Wednesday, January 13, 2010

What was the last thing said to Jesus Christ when he was nailed to the cross?

';Cross your feet will you, pal? I've only got one nail left.';What was the last thing said to Jesus Christ when he was nailed to the cross?
Okay, you're going to feel a mild pricking sensation....What was the last thing said to Jesus Christ when he was nailed to the cross?
It was his mother, Mary, who said, as an ordinary palestinian mother: I was telling you let politics aside. Now, see what happens!
You know that was not funny. My father is breathing breath into your body right now, do you know that he could take your breath away. You do not play with such a sacred thing. Jesus died for all that they may have right to everlasting life, and you are making jokes about his death. I pray that you will have a mind to be saved if you do not right at this moment. I pray that the Lord doesn't allow you to die before you have a chance to repent. Jesus loves you and all He wants is love from you. You are not stupid, crazy, ugly, and yes you are somebody. Allow God to change your heart from hurt to healing. He is able to do it if you want Him to. I do not know who you are but I Love You in Jesus. You have a blessed day.
Don't worry we will not keep you hanging on for much longer
Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do. (Luke 23:34)
Some yelled to him, ';Man, thats a lousy way to spend easter';
I have a sense of humour, but that wasn't really the wittiest joke someone could have come up with about a guy nailed to a cross...
';I can see my house from here';?

';I'm Brian and so's my wife';?

Did you hear he went into a hotel and put 3 nails on the counter and said 'Can you put me up for the night'?

Ho hum. Always look on the bright side of life....
I haven't looked at the answers to this question yet - but my guess is this . . .

You are a bogus feeder account, asking a question that can irritate many folks, and one in which you can create numerous 'answers', feeding points (gaming) to many of your other bogus accounts - betcha most of the answerers here are below level 3?

Now I'm gunnna 'count' who's answered - and I'll be back with the info (in 'edit) . . .

Oh - answer to your question?

NO one can know what anyone says, before death, unless they personally were 'there' = which I'm certain, none of us alive today are qualified to claim/ . . .

EDIT = 4 answers above level 3 - out of 23 submitted . . .
that is sick.
Nothing to do with religious conviction as I have none. Thats just plain nasty.
im not religious but i think you're kinda punching below the belt there! oooooooooooooh dear!
';This may smart a bit..';

';Do you want some sun screen?';

';You got a nice spot here';
if i am not mistaken is was '; father please forgive them ';
Don't worry, you won't feel a thing.

Or was it.......?

I have no sense of humour sorry.
Did that really hurt sorry mate but i'm only doing my job only started this morning and ive never been good at hitting the nail straight first time.
shame these romans havnt heard of no more nails.
You will not need a jacket where you are going !!!
That was doig the rounds when I was at school!!!! Iam well past 50 now!
with the quickness of thy fist yea may be stricketh from this godly earth,or you may get reported for abuse by those who have no sense of humour. good taste is not a prerequisite for joining the the site . LF
Ha ha ha - very funny !!!!!!

I'm not laughing at the joke though - I'm laughing at the fact, its obvious by the joke %26amp; your comments that you are so full of anger that you actually the type of person that needs Christianity !!!!!!!

Well bear this in mind........Despite your comments there will be a lot of Christians (myself included) who have seen this question WILL ACTUALLY BE PRAYING FOR YOU TONIGHT !!!!!

PS - If you find a bottle on the beach %26amp; rub it and a Genie does not come out - It's because you were not rubbing it hard enough.
Any regrets?
See you in hell bro and bring along a bag of weed while your at it.

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