thought the same thing!!!
What exactly made Jesus a liberal? And even if he was, wouldn't you say that most likely in today's world he'd be a moderate? The principles and values of liberalism are quite different today than they were even 100 years ago, much less over 2 centuries ago.

Liberalism favors progressiveness. I think that Jesus would be more of a traditionalist. Do you think he would favor secularism? I'm pretty sure he would not. How could the son of God want this world to progress without Christian philosophy and values influencing and guiding it? He wouldn't.

Conservatism favors tradition. This country was founded on Christian morals and values, and I believe that Jesus would want us to remain stong on those values.

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